Shocking new Kmart security trial at self-serve checkouts sparks controversy!

Have you ever had the awkward experience of having a checkout staff member approach you and tell you that you’re scanning an item correctly? If yes, then you’re not alone.

Kmart has been trialling a new security camera system at self-serve checkouts in selected stores across Australia, which already has some customers on edge.

Groundbreaking but also highly controversial new security measures have been introduced by Kmart at its self-serve checkouts, which are now using camera vision and artificial intelligence (AI) to detect when items have not been scanned properly.

According to Kmart, when the new system detects a missed scan, the register will pause and allow the shopper to correct the purchase scan before calling a Kmart staff member over.

Screenshot 2023-12-08 092000.png
A new security trial at Kmart’s self-service check-out counter sparks controversy from shoppers. Image: Youtube / @Australian Life TV

The checkout team member will then be able to watch the footage to ensure that the goods were scanned correctly or not—and this, of course, has caused some shoppers to feel uneasy.

The store was quick to justify its new security measure in a statement, saying, 'In the current cost-of-living crisis, we are proud to be able to continue to offer the same low (or even lower) prices to customers.’

'The reason we are exploring technology options like this, as many others in the industry have already done, is because they have been shown to be effective in managing what is becoming a larger issue in Australia and help us continue to keep prices low for the vast majority of our customers who are doing the right thing,' they added.

‘The technology that is being trialled here is that which other large retailers and supermarkets use and detects items that have been incorrectly scanned so the customer can double-check they’ve scanned all their items.’

‘For the vast majority of our customers, there will be no impact on their shopping experience. Customers can opt-out by having a team member assist them in their checkout, and there is signage in-store explaining the purpose of the trial.’

This same AI and camera technology had also been implemented at Woolworths in 2022, and the feedback from customers was equally negative.

This move by Kmart is understood as a way to combat the recent influx of theft. It has also prompted other stores to have increased surveillance to track every customer's move.

In Coles, for instance, overhead cameras monitor each aisle while enhanced AI technology tracks scanning at checkout. There are new 'smart' lock gates that automatically close if someone tries to bolt without paying.

You can read more of that story here.

The security system has been criticised by some supermarket shoppers in the past, saying that they feel like they’re being ‘treated like a criminal’.

'I’m sick of standing waiting for assistance because they think I’ve stolen something,' one customer said.

It’s fair to say that these new security measures have caused a stir—and while they may prove effective in combating Australia’s larger theft issue, it's certainly making some shoppers reconsider the notion of convenience when shopping.

Not only do you never know when the cameras might trigger, but you’ll be subject to unexplained delays if it does happen. It’s no wonder consumers are feeling targeted.

Key Takeaways
  • Kmart has initiated a new security camera system trial at self-serve checkouts in selected Australian stores.
  • The technology uses camera vision and AI to detect when items may have missed scanning.
  • The system pauses the register allowing the customer to correct the purchase before a Kmart staff member is required.
  • Kmart says that the technology will assist in keeping prices low for customers and that other large retailers and supermarkets use similar systems.

What do you think of this story? Are you conscious of constantly being watched during self-service check-outs? Let us know in the comments below!
If they want the items to be scanned properly "PUT SOME PEOPLE ON THE CHECKOUTS" We are not trained to do this, we are not paid to do this, so stop trying to involve us with this technology. Kmart want it I don't. Since all this crap has come into KMART I don't shop there as much. I don't like the checkouts in the middle of the store and I don't like feeling like a criminal when I walk out of the store.
If they want the items to be scanned properly "PUT SOME PEOPLE ON THE CHECKOUTS" We are not trained to do this, we are not paid to do this, so stop trying to involve us with this technology. Kmart want it I don't. Since all this crap has come into KMART I don't shop there as much. I don't like the checkouts in the middle of the store and I don't like feeling like a criminal when I walk out of the store.
I totally agree. I went into my closest KMart a few months ago & hadn't realised that they had checkouts in the middle of the store. I never use self-checkout so my shopping trolley was observed by a real person so they knew I had put everything out for checking. Then they wanted to go through my shopping at the store entrance. No thank you. I have never been back there & won't be going back.
JB Hi-Fi have had their checkout in the middle of the store for years but I don't have the hassle by staff at the entrance as I leave & there's plenty of stuff in that store that could be stolen by a dishonest person.
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I always get someone to help in Kmart on the normal registers, I dont' like it in the middle of the store either and then having to go through your purchases again at the exit point. As for my JB Hi Fi Store, they check and stamp your receipt as you go out. As elaine41 said they have had their check out in the middle of the store for years. I noticed the electronic gates in Coles yesterday. We are all being treated as criminals for a few.
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Is that it? I thought it was something really important? It's just another dig at self serve checkouts🙄

In KMart I scan everything normally. Put it in my trolley again. Hold the receipt and get the barcode scanned by the person at the exit. It's no big deal.
Same with JB. Buy and pay for something, then show the receipt at the exit.

