Hello hello, Riddle Masters!

This one is easy-peasy, eh? Congratulations to all of you of got it correct!
As we promised, we have a shout-out for you:
Bazza boy, Annewithane, Lily, KATHLEEN1961, Denotany, Carol, Coley5, Ian D, GabyP, Winksie, The Dirtman, Cheb, Glenmos, Abby2, Suzanne rose, Chrissyfs, Richard12, Colleen Lomas, pbattershill, Archibald123, KellyHollander, Buzzy, weng, Cass3215, saint2605, LMW1, Judio, Reader, marrels, peter clear, Inot54, Doug one, spalasskyeterriers, steve.bryce, Laurie53, AllenP, Littleboy8, blueevie, Dorothy Kay, Jan A, Snaggs, Mando, MelanieJune, Jennylolo, MCRAD, mitzi1460, Mrtnst, Joymg, Beatie, Hirst1, Carol-Anne, nelly28, Marvin Kombi, Stewart, Danvers, IJH, Nana Zorak, Ritaandmac, aoostie, Thr fonz, merkie, TrixieLovesTigers, BillyB, Gazman, bronco691, Glennbee, DuckyD, Mikev, MargOS51, Suemalloo, SonsofPlatinum, PhilipM, spirit level, kenrconn, Veronica, Suziq12, Andrew F, saundy, Leeann, DLHM, KenBruce, Natale, Harvey35, FCS, Vickers, Mustang GT, ChrisUren, Liz46, tbucket0564, Big Al, Frog1958, Helen171, Southmelbswans, Graham Rusty, HeatherS, HelenFB, leslie_may, LucieB, Jancgr, Brumby43, Laney68, gizzy, Big Buzz, GrannyJen, NoelleH, Senior72, Phyll, goatwhisperer, GlynnA, Johno54, Blarney, Patricia Kay, Marybell, ShezzieD, OldBells, bodusmobile47, Jennie, rest1953, Grandma10, Gracie372, pourme, billy, katdragon2010, Uncle G, SuzyG, Janelles, SuziQ2312, Stevie Zee, Kaybee, Jron, Macdee, Luciemcm, ozjp, Helen Jeffery, chezna, Deslei, Belinda1248, Muzza1966Harvs, KennyB, woodbine, mollyb1, cblayney, rowanf, FozzieFozz, Morebartalk, Jennymg, Sanderaesimmies, Jasmine, Kayer02, CharlesAH, Blackdck, Roh, glory, DebbieMJ23, JollyDragon, Sally JV, Davo's Delirium, Red Gem, Omaopa, Sheriella, Hazel John Gibson, PeakA, Vidbri1953, Kerrie62, Dizzy, Mervin goody, dabangler, MCF, thomas, sreidkjc, Mikeyboy2012, Viellarde, SandyM, Carpenter, doglover, Blossom29, JoanFranklin, Mrs Robyn, The Moth, suemcnking, Kericson, Barry Hutton, violetsincas, Jo Piper3, casperdcat, Sooty61, Snug,
@Kelly, Gil, Robyn M for Mary, Ricci, daveelwell, Iggydi, mitchell55, Maiyon, Sandy Montague, Jersey Girl, Carolyn T, Anne70, Caz Hollis, Jules60, nannylyn, dennis_leitch, cberk
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