Congratulations to the following Riddle Masters who got the correct answer: Littleboy8, Bawdyandy, aoostie, snowyman, Lowey, Dizzy, Rose-Marie, Hirst1, JulesPalm, Mezzie25, chezna, gaild46, chean1210, Helen171, Annie Webster, Laurie53, Veronica, Phil_Byrne, Hazel John Gibson, Ricci, Rowiee, JollyDragon, Jancgr, Annewithane, gbaba, DuckyD, KellyHollander, pbattershill, Sheriella, Buzzy, Roh, Hewy57, Ray Black, Mrtnst, BJM, Nana Zorak, catsclaws, Linda51, NickyW, Senior72, Tilbacroc, Jennylolo, Luckyus, KennyB, rowanf, mitchell55, Gil, Macdee, MCF, Davo's Delirium, PepeLePew, Thr fonz!
Until next time, you smart bunch!