Question 1: In Australia, what is traditionally the proper way to address a judge?
Question 2: Who first proposed the idea of a "greenhouse effect" to explain how Earth's atmosphere traps heat?
In 1824, French mathematician and physicist Joseph Fourier first proposed the idea that Earth's atmosphere acts like an insulating blanket, allowing solar radiation in but preventing heat from escaping - similar to how a greenhouse works. This became known as the "greenhouse effect".
Question 3: How old is the Aboriginal culture in Australia, according to recent archaeological findings?
Aboriginal Australians have one of the oldest continuous cultures in the world. New research and artifacts have found evidence of Aboriginal settlements dating back over 65,000 years ago.
Question 4: Where was the Dow Jones Industrial Average first calculated?
The Dow Jones Industrial Average was first calculated in 1896 in financial offices near Wall Street by Charles Dow, a financial journalist who also founded Dow Jones & Company and The Wall Street Journal. The index initially included just 12 companies and was priced at 40.94.
Question 5: In which year was Tutankhamun's tomb discovered?
The discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb by Howard Carter in 1922 is one of the most significant archaeological finds in history. The nearly intact tomb provided enormous insight into the life and culture of ancient Egypt.
Question 6: What animal appears on Canada's 5-cent coin?
The beaver was given official status as an emblem of Canada in 1975. This large, primarily nocturnal, semiaquatic rodent is known for building dams, canals, and lodges. It has been featured on the Canadian five-cent piece since 1937.
Question 7: What is the national bird of the United States?
The Bald Eagle is one of the largest birds in North America and it has become a symbol of the power and freedom of the United States and its people.
Question 8: Where did the popular 1970s fashion trend called "bell-bottom pants" originate from?
Bell-bottom pants were originally designed and worn by sailors in the British Royal Navy. The flared pant legs were pragmatic, as they could be easily rolled up during wet conditions and allowed for easy removal if the sailor needed to abandon ship.
Question 9: What term describes the variety of life in a particular ecosystem or on Earth as a whole?
Biodiversity refers to the variety and variability of life on Earth. It is a measure of the range of organisms present in different ecosystems. This can refer to genetic variation, ecosystem variation, or species variation within an area, biome, or planet. Biodiversity is important because it provides numerous essential services for humans and all other species.
Question 10: In what year did the Hubble Space Telescope launch into orbit?
The Hubble Space Telescope was launched on April 24, 1990 aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery. It orbits above Earth's atmosphere, capturing extremely sharp images of distant galaxies, planets and stars.
In court, parties/legal practitioners refer to the judge as ‘Your Honour’.