Shocking exposé reveals how disability provider bilked $1 million in NDIS claims

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a much-needed lifeline for many across the country who live with disabilities. It’s a system designed to support the vulnerable, providing them with the care and assistance they rightfully deserve.

Unfortunately, a recent report has revealed that the system has been allegedly victimised by fraudulent claims and infiltrated by a devious disability provider.

In a startling revelation, the provider was apprehended for allegedly amassing a staggering $1 million through fraudulent NDIS billings in a month.

The accused party is suspected of being a part of an expansive criminal network, leveraging unscrupulous tactics and manipulating the system to lodge false claims through actual NDIS beneficiaries.

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A provider has been accused of lodging false claims through legitimate NDIS participants. Image source: Shutterstock

Recent investigations into the occurrences unravelled the provider's alleged misuse of a staggering 50 unique Australian Business Numbers (ABN) for false service charges.

A notebook, privately maintained by the provider, was discovered, detailing the fraudulent claims amounting to an alarming $940,632 in 30 days.

A single transaction recorded within even trumped a bulky $496,000.

Responding to the revelation, Disability Services Minister Bill Shorten expressed immense disappointment and assured the joint task force of NDIS and National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), aptly referred to as the Fraud Fusion Taskforce, would likely lead to the permanent banishment of several providers caught in fraudulent practices.

In his statement to the press, Shorten highlighted the true purpose of the NDIS, stating, 'This scheme is not about creating NDIS millionaires or giving crooks a fast buck.'

Fraudulent practices within the NDIS arena are not new. Over the past few years, several instances have come to light:
  • A female provider from the Northern Territory casually overlooked her non-registered status and was subsequently barred permanently from the scheme following her conviction on charges of gross indecency and assault.
  • Similarly, a South Australian man faced a two-year ban from the NDIS for falsely posing as a mental health worker despite his notorious criminal past laden with dishonesty, trespassing, and unlicensed firearm charges.
  • In New South Wales, a woman employed by an unlicensed provider was banned for five years for sexual misconduct.
  • A 2023 NDIS investigation revealed that private buyers were charged $1,300 less for a wheelchair than those on the scheme, and a shower chair cost NDIS buyers nearly $1,000 more.
Spearheaded in November 2022, the Fraud Fusion Taskforce has plunged into more than 100 suspected fraud cases involving upwards of $1 billion in NDIS funds.

By January 31, the investigations had risen exponentially to 184 from just 28 in September 2021.

Around 20 NDIS providers are facing court proceedings for alleged fraud, which amounts to $18.5 million.

To weed out illegitimate practices from the NDIS, Shorten appointed Michael Phelan as the interim NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commissioner.

A former Australian Federal Police deputy commissioner and Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission ex-chief, Phelan is well-positioned to turn the tide against fraudsters and criminal syndicates victimising the NDIS.

Drawing attention to the gravity of the situation, Phelan commented, 'Every single dollar we can save through money that's not being defrauded, or rorted, or over-serviced, gets back to the participants who need the money most.'

Phelan posits that fraud could account for nearly 20 per cent of the $42 billion scheme, totalling over $8 billion each year.

‘The levels [of fraud] that we saw were astronomical,’ he shared. ‘The thing about criminals and organised criminals is that they always try and stay a step ahead. So the idea for us is to try and target-harden the system.’

Under Shorten’s leadership and with Phelan's expertise, the NDIS aims to maintain a sustainable trajectory, capping expenditure growth from an annual 14.4 per cent to 8 per cent.

To this end, the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission has already imposed 128 fraud-related compliance actions against fraudulent providers and individuals, including 61 banning orders, 20 suspensions of registration, and 21 revocations of registration.

Similarly, the concerted efforts of Services Australia under the Fraud Fusion Taskforce have culminated in 90 active investigations, with an estimated total value of $15.2 million.

The elaborate nature of this fraudulent practice raises several pivotal questions concerning the existing loopholes in the system. How does such fraud occur, and most importantly, how can it be prevented?

Understanding how this behaviour destroys the effectiveness and purpose of the NDIS can aid in deterring potential schemers and ensuring the rightful claimants continue to receive needed assistance.

