Shocking footage reveals a drunk woman thrown off a Southwest Airlines flight—You won’t believe what she did!

It may be one of our modern world's greatest conveniences, but air travel, for so many of us here, can also be a major cause of frustration.

With rules and regulations aplenty, not to mention hardworking crews having to deal with the challenging and often unpredictable behaviours of passengers, flights can be an absolute nightmare.

A video online captured the incident when a Southwest Airlines flight attendant kicked a couple off a plane after one drunk woman was reportedly seen doing cartwheels and backbends in the terminal.

The video, initially shared on Reddit in June, showed an upset flight attendant and an airline staff member barring the couple from boarding the aircraft prior to departure.

The flight attendant, whose identity remains undisclosed, repeatedly told the couple that they needed to walk away, saying they were ‘jeopardising the safety of this aircraft’.

Airlines reserve the right to deny boarding to passengers who appear to be excessively intoxicated or disruptive. Image source: Reddit

‘You're flipping all over the ground, you're engaging, you're loud, you want attention from everybody,’ the flight attendant told the woman. ‘The whole entire crew saw it and all of us are in agreement that you cannot come on here.’

The man, who was with the woman accused of being drunk, began recording the moment and commented, ‘You appear to be shaking’.

In response, the flight attendant said she was feeling angry and concerned that the couple's behaviour posed a threat to her safety as well as the safety of others on the plane.

In fact, the Southwest employee said she personally saw the woman in the airport and noticed her drinking alcohol in the terminal.

A Reddit user commented that they weren't surprised to see the flight attendant nervous: ‘Yes she's a stewardess, not a bouncer and she doesn't know how crazy you douchebags are going to get.’

Thousands of users discussed the woman's apparent state of intoxication and her slurred speech throughout the video.

The woman, who claimed to work with children, tried to justify the cartwheels and backbends she did in the airport, while the flight attendant remained firm.

At one point, she requested a sobriety test from the flight attendant, with slurred speech, and then mentioned her intention to upload the video online.

Eventually, the woman admitted to consuming at least one glass of wine, which the flight attendant cited as the reason for asking them to leave.

In a video clip, a drunk woman admitted to having consumed just one glass of wine, while a flight attendant explained why she could not board the plane. Image source: Social media (@dailymail)

‘I did have one glass of wine,’ the woman confessed.

‘And so because you’ve admitted it, I’m not going to allow you to come on this aircraft today,’ the flight attendant pointed out.

The woman slurred, ‘So, anyone who's had one glass can't board this plane.’

The flight attendant responded firmly, stating: ‘Anybody who’s exhibiting behaviour of being intoxicated is not allowed to come on to an aircraft.’

The woman asked, ‘Do I seem intoxicated to you right now?’

The flight attendant replied without hesitation, ‘Yes, you do.’

The video continued with the woman expressing her need to board the plane because she had kids waiting for her at home.

The flight attendant responded, ‘Well, that's unfortunate.’

Just before the clip ended, the flight attendant informed the couple that they were breaking federal aviation rules by recording her without permission.

She then requested another employee to delete the video, but it appeared that this didn't happen.

The video has become ‘popular’ on social media where it garnered over nine million views and reactions from viewers.

Some comments included:

‘They were super drunk, so I don't blame her. Liability.’

‘Good for the flight attendant. She handled herself really well.’

‘Cartwheels down the skybridge? Um, bye-bye.’

‘LMFAO (laughing my f**ing a** off), Southwest needs to give her a raise, IDK (I don’t know).’

On Reddit, many users also discussed the situation:

‘Flight crews essentially act as an extension of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and they're trained to prevent visibly drunk individuals from boarding,’ wrote one user.

They also mentioned that alcohol affects people differently at higher altitudes, and the flight attendant might have been trying to protect the couple from themselves.

‘At higher altitudes, the effects of alcohol and drinking can be more pronounced than at lower elevations,’ Shah Law Firm said. ‘Due to the lower oxygen levels, people tend to get drunk faster, which leads to greater impairment in judgement and coordination.’

However, not everyone supported the flight attendant, with some suggesting that she appeared ‘smug’ and was enjoying a ‘power trip’.

Passengers who are already intoxicated before boarding a flight will not be allowed to board. However, it is only considered an offence to become drunk on board if your behaviour becomes offensive or unruly and poses a threat to the safety of the flight or fellow passengers. Image source: Pixabay

They raised points such as:

‘Since when can't you be drunk on a plane? I often see people completely drunk on planes and at the airport, LOL (laughing out loud).’

‘Seems like someone didn't make the high school cheerleading squad.’

‘I don't really like the attitudes of either of them, to be honest.’
Key Takeaways

  • A video posted online shows a Southwest Airlines flight attendant refusing to allow a couple to board a plane.
  • The flight attendant claims to have seen the woman performing drunken cartwheels and consuming alcohol in the airport.
  • The video resulted in a strong reaction on social media with many supporting the flight attendant's response.
  • Comments raised issues about intoxication levels in the air and the potential safety risks involved.
Members, what are your thoughts on this story? Do you believe the flight attendant made the right call by refusing boarding, or do you think it was an overreaction? Please share your opinions in the comments below!
My questions are :
Why is alcohol available to travellers in airports? It's not an essential part of boarding a plane.
Why is alcohol available to travellers on the plane? Again, not essential.
When are breath tests going to be carried as part of check in?

I do admit. Neither hubby or I drink any form of alcohol. So, I suppose I have a bit of a jaded view of people who over-indulge. When we are in a situation where alcohol is served, it's interesting to sit and watch how peoples' behaviour changes the more they drink. I don't travel. Perhaps its just as well.
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Drunk people seem to lose all sense of responsibility and only think about themselves. Alcohol should be limited if people have flight tickets.
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Good on the hostess, so I er loud mouthed drunken yobbos on planes
We pay good money for air travel and shouldn't have to put up with these
I still don't understand why people need to drink in the airport, or for that matter on the plane.
In the very least people should be permitted only to have a set amount of drinks on a flight, surely it's not that hard for staff to keep a record in the galley.
I enjoy a drink as much as the next person but don't really see the necessity while flying
Even on the longest flights, if you can't go a day or two without a drink then perhaps you have a problem.

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