Hey Riddle Masters!
Oh my goodness! You guys absolutely nailed it! There were over 130 of you who got the answer correct that we cannot fit all of your names in tomorrow’s newsletter.

So here is your very well-deserved shout-out.
A big round of applause to the following riddle masters:
Bawdyandy, Robert Harsley, jandav, Marj53, Big Al, JulesPalm, cberk, Sherill L., Rubie, Fisherman2320, Nette1962, Annewithane, Dougal, Tony Delaney, sylvia, PaddoMcm, Maureen1952, Joyce Reitsma, Aitchtee, Senior72, Dazzasboats, pbattershill, Emmy Im12, markb, Quoman, catsclaws, Faysie60, burlighs, Barnie, Juliacooper29, Glenmos, Jen77au, Red Gem, acki, Rubyroo, Chez1611, Roscobro, Sheriella, Liz Corner, Ray Black, Judiz, wooniemac, Suemalloo, aussiestorm, Lusio, Katie K, Nannacas, Vcook, Mazda52, Tisme47, activist.bw, Patti, Glo72, mansersmith, cher2808, Jo Piper3, Lancew, JillBaldry, Dbriggseng, Veronica, Auntiekim62, Vet543, Clymar, Dorothy Kay, MERYL greet, Helen171, Joymg, Baz1960, MargOS51, GlynnA, HeatherS, steve.bryce, Ulrich, Gil, Shuffs, Dizzy, chean1210, LeeH, TraceyH2103, Gerlinde Turchin, Coolnan@52, Suzeanne8, Victor Jackson, Marilyn123, Ricci, Terry, Del, John R, Thedowntons, BJM, Jersey Girl, DuckyD, Bob K, chezna, JehazFNQ, glenglen, Veranda, Aggie, Riddle, Jasmine, Rshlc, Vdunc1, Michael Kaff, Max, prendyc, Geronimo 2022, jenny, arnott1996, Wen46, IJH, Shane H, peter clear, Leeann, Tawnyrose, Phyll, maryfern33, Ian1, Lizzylou, Awc49, Rhondi, Vikki, Pete of Tas, Lyncat, Judibing, dabangler, Luckyus, Rick, KenBruce, Keverall, Cez, Thefatyeti, Agnes, PeakA, Brian W, IanLucas, Lily, ScottyW, Ro-anne, PhilipM, Dawnto dusk, Virginia Witkamp, CZD, BarbieAmor, vera.hunter, Abinme, PeterK, Nifty, thomas, Mummabunny, Phil53, Maxi48, JoAnne 1961, Gazman, rest1953, SandraD22, Hewy57, Dav, Reader, JollyDragon, MIZMAC, AussieMeg, Ben, Freeman27, Mistydolphin1, Petra, Snug, PepeLePew, Sandygwalk, MRP, MzChris, QTY, Greenjan, ozjp, Jennylolo, Macdee, RTS, Pikki, rawhide, Mernie, Carwill, Josephine knight, Sherriann, Wendy, Punyarra, VeraCustic, Cheb, Macarj, Miss Chris, Joyem, Carol, Knitting Oma, oliver, Nanna@Goulburn, Cathy 61, Iggydi, Mars, Stuart Whitehead, RonDev, featherfour & tiger.
Congratulations and keep up the amazing work!