Shocking reveal: Australia Post employee nabbed for doing what at work?!

The reputation of Australia Post workers has taken a hit in the past months, with accusations of laziness and tardiness in deliveries.

Recently, an incident involving a postie has taken these criticisms to an entirely new level. The worker was caught red-handed—not misdelivering or mishandling mail—but rather, taking a nap in a hammock during work hours.

The act was carried out in a public park under a pergola, with the postie's bicycle strategically positioned to provide a semblance of privacy.

A resident, initially concerned for the man's wellbeing, approached him only to discover that the worker was fast asleep, snoring with a radio playing in the background.

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An Australia Post employee was caught sleeping during work hours. Credit: Facebook

'For the last 12 months or so (I) have come across this postman sleeping on the job...he is in full view of golfers and walkers,' the resident reported.

The resident expressed frustration at the postie's behaviour, labelling it as 'lazy' and speculating whether this could be the reason behind the recent delays in his mail delivery.

The image of the sleeping postie in his hammock was posted online, sparking a wave of reactions.

Many were taken aback by the premeditated nature of the act, noting that the hammock must have been packed before his shift, indicating a planned midday siesta.

Concerns were also raised about the potential for mail theft while the worker was off in dreamland.

However, not everyone was quick to condemn the postie. Some suggested he might have been on his break when the photo was taken.

'If he's on a break, then who cares? I'd nap, too. But if he isn't on a break, shame on him,' one commenter wrote.

‘Most likely on his break. Who cares as long as I get my mail and parcels? Better than having these things not turn up,’ someone pointed out.

A third social media user said: ‘They are allowed to stop for a break, eat lunch, sleep if necessary. Their bike and scanners are also GPS-guided navigators.’

They added: ‘The team leader will call them if they don’t move for over an hour. So don’t think negatively, you better not disturb them, they have long hours to deliver.’

Australia Post responded quickly to the incident, stating: ‘Australia Post was previously made aware of this matter and, following an investigation, appropriate disciplinary action was taken.’

However, they declined to provide further details.

Last month, a video of Australia Post workers aggressively tossing parcels into a delivery van caused outrage among social media users. A company spokesperson acknowledged the seriousness of the issue and apologised for the incident. You can learn more about this incident here.

Key Takeaways
  • An Australia Post worker was spotted seemingly sleeping on the job in a hammock in a public park.
  • A resident took a photo of the sleeping post worker and posted it online. They expressed anger at the incident, citing they noticed their mail being late in recent months.
  • The image posted online garnered mixed reactions: some were concerned about the safety of unsupervised mail during the postie's nap, while others suggested that he was on his break.
  • Australia Post confirmed they had already been made aware of the incident and had taken appropriate disciplinary action but declined further clarification.

What are your thoughts on this incident, members? Have you had any unusual encounters with your local postie? Share your stories in the comments below.
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Hubby was a posti, started at 4.30am, sorted, then had lunch at 7.30 till 8.00. Delivered all mail, then clocked off. Never heard of this, how times Have changed.
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Oh come on! The posties all start sooo early (4am some of them). They can nap on their break and it’s nobody’s business!!!
That is not what the guy should do. EVERYBODY in full time work is being paid for approximately 8 hours. It does not matter from what time a shift starts - he should go to bed early if he starts at 4:30am or thereabouts. If he starts in the late afternoon then he needs to adjust bedtime accordingly. He chose the job, so he must abide by the hours - no one made him take a job with odd hours, that is/was his choice. Office workers, for example, cannot just decide to ‘down tools’ and have a nap; they still have to work the full 8 hours with just a break for lunch and morning tea. That is what they are paid for.

So don’t say ‘it’s nobody’s business’. If he’s on a break then a nap is fine, but one person has said she’s seen this happening over 12 months or more.
No wonder the mail delivery is so slow.
I received some paperwork today that was posted from an area about 6 hours from my home, ,5 days ago.
And yet I received a parcel from Temu in 6 days which had to come by air and go thru customs.
I think AustPost must send all their mail by slow camel train via
Last year on tracking a parcel from overseas, I discovered it had been sitting in the AustPost depot in Welshpool (Perth) for three weeks
I was told it was because of the floods, only problem being there had been no floods anywhere at all between their depot and my home.
Terrible service.
In saying that though I should give a shout to our local postie here in our little town. He always does a great job.
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The reputation of Australia Post workers has taken a hit in the past months, with accusations of laziness and tardiness in deliveries.

