Hey riddle masters!
Oh my goodness! Another riddle falls to your sharp wits. Over 230 of you smashed yesterday’s riddle!
As promised, here's your well-deserved shout-out.
Bawdyandy, Bob K, Frank1923, Peter St, Dazzasboats, jaydee6033, saint2605, Dizzy, Ray Black, MargOS51, Chappo, Luckyus, Suzannesenior23, Phil_Byrne, B Richardson, Denotany, Skinnydude, Hirst1, Littleboy8, Mustang GT, Bhandy, PeeJay35, Sometimes sage, Suziq12, Glenmos, Emmy Im12, Marvin Kombi, candalyn49, Johno54, Joanne83, Veggiepatch, Rose-Marie, rathompson, JudithOng, Clymar, Judstar, sheilmac, Laurie53, BJM, Mervin goody, kimmonet, nire, DawnBonn, judethe obscure, Beatie, Cathy 61, firefox, Annewithane, Rozzie55, Sherill L., Tilbacroc, Lorrainer, Chezbud, Ann Melling, wooniemac, Blossom29, Aggie, Sanny, BarbieAmor, StarTrekker, Iggydi, c2moore, Tisme47, RAV4, Nanna@Goulburn, Harvey35, Graze-Ballan, darrellh, Lochiedog, steve.bryce, PeakA, chezna, Helen171, Ellen F, cberk, Sloopy, Gerlinde Turchin, Jasmine, Doug one, LyndaM, gabbymck, Roscoe44, Jennylolo, Sonning, Stefan3110, margophil@bigpond com, Rowiee, RLL, Hemiman265, Chrissyfs, Gazman, Spurt, CharlesAH, Sockjoan, MERYL greet, chean1210, Mrtnst, JulesPalm, Vikki, Macarj, Jean E., ozjp, leslie_may, Mark K, Heather T2, Elliepp, Jancgr, peter clear, Roscobro, Southmelbswans, Julia TH, Silvester, greynomadden, Observer, Joymg, Joyem, Bazza boy, woodperson, Veronica, Stphnfntn, Lily May, featherfour, olliebell61, Glennbee, Inggrid, Linda51, Francesl, Lee65, KenBruce, OldBells, Marybell, cardie, PhilipM, Aitchtee, Jac53, Gil, Suemalloo, RTS, Annie Webster, Maggie1935, Blackall, Noraya, Gsr, Senior72, thomas, pbattershill, catsclaws, Pikki, SeniorRikie, Sheridan21, Lily, WADuck, susannah.davey, DuckyD, Ittybitty, Abby2, O'Rourke, Magpie58, Nana Zorak, mitchell55, LesVG, Rhondi, Scorpion, Agnes, Davo's Delirium, Starry, Sheriella, Ian Crane-Luff, MCF, dabangler, Kerrie62, Säntis, casperdcat, Buchanfarmer, wjs1957, Janne W, simplythebeth, Roh, SandyM, Catherine, planesteam, Jo Piper3, bacadams, Bev W, jaypr, Annieline, rowanf, Mistydolphin1, Macdee, Freeman27, KennyB, Leeann, NanaAnge, Eveil, Buzzy, Swayee, Reet, Wendy, AllenP, MIZMAC, Swan, midgemills, Blackdck & Vass54.
Congratulations once again, legends! See you all in the next riddle