Safe Driving Advice
I would like to share an experience with my friends about drinking and driving.
This might save you the cost and embarrassment of being arrested for ‘DUI’ (Driving Under the Influence)!! It could save yourself!!
As you know, people have been known to have unexpected brushes with the authorities from time to time,
often on the way home after a "social session" with family or friends.
Well, two days ago, it happened to me. I was out for the evening to a Christmas Party and had more than several margaritas,
coupled with a bottle of rather nice red wine. It was held at a great Mexican restaurant!!
Although relaxed, I still had the common sense to know I was slightly over the limit.
That's when I did something I've never done before - I took a taxi home!
Sure enough on the way home there was a police roadblock, but since it was a taxi they waved it past,
and I arrived home safely without incident. These roadblocks can be anywhere, and I realized how lucky I was to have chosen to take a taxi!!
This was a real surprise to me, because I had never driven a taxi before. I don't know where I got it, and now that it's in my garage.
I don't know what to do with it.
So, anyway, if you want to borrow it give me a call.
Be safe out there! -- From the worlds latest Taxi Driver, Mickidgaf