Recently, an incident involving a postie has taken these criticisms to an entirely new level. The worker was caught red-handed—not misdelivering or mishandling mail—but rather, taking a nap in a hammock during work hours.

The act was carried out in a public park under a pergola, with the postie's bicycle strategically positioned to provide a semblance of privacy.

A resident, initially concerned for the man's wellbeing, approached him only to discover that the worker was fast asleep, snoring with a radio playing in the background.

View attachment 35564
An Australia Post employee was caught sleeping during work hours. Credit: Facebook

'For the last 12 months or so (I) have come across this postman sleeping on the job...he is in full view of golfers and walkers,' the resident reported.

The resident expressed frustration at the postie's behaviour, labelling it as 'lazy' and speculating whether this could be the reason behind the recent delays in his mail delivery.

The image of the sleeping postie in his hammock was posted online, sparking a wave of reactions.

Many were taken aback by the premeditated nature of the act, noting that the hammock must have been packed before his shift, indicating a planned midday siesta.

Concerns were also raised about the potential for mail theft while the worker was off in dreamland.

However, not everyone was quick to condemn the postie. Some suggested he might have been on his break when the photo was taken.

'If he's on a break, then who cares? I'd nap, too. But if he isn't on a break, shame on him,' one commenter wrote.

‘Most likely on his break. Who cares as long as I get my mail and parcels? Better than having these things not turn up,’ someone pointed out.

A third social media user said: ‘They are allowed to stop for a break, eat lunch, sleep if necessary. Their bike and scanners are also GPS-guided navigators.’

They added: ‘The team leader will call them if they don’t move for over an hour. So don’t think negatively, you better not disturb them, they have long hours to deliver.’

Australia Post responded quickly to the incident, stating: ‘Australia Post was previously made aware of this matter and, following an investigation, appropriate disciplinary action was taken.’

However, they declined to provide further details.

Last month, a video of Australia Post workers aggressively tossing parcels into a delivery van caused outrage among social media users. A company spokesperson acknowledged the seriousness of the issue and apologised for the incident. You can learn more about this incident here.

Key Takeaways

  • An Australia Post worker was spotted seemingly sleeping on the job in a hammock in a public park.
  • A resident took a photo of the sleeping post worker and posted it online. They expressed anger at the incident, citing they noticed their mail being late in recent months.
  • The image posted online garnered mixed reactions: some were concerned about the safety of unsupervised mail during the postie's nap, while others suggested that he was on his break.
  • Australia Post confirmed they had already been made aware of the incident and had taken appropriate disciplinary action but declined further clarification.

What are your thoughts on this incident, members? Have you had any unusual encounters with your local postie? Share your stories in the comments below.
I love our postie. We live on a battleaxe lot with a very long driveway. If the mail doesn't fit securely in our box, she drives down to the house to deliver it and stops for a bit of a chat. Lovely lady! I have complained more than once about couriers leaving valuable items under the mailbox where anyone driving past could steal them. The postie never does. She is always very careful to ensure things are left in a safe place if we are not at home - out of the harsh sun, protected from any possible rain, out of easy view of a potential thief but somewhere she knows we will see it. And Aust Post usually sends a text alert also so we know to look for a delivery.
On the rare occasions we've had mail go astray, Aust Post staff have been very helpful in locating it promptly and arranging delivery. And when I wanted to return an item to a supplier who sent an incorrect product, they didn't charge me for the return but said they would arrange to collect the fee at the other end, even though the supplier had not consented to pay for the return postage.
I think their service is excellent, though no doubt some individual employees let them down at times.
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The reputation of Australia Post workers has taken a hit in the past months, with accusations of laziness and tardiness in deliveries.

Recently, an incident involving a postie has taken these criticisms to an entirely new level. The worker was caught red-handed—not misdelivering or mishandling mail—but rather, taking a nap in a hammock during work hours.

The act was carried out in a public park under a pergola, with the postie's bicycle strategically positioned to provide a semblance of privacy.

A resident, initially concerned for the man's wellbeing, approached him only to discover that the worker was fast asleep, snoring with a radio playing in the background.

View attachment 35564
An Australia Post employee was caught sleeping during work hours. Credit: Facebook

'For the last 12 months or so (I) have come across this postman sleeping on the job...he is in full view of golfers and walkers,' the resident reported.