All the people that keep going on about hating them. DON'T use them. Don't keep going on they should get rid of them. It's a choice for their customers and I much prefer using them.
I totally agree. I went into my closest KMart a few months ago & hadn't realised that they had checkouts in the middle of the store. I never use self-checkout so my shopping trolley was observed by a real person so they knew I had put everything out for checking. Then they wanted to go through my shopping at the store entrance. No thank you. I have never been back there & won't be going back.
JB Hi-Fi have had their checkout in the middle of the store for years but I don't have the hassle by staff at the entrance as I leave & there's plenty of stuff in that store that could be stolen by a dishonest person.
but you still have to show the receipt of purchase(s) at JB, not as confident that this isn't similar.
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WHAT! Fancy being told you are scanning CORRECTLY what a waste of the attendant's time. or is this a misprint?
So AI has taken over brains. Don't worry about selfserve checkouts. Very soon AI will add up your purchase and debit your card as you shop. No checkouts, no staff and no brain power. Problem solved
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If they want the items to be scanned properly "PUT SOME PEOPLE ON THE CHECKOUTS" We are not trained to do this, we are not paid to do this, so stop trying to involve us with this technology. Kmart want it I don't. Since all this crap has come into KMART I don't shop there as much. I don't like the checkouts in the middle of the store and I don't like feeling like a criminal when I walk out of the store.
Simple don't even walk into the store.
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If they want the items to be scanned properly "PUT SOME PEOPLE ON THE CHECKOUTS" We are not trained to do this, we are not paid to do this, so stop trying to involve us with this technology. Kmart want it I don't. Since all this crap has come into KMART I don't shop there as much. I don't like the checkouts in the middle of the store and I don't like feeling like a criminal when I walk out of the store.
Exactly band there are no discounts for useing that device that saves these company millions a year Best way is just to use a manned teller or go else where
for God's sake people ,get a life. I work in retail and the amount of theft is alarming.And who pays for this theft, the consumer.If you have a problem with this just wait for the manned teller. I agree there should be more of rhem but i am assuming most people reading this are seniors and have a little time to wait for a teller. If this is all you have to complain about think yourselves lucky!!!
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I always get someone to help in Kmart on the normal registers, I dont' like it in the middle of the store either and then having to go through your purchases again at the exit point. As for my JB Hi Fi Store, they check and stamp your receipt as you go out. As elaine41 said they have had their check out in the middle of the store for years. I noticed the electronic gates in Coles yesterday. We are all being treated as criminals for a few.
I have never had my receipt checked & stamped as I leave my JB Hi-Fi store. Nor have I had my bag checked on leaving the store.
for God's sake people ,get a life. I work in retail and the amount of theft is alarming.And who pays for this theft, the consumer.If you have a problem with this just wait for the manned teller. I agree there should be more of rhem but i am assuming most people reading this are seniors and have a little time to wait for a teller. If this is all you have to complain about think yourselves lucky!!!
Even waiting for a manned teller in KMart does not stop you from being stopped at the front of the store to have all your bags searched. I never use self-checkout. If they put the checkouts back where they should be - at the exit from the store - then there would be far less opportunity for people to steal as they would go through the checkout where the staff can see the trolley is empty & then leave the store immediately.
So AI has taken over brains. Don't worry about selfserve checkouts. Very soon AI will add up your purchase and debit your card as you shop. No checkouts, no staff and no brain power. Problem solved
Amazon Fresh already do that, but at the moment it's only in the UK and USA. You walk round the store and theres lots of sensors and cameras everywhere and they know everything you buy and takes your payment at the end.
So AI has taken over brains. Don't worry about selfserve checkouts. Very soon AI will add up your purchase and debit your card as you shop. No checkouts, no staff and no brain power. Problem solved
That is already happening in son stores in Europe.
It's only a matter of time that it starts here.
So AI has taken over brains. Don't worry about selfserve checkouts. Very soon AI will add up your purchase and debit your card as you shop. No checkouts, no staff and no brain power. Problem solved
was an episode of towards 2000 many years ago say this was how shopping would be in the next 20 years. Weren't that far out.

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