SDC members react To $2.34 a day Centrelink pension increase

Last Thursday, we shared the news of Centrelink’s September 20 indexation. It was confirmed that recipients of the Age Pension, Disability Support Pension and Carer Payments can expect an increase of $32.70 a fortnight for single pensioners and $49.40 for couples ($24.70 each) to go into effect later this month.

The increase comes as part of the twice-yearly indexation and provides an additional $2.34 per day.

Missed the news? You can catch up on the full article here.

But what did SDC members have to say? We’ve compiled a selection of comments below.

Of the increase, member @TessM had this to say: ‘Not really that much for the Age Pension, but better than nothing, I guess.’

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What will you spend your $2.34 per day on? Image Credit: Shutterstock

Member @Rob44 said: ‘Wow. Amazing! The utter generosity! Just over $26,000 per year for the single bloke's pension! It might even be $27,000 a year! That was the poverty level for a family back in 1989. What are our politicians getting, just as allowances? Well, the Mayor of Melbourne City gets a pittance of a wee bit more than $250,000pa, and even our long-suffering Melbourne City Councillors get $57,000pa. Thank goodness the LNP Premier of Tasmania has just had a pay rise of $161 000 pa.; otherwise, the poor dear might starve and not be able to afford heating.’

‘The generosity of Australia to its elderly is stunningly amazing!’ they continued.

Member @Glo72 said: ‘I am glad that I will get a rise. Every dollar is a help.’

Member @ChristyMahon said: ‘This is bull****. 3L of milk at local supermarkets in this 2799 region is now $6.50 (price increase since last pension increase: 50%), and diesel is now $2.10 (increase since last pension increase: 10.5%. I could go on to demonstrate the CPI figures used by the government are purposefully fraudulent. The actual CPI increase since March is in the region of 40% for staple commodities. The actual pension increase: 3%.’

Member @PeeBo added: ‘What a bl**** joke this interval payment is. It is a joke that the single and couple payments are so vastly different when both have the exact costs for electricity, rates, mortgage, and transport. The only things that come slightly cheaper for a single are clothes and food.’

‘The cost of living has risen so much that this rise is lost on the first shop of the year, not to mention the increase in rates and electricity. I am a single pensioner and have been monitoring costs. My food bill is about the same every fortnight, with no luxuries, just the bare basics. Just before COVID, the shopping bill averaged $5.70 an item; last week, an almost identical shop was $8.67 per item. And it is still increasing.’

‘I don't have the ability because of health to go and earn extra. If I could, I would. The job I did have was when Centrelink had the robot fiasco, and I had to pay back just $ 8,000 initially. They said it was $24000 until I questioned, but I still got stung for an overpayment, which should have been about maybe $600, an error on my part on declaring.’

‘The government does not care about pensioners and just needs to be seen doing, while they hand out millions of extras on badly organised infrastructure contracts and handing out handouts to overseas countries whose people hardly see the benefit of such charity.’

Member @Janmf said: ‘I’m very grateful for the rise, but the way that everything has risen, it won’t make much difference. My friend and I were saying that this is the first time that we have ever had to really watch what we spend on food. The little chocolate or bikkie no longer exists. She is on JobSeeker and is very lucky to own her own home. I’m still paying a mortgage, but we are both better off than having to rent.’

Member ‘IAN3005’ said: ‘An insult to the intelligence... enough for 1/2 tank of petrol. We need an increase of $628.29 a month as rent has increased by that much. Give me a break.’

As member@granmacub aptly put, the increase ‘barely scratches the surface for 99% of pensioners’.

The reactions to this announcement highlight the complex and varied experiences of those who rely on the age pension to make ends meet.

So how do you feel? What is $2.34 per day going to do for you? We want to hear from you, so have your say in the comments below.

We hope that by amplifying the voices and perspectives of Centrelink pensioners and SDC members, we can foster greater empathy, understanding, and advocacy. The more our voices are heard, the greater the chance of change.