The resident expressed frustration at the postie's behaviour, labelling it as 'lazy' and speculating whether this could be the reason behind the recent delays in his mail delivery.

The image of the sleeping postie in his hammock was posted online, sparking a wave of reactions.

Many were taken aback by the premeditated nature of the act, noting that the hammock must have been packed before his shift, indicating a planned midday siesta.

Concerns were also raised about the potential for mail theft while the worker was off in dreamland.

However, not everyone was quick to condemn the postie. Some suggested he might have been on his break when the photo was taken.

'If he's on a break, then who cares? I'd nap, too. But if he isn't on a break, shame on him,' one commenter wrote.

‘Most likely on his break. Who cares as long as I get my mail and parcels? Better than having these things not turn up,’ someone pointed out.

A third social media user said: ‘They are allowed to stop for a break, eat lunch, sleep if necessary. Their bike and scanners are also GPS-guided navigators.’

They added: ‘The team leader will call them if they don’t move for over an hour. So don’t think negatively, you better not disturb them, they have long hours to deliver.’

Australia Post responded quickly to the incident, stating: ‘Australia Post was previously made aware of this matter and, following an investigation, appropriate disciplinary action was taken.’

However, they declined to provide further details.

Last month, a video of Australia Post workers aggressively tossing parcels into a delivery van caused outrage among social media users. A company spokesperson acknowledged the seriousness of the issue and apologised for the incident. You can learn more about this incident here.

Key Takeaways

  • An Australia Post worker was spotted seemingly sleeping on the job in a hammock in a public park.
  • A resident took a photo of the sleeping post worker and posted it online. They expressed anger at the incident, citing they noticed their mail being late in recent months.
  • The image posted online garnered mixed reactions: some were concerned about the safety of unsupervised mail during the postie's nap, while others suggested that he was on his break.
  • Australia Post confirmed they had already been made aware of the incident and had taken appropriate disciplinary action but declined further clarification.

What are your thoughts on this incident, members? Have you had any unusual encounters with your local postie? Share your stories in the comments below.
These posties start their day very very early. They just don't jump on their bike & go, most of them have to sort all the mail into streets on their delivery run, then house numbers & decipher some appalling writing whilst doing this task. They deliver in the cold of winter, the heat of summer & even in the rain . They have to contend with dogs jumping savagely at them over the fence, branches from trees & shrubs swiping them, getting wet from sprinklers that people have left on, people backing out of driveways & nearly collecting them & the list goes on, so you people can get your mail. So what if he is taking a nap. Is it hurting you? Is it any of your business? Did any of you go up & ask this person if he was OK? I bet the answer is no to that one. These people need medals not criticism & some of you people who complained should be ashamed of yourselves. Get a life. There are far more tragic things going on than a postie taking a break.
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These posties start their day very very early. They just don't jump on their bike & go, most of them have to sort all the mail into streets on their delivery run, then house numbers & decipher some appalling writing whilst doing this task. They deliver in the cold of winter, the heat of summer & even in the rain . They have to contend with dogs jumping savagely at them over the fence, branches from trees & shrubs swiping them, getting wet from sprinklers that people have left on, people backing out of driveways & nearly collecting them & the list goes on, so you people can get your mail. So what if he is taking a nap. Is it hurting you? Is it any of your business? Did any of you go up & ask this person if he was OK? I bet the answer is no to that one. These people need medals not criticism & some of you people who complained should be ashamed of yourselves. Get a life. There are far more tragic things going on than a postie taking a break.
It's their job, unfortunately, like most jobs, there is the good and bad.
Nonetheless, people are entitled to get the service they paid for, which does not include delivery drivers chucking their parcels around.
Nor should that delivery driver be sleeping, leaving people's mail open to theft while he's snoozing. I'm sure that's not part of his job description.
If he needs a sleep during his working day, then perhaps being a postie is not the job for him.
You are harsh. You don't know his background. Did you ever think he may be going through a rough time? Maybe he is working 2 jobs to keep his head afloat & provide for his family, children or sick parents. At least he is working, obviously doing his job or he would have been sacked. At least he is working & not on government welfare like so many others. Not all posties throw parcels around. That was not very nice to label everyone like that. I worked for A.P. for many years & I can tell you, I felt like throwing the parcel at the addressee many times. No he probably did make a bad move being out there where people can see him. Had he finished his deliveries do you know? Is he an employee of A.P. or a contractor?
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