Hello there, our brilliant Riddle Masters!

I'm not surprised many of you got this one correct!
The official answer is...
but we also accepted:
Congratulations to these amazing members!
Littleboy8, Observer, CharlesAH, Nevertiki, JulesPalm, gaild46, KellyHollander, billy, Suemalloo, Cathy 61, Debmaree, Buzzy, Snug, Ray Black, Zareh, Suziq12, Laurie53, JoanFranklin, Helen171, Gazman, Veronica, Snaggs, spalasskyeterriers, chezna, Iggydi, BeautifulMousey, DawnBonn, Jron, mitzi1460, Chrissyfs, cberk, Glenmos, pbattershill, R1250RS, Johno54, Sharon Newbury, bigsister, steve.bryce, Viellarde, Saint Phil, gillianmg, Doug one, Bazza boy, M.Feast, gabbymck, DLHM, Vickers, Virgoros, JollyDragon, Mikev, Annewithane, Luciemcm, Fernsie, Margaret 9, DuckyD, CathyF115, IJH, Hirst1, Luckyus, lynstacker, NickyW, tbucket0564, Jancgr, Senior72, Bob Patterson, Glennbee, Rowiee, Frank1923, Southmelbswans, Uncle G, KenBruce, Janeg27, GEX5564, kath@kettins, KessaH, Christine H., catsclaws, Roh, rowanf, Winksie, west121, PeakA, CANDALYN49, KennyB, Sheriella, maggie1255, mitchell55, Jasmine, Kaybee, Morebartalk, Fisherman2320, sreidkjc, Nanajane, Sucoo, prof, Stevie Zee, Gus, Macdee, Deslei, Mezzie25, gypsygenes, violetsincas, FozzieFozz, Jo Piper3, Jennylolo, BJM
Keep it up and we'll see you in the next riddle