When it comes to seeking assistance for disability services, it is crucial to utilise registered service providers and verify the credibility and legitimacy of all involved, ensuring that the scheme's funds are properly utilised for the betterment of those truly in need.
Key Takeaways
  • A disability provider has been caught allegedly billing $1 million in fraudulent NDIS claims in just a month.
  • The provider used coercive tactics and 50 separate ABNs to facilitate fake claims, with investigators uncovering a notebook detailing the fraudulent activities.
  • Disability Services Minister Bill Shorten and the NDIS-NDIA fraud taskforce are cracking down on fraud, potentially dozens of providers facing permanent bans from the scheme.
  • Michael Phelan, the interim NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commissioner, has been tasked with targeting fraudsters and criminal syndicates to protect the scheme's funds and ensure they reach those most in need.
What do you think of this story, members? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
If you are already in the system for NDIS before aged care pension age then that means you’re covered. You cannot be accepted if you apply after you qualify for a pension as that’s a different scheme. Well that’s how it worked two years ago when I worked in disability. Maybe things have changed. The poor lady who has not been accepted, in my opinion, has slipped through the cracks. I know many with lesser issues who are using NDIS. Like someone suggested, a good GP would probably be the best place to start and a decent case worker.
If you are on the age pension you apply for MAC
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I have tried twice to apply for NDIS with out any luck. I have to use a walker and crutches to get around my house. The walker is for shopping and walking my dog each day at a very slow pace. I have oesto arthritis curvature of the spine my right foot is full of oseto arthritis my left knee. I have had a knee replacement of the right knee ten years ago. It was a successful operation but the recovery process was very traumatic the pain side didn't bother me there was other problems that are to long to go into. I said never again. I have a chronic lung condition due to scarring from many bouts of pneumonia so if course l have breathing issues. Also l have frybomialgia and the flare ups are agony. But in saying all this l am 61 years old. I still do all my house work with great difficulty everyday. I cannot look after my garden anymore. I need help to get dressed and undressed. I can no longer drive because l cannot climb into the driver's seat. And l cannot turn my head to do head checks. Also l have spinal steniouses.
Also l do suffer with depression and anxiety which l have since l was a teenager.
In saying all this. I am not disabled enough for NDIS.l have six steep steps at the front of my house which l would removed and replaced with a ramp.If my house could take a wheel chair l would be using one.
I say to myself there are other people who need help more than l do.
I did ask for some one to please come to my home and see me.
No. It's sad to think there are people who have no disability taking what they are not meant to have is very sad. I only hope Karma does not come back to them and they may need NDIS help one day because they have stolen from people who really need it they may be knocked back.
Kind regards Vicki
I am so sorry to hear of your plight and no reaction from Aged Care and NDIS. Too often we hear of cases like yours & wonder who is the approving person - do they have rocks in their heads instead of brains? Please keep trying and be persistent or write to your local member (it may help). I hope you get some assistance, and get it soon. My best to you.

My brother has a disabled child who is now 25 (wife walked away when the boy was under 10 & brother has struggled to look after him; he has been non verbal from birth, bad scoliosis resulting in his body now being at a 45 degree angle. He has an unusual, and not often heard of, disability called Angelman’s syndrome. He has had to fight very, very hard but now does get government assistance; however one of the NDIS providers (to me a very, very unscrupulous one) charged the department over $8000 (yes $800+) for a special seat for his shower. It must be a gold one at that unbelievable cost!
I have tried twice to apply for NDIS with out any luck. I have to use a walker and crutches to get around my house. The walker is for shopping and walking my dog each day at a very slow pace. I have oesto arthritis curvature of the spine my right foot is full of oseto arthritis my left knee. I have had a knee replacement of the right knee ten years ago. It was a successful operation but the recovery process was very traumatic the pain side didn't bother me there was other problems that are to long to go into. I said never again. I have a chronic lung condition due to scarring from many bouts of pneumonia so if course l have breathing issues. Also l have frybomialgia and the flare ups are agony. But in saying all this l am 61 years old. I still do all my house work with great difficulty everyday. I cannot look after my garden anymore. I need help to get dressed and undressed. I can no longer drive because l cannot climb into the driver's seat. And l cannot turn my head to do head checks. Also l have spinal steniouses.
Also l do suffer with depression and anxiety which l have since l was a teenager.
In saying all this. I am not disabled enough for NDIS.l have six steep steps at the front of my house which l would removed and replaced with a ramp.If my house could take a wheel chair l would be using one.
I say to myself there are other people who need help more than l do.
I did ask for some one to please come to my home and see me.
No. It's sad to think there are people who have no disability taking what they are not meant to have is very sad. I only hope Karma does not come back to them and they may need NDIS help one day because they have stolen from people who really need it they may be knocked back.
Kind regards Vicki
I suggest you contact OPAN a as nd see if they can help. It’s old person assistance network
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Getting a good case worker is so important. The way things are worded on the application makes all the difference. Plus, many of the people who make the decisions really don’t know enough about disability. Yes they have basic training but they lack the understanding of people’s needs. It’s the luck of the draw if you manage to get someone with a bit of experience who has seen first hand what people need in their lives.
That's a rort as well. They list all the charges, making them seem OK then take $70 per hr for cleaning, but pay the cleaner $35-$40 per hr. Found an ad for one looking for staff quoting those pay rates and have first hand evidence of wharpt they take from the home care package. I would bet they all do the same thing, hidden profits we don't see.
My aged care provider is a not for profit company. I think from what the workers tell me, they are good to work for. I have had a few rotten workers but on the whole they are excellent. I was forced onto the Aged Pension by Centrelink from the Disability Pension, so I wouldn't quality for NDIS< I have friends who are on NDIS and have had companies rip them off. At least with my aged care provider you get a statement every month so you can see the charges. I wouldn't change companies, they offer good value for money, if my humble opinion.
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When there is easy money readily available, there will always be crooks who knows how to manipulate the system. Hard to find hard working, honest and reliable workers nowadays!
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The cut off age for NDIS is 55, some group/s are halfheartedly lobbying to to have the age increased. NDIS will not and does not have a "section" to cover ANY medical. However, for example, if one is wheelchair bound NDIS will cover a carer, cleaner, lawns mowed, etc.
The Cut off Age is 60 not 55 as you State
Trouble with the NDIS and the Age Care, when they were first introduced, suddenly there were Providers that we had not heard of. As I worked in Age Care, with a Company with a Great Reputation, not only myself but my Co Workers suddenly noticed these (pop up) Providers. Also we noticed that Staff (supposedly AIN`s) were unsuitable dressed. I still see it today. Especially in Shopping Malls Any Provider who started when NDIS and the new Age Care System came into place need to be investigated. I often report what I know to COTA and National Seniors, Advocates for the Aged and Disabled.
I have tried twice to apply for NDIS with out any luck. I have to use a walker and crutches to get around my house. The walker is for shopping and walking my dog each day at a very slow pace. I have oesto arthritis curvature of the spine my right foot is full of oseto arthritis my left knee. I have had a knee replacement of the right knee ten years ago. It was a successful operation but the recovery process was very traumatic the pain side didn't bother me there was other problems that are to long to go into. I said never again. I have a chronic lung condition due to scarring from many bouts of pneumonia so if course l have breathing issues. Also l have frybomialgia and the flare ups are agony. But in saying all this l am 61 years old. I still do all my house work with great difficulty everyday. I cannot look after my garden anymore. I need help to get dressed and undressed. I can no longer drive because l cannot climb into the driver's seat. And l cannot turn my head to do head checks. Also l have spinal steniouses.
Also l do suffer with depression and anxiety which l have since l was a teenager.
In saying all this. I am not disabled enough for NDIS.l have six steep steps at the front of my house which l would removed and replaced with a ramp.If my house could take a wheel chair l would be using one.
I say to myself there are other people who need help more than l do.
I did ask for some one to please come to my home and see me.
No. It's sad to think there are people who have no disability taking what they are not meant to have is very sad. I only hope Karma does not come back to them and they may need NDIS help one day because they have stolen from people who really need it they may be knocked back.
Kind regards Vicki
Where abouts do you live. If Feros Care are in your area you can ring Head Office at Coolangata. They do both Age Care and NDIS. NDIS must have cut the Age limit as before it was 65
What about My Aged care for over 65
MyAgedCare is the same as NDIS. Full of loopholes and a way for the provider to make large profits without taking care of those in need. The providers are getting huge amounts of money for doing as little as possible. There really needs to be a sensible look at aged care and disability care.
I am so sorry to hear of your plight and no reaction from Aged Care and NDIS. Too often we hear of cases like yours & wonder who is the approving person - do they have rocks in their heads instead of brains? Please keep trying and be persistent or write to your local member (it may help). I hope you get some assistance, and get it soon. My best to you.

