There is the Grandfather, Father & son. Only 3 people are fishing. The grandfather is the father of his son. His son is the father of his son.Goooood morning Riddle Masters!
I bet you are all ready for our third and final riddle of the week. So without further ado, here it goes:
Two fathers and two sons went fishing one day. They were there the whole day and only caught three fish. One father said, that is enough for all of us, we will have one each. How can this be possible?
Ooooh this is a tough one, isn't it? Have a long, hard think about this one members, and make sure you read it nice and slowly...
If you think you know the answer, post it in the comments below. As always, our 'spoiler' button will hide yours and others' answers. To reveal these answers, simply click the 'spoiler' button! But have a go at it first and do your very best not to cheat...
Good luck and Happy Riddle-ing!
Looks like I missed the deadline again. Congrates to those that got their names on the list.Hey Riddle Masters!
Oh my goodness! You guys have done it again!
There were over 260 of you who got the answer correct that we cannot fit all of your names in tomorrow’s newsletter. So here is your very well-deserved shoutout.
Congratulations to the following riddle masters:
Kathy Bull, LindaRobinson, CazY, Possum Lover, O'Rourke, vsevans, Gordy1, Bawdyandy, NanaAnge, Malcolm, Dizzy, Loco1, Ricci, Dot, Sally from Seymour, Jennylolo, Miss Chris, Nannafaye, Miss Chris, Sheriella, Cheryl W, Helen4, Gerlinde Turchin, Jasmine, craftannie, kathymac, Lochiedog, GrannyMae, Zanylady, Sherill L., Southmelbswans, Marrampark, Donalda, Ray Black, Cahan, Victor Jackson, Cindym58, Cookie56, Mazda52, Happymad, Heathert, Big Al, JustJude, chean5410, 6Pence, Thedowntons, Topher, Terry Parsons, kangie 56, terri, chezna, Terry Parsons, rosejack, Agnes, Plow, Joydie, MarieT, Jock1908, Jo-Jo, cwtears, Leeann, Big M, Jacqui7, JayKay, Kerry, Ken_Westgarth, Dougal, Martyvr, Bob K, Annewithane, BrendaS, Vicki M, Fionali, Panda Senior, Sue A., Shirley R, Bros, Ian Smith, Maxie58, Sandy Montague, TopCat21, Bev., Thecheesequeen, Johnnomac, Sheen, simongirl, Dodie Berry, Helen171, SharonMareeMiller, Rhondi, Beatie, Leeta069, Yvonne C., nann, Beatie, DrChip, PhilipM, Shane H, Gazman, Kathie, Akldhawkes, fergy, Marriab, Karen Luttrell, Jan A, LALA, GRANDMA Bev, Gerada, tiger, Shazamac57, Mistydolphin1, BJM, glennm257, Debstoytime, Judany, Suemalloo, John R, Gil, Sunshine45, DebbieMJ23, Shirley catt, suegriffiths, vsalmon, Tony Delaney, LindaD, Judy12, Chrissyboy27, TrenaJ, janj, ChrisUren, saundy, gigi03, Joanne Lord, Janell, andy, jenny, Wittyjo, Lynni, Rubyroo, Strawb, Lynda J, Raels011, Dav, Aggie, Tenaj, Hi Ho Silver, Chrisalis, Glo72, Vcook, JohnG, nannybev, Rea, Yudka, kerry.bernard, Maiyon, Lorraine44, NolaP, CharlesH, Cliffparish, Pennyb, Michael K, LinRos76, PATRICIAR, Max, Freeman27, Lindyway, Kaybee, Joyem, Hewy57, Robert Harsley, Abinme, Rosie53, glenglen, Retiree46, Howard, margaretritchie48@hotmail, Phyll, Gatson, rest1953, Sandygwalk, mariner8381, Beppie51, KevinS, Michael Roberts, Jennie Kirby, AnneD, Ladyjay, Colleen M, Cribbagemaster, reggiesmum2, Suziecuzie56, Peter Fowl, Fitcho, Vicki.E., Heather R, Bev W, Tony McCabe, Dee Sharee, Grovesy,, Darron, Glendal, Stphnfntn, benaxb, Lily, BobR, Wendy, Grigori, Hemiman265, olivertwist40, wrigs17, Manks, Red Gem, Cinders & AussieMeg.
Keep up the good work members!![]()
Goooood morning Riddle Masters!
I bet you are all ready for our third and final riddle of the week. So without further ado, here it goes:
Two fathers and two sons went fishing one day. They were there the whole day and only caught three fish. One father said, that is enough for all of us, we will have one each. How can this be possible?
