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Consider yourself coloured True Blue, Veggiepatch! I always tell my authors to turn OFF their pc autocorrect and spellchecker and get a real Macquarie dictionary if they want to publish in our great southern land. It is comprehensive, heavy, doesn’t use batteries and is great for stopping roaches from running over your feet when you are writing late at night.Autocorrect wants me to convert everything to AmericaniSations!
ColoUr me surpriSed!!!
This is getting VERY ANNOYING. The first question has answers that have no relationship to the question. Could you PLEASE check these puzzles before posting them!!!
Does that mean if all was OK you would have achieved only 30%SDC screwed up question 1 this time, l only got 50%
Yeah but Cap'n Kirk wiped them out .Q 1 - Such is life.
Q 2 - Who gives a red rats a$#e about celebrities. And WTF is so special about these pathetic Cardasheeins.
As far as I am concerned, a Cardassian is a species of humanoid alien sentient beings that first appeared on Star Trek. The others are just wankers (with minimum intelligence.
Me too. LOLI got 50% today.
Thank goodness the chemical symbol for mercury is Turkey - it got me a pass.