If this situation has brought up unpleasant emotions, please consider contacting one of the many mental health hotlines listed here for support. And remember, you’re never alone.
I would like to see the political employees get a rise of $30 a fortnight lol. How would they like it. It's ridiculous we live below the poverty line. We need a large increase that would enable us to be able to buy meat & fish. I live off baked beans, rice & noodes & veg. Eggs are getting so expensive but I will not buy caged eggs. That's my only one extravagant purchase. When will we get help.
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Although grateful for the extra $2+ per day, I look at the recent Federal & State politicians getting around $40,000 ($109.50 per day) increase - no publicity about that - plus increases in their allowances, I am concerned they will be unable to manage on such a small increase to their $200,000+ salaries and 14% superannuation :) > all their whingeing about the "cost" of pensions cutting into the budget & silent about the increasing costs of government feeding on the taxpayer trough, makes me think they are living in a bubble totally divorced from reality, but to be fair, they do talk about worrying about the poor people not being able to put food on the table & do nothing about fixing that. Sincerity at its lowest
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I am lucky enough to own my own unit. I did work hard for it. Just about all my bills I pay fortnightly or monthly by direct debit. That way I don't get a large bill come in. I am grateful for any assistance I receive .
Age pensioners should send all their utility bills council rates etc to the government and ask how on earth are we expected to pay this with the lousy paltry pension you pay us. No doubt, pensioners have to dip into their savings to make ends meet, accounts are fast depleting. Therefore, I pay all these greedy utility late, and I mean late - only when the final notice arrives in the mail. Age pensioners have done their bit for the country, we have paid taxes over many years to build the infrastructure the younger ones enjoy today. We should not be treated like this. The government must increase the age pension to allow us to live above the poverty line.
Yes but thats means you pay only $260 each ....I live alone and pay $400 Yyou try and do that and eat as well
what i wouldlike to know is what arse the govt gets it cost of living increase from in the first place as its bullshit and how centrelink work it out is a load of crap
IF a person on the dole gets $56 AND a sinble parent gets $156 dollars why are pensioners only get $32
After all most dollies are not looking for work otherwise they would do anything and so they should and as far as single payment goes these baby making machines now with their income get payed more than anyone when you add maintennance payments and rent relief and no council rates and do not have to look for work 14 years at a time What did the govt spend on submarines $380 billion yet pensioners $32
Where do the govt get the money for those and yet cannot find money for pensioners carers and the disabled
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$2.34 will not get you nothing not milk bread coffee wait and see what goes up
My baker just put a loaf of bread 50 cents saying due to cost and overheads,while grocery shopping at w/w this morning I noticed white wings cornflour went up 70 cents ,so what chance does anyone have to live comfortably,when prices go up as they do.
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You are given nothing, you paid for this over many years in taxation a%of your tax was meant for your pension
Simply paying Income Tax entitles no one to an Aged Pension. I still pax Tax and believe that a portion should be put towards the Pension and distributed by the Government. I do not receive the Age Pension.
Amazing how some people continually whinge about the pension they receive....a lot of counties pay nothing to their elderly, they have to work till they die!
We should be very thankful to receive any money. It's just a matter of budgeting and not wasting money on stuff that we don't need.
How many people still seem to find the money to gamble and buy alcohol etc. Lots of things we can do without as we age.
We paid taxes all our working lives that was supposedly to cover the pension ,and are now fed peanuts.the feds got their greasy hands on the money and used it for other spending .
i am not a drinker,smoker or gambler and save before I buy anything I might need. So we are entitled to have a whinge that’s our right.
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I fear it will never change - No government can afford to really look after the elderly because our voting strength is decreasing by the day. Better to keep the gravy train going from big corporations that pay big to have their particular product or service put on the agenda.
That’s reality, and I know I have to do the best I can to get by - if I was in my home country I would be getting a fraction of what we get here with none of the travel/ health benefits and free events we are offered here and would have worked there and paid tax etc for no reward at the end of it.
The cost of moving countries half way through your life is huge on your career and your children’s lives, but I wouldn’t change a thing!
I find myself having to count my blessings more these days though!
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I come under the (Commonwealth Health Support Program) CHSP, because if I joined the Aged Car Package Deal I would have to pay the Provider nearly $84 per week(that includes Saturday and Sunday) because I get a part pension. With increase in costs, food, rates, insurance, gardening, and repairs to the house I cannot afford to enter into that and pay that much each week regardless whether I use them or not. Whenever I try to get help under the CHSP scheme I am told "there are no vacancies, but if I joined the Package Deal they could find someone for me", because the providers get more money. I have tried to get Vouchers for Hydro therapy for exercises, but even though I have told pool owners about the Vouchers they are not interested. I can't do Aquaerobics as they are too hard for me. We are not covered for massages at all, which eases the pain, instead of taking the pain killers that doctor prescribe with all the side affects. Maybe they are available in the city but apparently not in the rural areas. Even the local private hospital who have an indoor heated pool are not interested in accepting the Vouchers. So much for the Government saying they will help us stay in our homes.
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As a well known 20th Century singer sang - smile and the whole world smiles with you - maybe some of you are living beyond your means?
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Last Thursday, we shared the news of Centrelink’s September 20 indexation. It was confirmed that recipients of the Age Pension, Disability Support Pension and Carer Payments can expect an increase of $32.70 a fortnight for single pensioners and $49.40 for couples ($24.70 each) to go into effect later this month.

The increase comes as part of the twice-yearly indexation and provides an additional $2.34 per day.

Missed the news? You can catch up on the full article here.

But what did SDC members have to say? We’ve compiled a selection of comments below.

Of the increase, member @TessM had this to say: ‘Not really that much for the Age Pension, but better than nothing, I guess.’

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What will you spend your $2.34 per day on? Image Credit: Shutterstock

Member @Rob44 said: ‘Wow. Amazing! The utter generosity! Just over $26,000 per year for the single bloke's pension! It might even be $27,000 a year! That was the poverty level for a family back in 1989. What are our politicians getting, just as allowances? Well, the Mayor of Melbourne City gets a pittance of a wee bit more than $250,000pa, and even our long-suffering Melbourne City Councillors get $57,000pa. Thank goodness the LNP Premier of Tasmania has just had a pay rise of $161 000 pa.; otherwise, the poor dear might starve and not be able to afford heating.’

