WOW Riddle Masters! We are speechless!
Today, we have had 388 riddle masters which has completely blown our previous record out of the water! So a huge congratulations to each and every one of you who got this riddle correct! You deserve this shout out, on the house

There was indeed so many of you that we couldn't fit all of your names in tomorrow's newsletter...
Dot, Dizzy, Carolyn T, Sherill L., Hemiman265, Malaba, Vombat, nannaval, GaryB, Sewgood, birkdale, Malcolm Tahere, DebRaiw, O’Rourke, Maza55, disimon, WayneH, Clyde, Malcolm, LadyD, Ray Black, Iggydi, Dougie, brenton burton, Maree Z, Beefster, Dougal, KenE, Krislo, Elizabeth pisa, Nellaj2812, Ingrid, tjsaun, Leeann, Roger, Francie, Justjen, Dennis Ringrose, Gerlinde Turchin, Paul W, Ejenno, Kaps7332, Simplelife, Incorrect/9451, Tricia56, Jenny wren, Aussie Researcher, Ggirl49, Diane D, Sanny, Tlm, dorothycoulson@bigpond, Tony Delaney, helen faye, Vicki M, Goodwin, Joyce, Mallah, margare cumming, Ambopel, Robyn1006, CharlesH, JayKay, Darcy’sDad, Jennylolo, Del, ROVIFOXY, IJH, Kimba, Shirley catt, Jilly, cwtears, Speedy2, Beppie51, Chez1611, anniem, Agnes, Cheb, TrishH, Susie, Cribbagemaster, Cheb, Larriece, Shirley R, Victor Jackson, Thecheesequeen, PamS, Bertie, Cheryl W, Pheenie, GLS, Annewithane, Lynn, 68autobug, Lynnev, Stephen Knott, diddlesdaddy, Garcia, Capsam, Riverlandlass, Annie, Beatie, Meryl R, Jo-an, Paul Occleshaw, TopCat21, Cahan, Max, craftannie, Bunyip, SusanRh, Big Al, Heathert, Marriab, Kerry, Monty, janj, chezna, Sarapong, Angel leee, Robdog, Annet, Hodo, Vsgibbons, Lily, Barb28, glennm257, ChrisUren, lorjim9, Topher, Benwhyte, genie42, Sally from Seymour, Sunshine45, Nugget, Daryl Pearse, reddog, LynneW, Trish29, Jill, CathyO, Damo, Rubyroo, Robert Harsley, Slapsy, EriktheRed, Helen171, Vonniel, Ninny, Howard B-N, Rabbit, Lochiedog, ElleJay, BigRed, Yanellio, Boss1949, SalMc, Waters, Galeforce, Joy50, T m, Ian Smith, Jasmine, John R, Gil, maryfern33, Yvonne C., adelerr, RogerF, KaraJenna, Vicki.E., Disy, Footrot Flats, Witch25, Val, Gazman, OldBells, Lorraine Harding, Julie1, Noel Greig, Robyn M for Mary, Jim WELCH, Australia 1, alistairL, Bevanne52, Vcook, Joydie, Aggie, JTrus, Shazza57, Sherza, Red Gem, Jersey Girl, gjadl, cingo, tonynbarb, Hutch, Deb, Akldhawkes, Vonney276, Rozz, Darron, Ricci, Phyll, Joyem, margaretritchie48@hotmail, Grampy, SueZ, Denise Buttress, Denise Buttress, Lorraine Rea, Maxie58, Judels, TrenaJ, Ellabella, DrChip, Chappo, Robbo128, Scotty, Nadia M, Lilliank, Judio, Shazza@1959, thomas, Stphnfntn, Cliffparish, NolaP, aussiestorm, Abinme, Phil53, Quiltynut, AussieMeg, Vin, Chris 56, Vinylted, Suemalloo, Kaybee, Michael K, Tony, Coral Johnston, Nifty, HankS, Tamara, Peter M, LynnLl, Eenbeen, LynnLl, olivertwist40, Zanylady, Freeman27, Kayer02, Kaylenejoy, Skilly69, Skilly69, Ma-to-3, Gerald 74, Skilly69, BrendaS, Glenbo, Alexander, Shazza51, Roscobro, Chris P Bacon, kitty, kitty, Addie, Peter57, Snug, barbwire, Roh, GrantCF, Jan A, Dodie Berry, Bowen, Pennyb, Glendamaymac, SandyM, Coco, Coco, Pynro, CZD, Earl G, Rosie, tiger, Mindygirl12022, Trish, Garrygaton, Wendy, Grannie Sam, yollycuda, Muru, Rick, Roger Oates, DebbieMJ23, martho1gold, Howard, Maaaaaa, Laural, jenny, Nanajane, Abranass, kayg, sylvia, Andrew, Dancer, Mumonbike, Doug one, Margwhit57, christine_morrissy@yahoo., APapaz, PeterK, Sheza9, Jill Catherine, Lindyway, youngoldlady, Liag, BobR, Hilary, C Auld, Bev W, Tapdancer & HarleyNanna.
Now THAT'S a list of Riddle Masters!