My brother has a disabled child who is now 25 (wife walked away when the boy was under 10 & brother has struggled to look after him; he has been non verbal from birth, bad scoliosis resulting in his body now being at a 45 degree angle. He has an unusual, and not often heard of, disability called Angelman’s syndrome. He has had to fight very, very hard but now does get government assistance; however one of the NDIS providers (to me a very, very unscrupulous one) charged the department over $8000 (yes $800+) for a special seat for his shower. It must be a gold one at that unbelievable cost!
That should have been $8000+ and not $800+ in the brackets. My typo.
That's the same as Silver Chain here in WA. What Silver Chain charges My Aged Care they pay their Nurses half that amount.
you can look around for reputable Providers and if they really want you, they will make the change over very easy. They will do 99% of the work. Again, if you are in an area that Feros Care are, get in touch with them. Unfortunately they don`t (at the moment) do Age Care above Bunderburg.
The Cut off Age is 60 not 55 as you State
@Robbo1955, yesterday I was corrected to 65, now, being a member of this site qualifies me as a senior, which I am, 1953, life today is confusing enough. One gets halfway between the front door and the car when you suddenly wonder whether you are coming or going, why only the other day I was halfway down the road to the station when I realised that I had left the car keys at home and had to drive back to get them!
NDIS is crooked 100%!!! Teen ages living in hotels, eating take away everyday. Person is lying!!! How can that be???
I don't know. Linda Reynolds didn't do a crash hot job did she?
They're all the same, down the pub when they should be working, or in the arms of their lovers when they're away from their wives and husbands.
What about My Aged care for over 65
Talk about NDIS, then have a look at MyAgedCare. Each month my statement is incorrect. I wonder just how the very elderly, those with seeing problems or just not financially literate get on? They are just being ripped off. NDIS seems to be in the same basket.
It all needs a big make over. And soon.
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Talk about NDIS, then have a look at MyAgedCare. Each month my statement is incorrect. I wonder just how the very elderly, those with seeing problems or just not financially literate get on? They are just being ripped off. NDIS seems to be in the same basket.
It all needs a big make over. And soon.
Same as the childcare fiasco, houses supposedly filled with middle Eastern children for years and millions of dollars, and guess what, not a child to be seen, no jail time either, if they were Aussies they'd be in jail for decades. It's a fukn joke, our government isn't prepared for what some cultures are capable of, and what crimes they will commit, murder is the tip of the iceberg.

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