Ooooh this is a tough one, isn't it? Have a long, hard think about this one members, and make sure you read it nice and slowly...
If you think you know the answer, post it in the comments below. As always, our 'spoiler' button will hide yours and others' answers. To reveal these answers, simply click the 'spoiler' button! But have a go at it first and do your very best not to cheat...
Good luck and Happy Riddle-ing!
I didn't see my name there and I had the right answer!!!! .?????Hey Riddle Masters!
Oh my goodness! You guys have done it again!
There were over 260 of you who got the answer correct that we cannot fit all of your names in tomorrow’s newsletter. So here is your very well-deserved shoutout.
Congratulations to the following riddle masters:
Kathy Bull, LindaRobinson, CazY, Possum Lover, O'Rourke, vsevans, Gordy1, Bawdyandy, NanaAnge, Malcolm, Dizzy, Loco1, Ricci, Dot, Sally from Seymour, Jennylolo, Miss Chris, Nannafaye, Miss Chris, Sheriella, Cheryl W, Helen4, Gerlinde Turchin, Jasmine, craftannie, kathymac, Lochiedog, GrannyMae, Zanylady, Sherill L., Southmelbswans, Marrampark, Donalda, Ray Black, Cahan, Victor Jackson, Cindym58, Cookie56, Mazda52, Happymad, Heathert, Big Al, JustJude, chean5410, 6Pence, Thedowntons, Topher, Terry Parsons, kangie 56, terri, chezna, Terry Parsons, rosejack, Agnes, Plow, Joydie, MarieT, Jock1908, Jo-Jo, cwtears, Leeann, Big M, Jacqui7, JayKay, Kerry, Ken_Westgarth, Dougal, Martyvr, Bob K, Annewithane, BrendaS, Vicki M, Fionali, Panda Senior, Sue A., Shirley R, Bros, Ian Smith, Maxie58, Sandy Montague, TopCat21, Bev., Thecheesequeen, Johnnomac, Sheen, simongirl, Dodie Berry, Helen171, SharonMareeMiller, Rhondi, Beatie, Leeta069, Yvonne C., nann, Beatie, DrChip, PhilipM, Shane H, Gazman, Kathie, Akldhawkes, fergy, Marriab, Karen Luttrell, Jan A, LALA, GRANDMA Bev, Gerada, tiger, Shazamac57, Mistydolphin1, BJM, glennm257, Debstoytime, Judany, Suemalloo, John R, Gil, Sunshine45, DebbieMJ23, Shirley catt, suegriffiths, vsalmon, Tony Delaney, LindaD, Judy12, Chrissyboy27, TrenaJ, janj, ChrisUren, saundy, gigi03, Joanne Lord, Janell, andy, jenny, Wittyjo, Lynni, Rubyroo, Strawb, Lynda J, Raels011, Dav, Aggie, Tenaj, Hi Ho Silver, Chrisalis, Glo72, Vcook, JohnG, nannybev, Rea, Yudka, kerry.bernard, Maiyon, Lorraine44, NolaP, CharlesH, Cliffparish, Pennyb, Michael K, LinRos76, PATRICIAR, Max, Freeman27, Lindyway, Kaybee, Joyem, Hewy57, Robert Harsley, Abinme, Rosie53, glenglen, Retiree46, Howard, margaretritchie48@hotmail, Phyll, Gatson, rest1953, Sandygwalk, mariner8381, Beppie51, KevinS, Michael Roberts, Jennie Kirby, AnneD, Ladyjay, Colleen M, Cribbagemaster, reggiesmum2, Suziecuzie56, Peter Fowl, Fitcho, Vicki.E., Heather R, Bev W, Tony McCabe, Dee Sharee, Grovesy,, Darron, Glendal, Stphnfntn, benaxb, Lily, BobR, Wendy, Grigori, Hemiman265, olivertwist40, wrigs17, Manks, Red Gem, Cinders & AussieMeg.
Keep up the good work members!![]()
Grandfather,father and sonGoooood morning Riddle Masters!
I bet you are all ready for our third and final riddle of the week. So without further ado, here it goes:
Two fathers and two sons went fishing one day. They were there the whole day and only caught three fish. One father said, that is enough for all of us, we will have one each. How can this be possible?
Ooooh this is a tough one, isn't it? Have a long, hard think about this one members, and make sure you read it nice and slowly...
If you think you know the answer, post it in the comments below. As always, our 'spoiler' button will hide yours and others' answers. To reveal these answers, simply click the 'spoiler' button! But have a go at it first and do your very best not to cheat...
Good luck and Happy Riddle-ing!
depends what time you posted. I've had that happen. There must be a cut off time.I didn't see my name there and I had the right answer!!!! .?????