Hello there, Riddle Masters!

Wow, a lot of creative answers there! But the actual answer we're looking for is...
Well done to those who got it correct! Here's you well-deserved shout-out:
BeautifulMousey, Eringail56, Sherill L., Bruce&Lorraine, Alistero, Carol, BJM, shellyisme, gaild46, Neil Fraser, Dizzy, Chrissyfs, Jancgr, JollyDragon, youngy650, Suemalloo, MCF, Rowiee, Rubyroo, aoostie, simongirl, Veronica, Izzabel, Glennbee, Charlie52, Mikev, pbattershill, Paul1951, IJH, Snug, iwish2nou, AllenP, steve.bryce, MarieT, anouch, Sonning, Valerie Pollock, Sharon Newbury, cberk, Littleboy8, Helen171, Ray Black, homckelvin, tracymurry, GEX5564, Hazel John Gibson, JulesPalm, Mrtnst, mitzi1460, Phyll, Johno54, Bob Patterson, Graham Rusty, Larry, Vickers, spirit level, Michael Binns, DuckyD, Trev69, Bobsalooking, Carolyn T, Suziq12, Smartcook, Southmelbswans, chezna, Getting0ld, Willock Clara, DLHM, Nana Zorak, Highjackers, Linda51, Morebartalk, KenBruce, Grandma10, Robyn M for Mary, <Stephen>, John R, judyl45, Aussi Girl, Buzzy, Sam the Sham, Luckyus, Sue0408, Sue Canion, Kombucha56, KennyB, M.Feast, maggiej, Panred, glenglen, JTeyssier, Victor Jackson, Annewithane, Handibuy, Hirst1, Macdee, StarTrekker, rowanf, Margaret H Jackson, GrannyJen, mitchell55, Miss Chris, Janet Blythman, Kim w, CaroleAnne, GranJayne, Sandy Montague, Mezzie25, FozzieFozz, Cbr, Iris, Sooty61, sreidkjc, Fisherman2320, Gil, Ricci, marni, cblayney, Cathy 61, SandraD22, thomas, Senior72, ozjp, Luciemcm, SOLUTIONS4MEPMM, Stokr, glenysmary1947, Glenmos, Kc1, JoanFranklin, Stevie Zee, Bob K, Maicar, SandyM, Da Freddo, Keverall, Kaybee, Tigerlily57, Pam White, GretaD, Roh
Don't worry, we'll be back with more riddles for you to solve! See you in the next one