‘The generosity of Australia to its elderly is stunningly amazing!’ they continued.

Member @Glo72 said: ‘I am glad that I will get a rise. Every dollar is a help.’

Member @ChristyMahon said: ‘This is bull****. 3L of milk at local supermarkets in this 2799 region is now $6.50 (price increase since last pension increase: 50%), and diesel is now $2.10 (increase since last pension increase: 10.5%. I could go on to demonstrate the CPI figures used by the government are purposefully fraudulent. The actual CPI increase since March is in the region of 40% for staple commodities. The actual pension increase: 3%.’

Member @PeeBo added: ‘What a bl**** joke this interval payment is. It is a joke that the single and couple payments are so vastly different when both have the exact costs for electricity, rates, mortgage, and transport. The only things that come slightly cheaper for a single are clothes and food.’

‘The cost of living has risen so much that this rise is lost on the first shop of the year, not to mention the increase in rates and electricity. I am a single pensioner and have been monitoring costs. My food bill is about the same every fortnight, with no luxuries, just the bare basics. Just before COVID, the shopping bill averaged $5.70 an item; last week, an almost identical shop was $8.67 per item. And it is still increasing.’

‘I don't have the ability because of health to go and earn extra. If I could, I would. The job I did have was when Centrelink had the robot fiasco, and I had to pay back just $ 8,000 initially. They said it was $24000 until I questioned, but I still got stung for an overpayment, which should have been about maybe $600, an error on my part on declaring.’

‘The government does not care about pensioners and just needs to be seen doing, while they hand out millions of extras on badly organised infrastructure contracts and handing out handouts to overseas countries whose people hardly see the benefit of such charity.’

Member @Janmf said: ‘I’m very grateful for the rise, but the way that everything has risen, it won’t make much difference. My friend and I were saying that this is the first time that we have ever had to really watch what we spend on food. The little chocolate or bikkie no longer exists. She is on JobSeeker and is very lucky to own her own home. I’m still paying a mortgage, but we are both better off than having to rent.’

Member ‘IAN3005’ said: ‘An insult to the intelligence... enough for 1/2 tank of petrol. We need an increase of $628.29 a month as rent has increased by that much. Give me a break.’

As member@granmacub aptly put, the increase ‘barely scratches the surface for 99% of pensioners’.

The reactions to this announcement highlight the complex and varied experiences of those who rely on the age pension to make ends meet.

So how do you feel? What is $2.34 per day going to do for you? We want to hear from you, so have your say in the comments below.

We hope that by amplifying the voices and perspectives of Centrelink pensioners and SDC members, we can foster greater empathy, understanding, and advocacy. The more our voices are heard, the greater the chance of change.

If this situation has brought up unpleasant emotions, please consider contacting one of the many mental health hotlines listed here for support. And remember, you’re never alone.
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wait till the yes vote gets up....we'll have about 50 or 69 new aboriginal politicians to pay for,...just what we need ..extra politicians (and their staff).that we don't really need....We could have been the most powerful country in the world ,abundant natural resources, that we cant afford to dig up and smelt,so we sell the crude, instead of refining and sell, (stupid country) AUSTRALIA..mismanagement at its worst...we could have been the best!!
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I am soooo mad at this insult while we watch the politicians get massive pay increases We are totally insulted to be treated like second class citizens. I started work at 18 and worked and paid my taxes till i was 65……… thanks for nothing you fat cats.
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The Pension hasn't always been indexed.

I believe the Government needs to go back to 15 years before Indexation started, work out as a % what the Pension should have been had Indexing been in force, convert this to $'s & do this for the next fourteen years, total up 15 years of shortfall & add this amount to the current Pension payment to, in a small way, bring us up to a liveable income.

A member mentioned Superannuation. I was forced to retire at age 47, 24 years ago without Super. I was unable to afford this because money was tight then on a wage but worse on a Pension. Correctly stated above; a Politician could not live on a Pension & l believe has never tried doing this for a week or a month.
Pollies sometimes support a charity with an overnight sleep outdoors, but not one has done this for a longer period & / or on a Pension at the same time!!!
Simply paying Income Tax entitles no one to an Aged Pension. I still pax Tax and believe that a portion should be put towards the Pension and distributed by the Government. I do not receive the Age Pension.
I have known several people who could not get a Pension because they had too much money. Is that the reason why you do not receive an Aged pension?
Being entitled to a Pension & receiving this is different to not satisfying conditions & not receiving a Pension. Every working person pays tax (unless this is cash in hand), & expects to receive some of this back in retirement unless they don't satisfy 'the rules'. My stepmother was happy to admit she couldn't get a Pension. We calculated that at death with Super, bequeathed properties plus her own property & cash, she was worth approx. $4 million.
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