Hello hello Riddle Masters!

Wowowow, so many of you got it correct!
As promised, here's your well-deserved shout-out:
Littleboy8, Ian D, CharlesAH, RedDwarf2211, gaild46, Willie0421, jono13, Sherill L., Carol, duckiedoodle, Jancgr, Dizzy, Snug, woodperson, Vik2454, aoostie, steve.bryce, Shane Murray, Frog1958, Ray Black, Sheriella, Highjackers, KarenMaree64, Gracie372, loraines, Glenmos, Iggydi, dood, Sylks52, Aussie all the Way, Dazzasboats, JollyDragon, Judio, Annewithane, Briansmithfishing, neilholton55, WAZZIE1952, Nugget, Neaty, KLB, BBWolf, spalasskyeterriers, Heywoodjablome, Kitti21, Muzza1532, eviero, AllenP, Big Al, L3gion, Hirst1, Fisherman2320, LMW1, Inot54, Stokr, Crossing64, erina, Chrissyfs, MissOzzie, LucieB, Lindsay46, chezna, Maxie58, Magrat14, DasherD, Jan A, pbattershill, Laurie53, cberk, Margeaux, reddog, gillianmg, deskiem, Sooty61, Suemalloo, Ryko, simongirl, Chatoya1, catsclaws, Mummanew, Graham Rusty, Sloopy, Gradiv, Gazman, lonelyasacloud, Littlelady1138, Janne W, MargOS51, Ashke, leslie_may, homckelvin, firefox, Bob Patterson, Stuball, TSim, Johnnomac, judyl45, Veronica, KellyHollander, mikev, Phyll, Luciemcm, Gerard auckett, marb, Maria-Dolores, Lyndaagnus, Thr fonz, Jules60, BJM, TopCat21, Kerrie62, Dynamo, Heather T2, Sharon Newbury, kimmonet, Alan W, Janelles, GrannyJen, Geoff01, Rodney dries, MarieT, Senior72, Marybell, Furbaby, Ladyjay, Southmelbswans, Lorrainer, EJMHK, Shadazarr, dabangler, tbucket0564, LesVG, PattiB, mitzi1460, TrishH, Bob Nicholls, Margaret 9, Blossom29, MaralynMuir, Nanajane, Echuca, John R, HeatherS, SandraD22, 3DB, midgemills, Vickers, Larry04, Macdee, Glennbee, Mongu, Robyn Suzette Owen, WADuck, Wendy, Daibhin, Jennylolo, shenzi, barbaranne, SirExton, Cheb, Joymg, Mikeyboy2012, Hazel John Gibson, pipsqueak, Helen171, Johno54, NickyW, KenBruce, JoyU, Cathy 61, AngelAriel, Philip Pettit, bigsister, Mum327, tracymurry, Judy ABowser, Bxrmum, QDADFA, EllieN, elelover, Jasmine, Mezzie25, margaretritchie48@hotmail, Vikki, Buzzy, Kman, molle, Bob K, M.Feast, Rendrag, Gerlinde Turchin, doglover, maryfern33, Mars, rowanf, Sue Palmer, Virgoros, Del, Muduk59, Disie, KennyB, thomas, Diva1958, pandabear63, gabbymck, SeniorSnoopy, Jo Piper3, MariCarm2024, ShezzieD, OldBells, lyrebirdpetfurniture@gmai, linmur57, SonsofPlatinum, Bronny2, Maureen S, mitchell55, Dollydame, MCF, Janice McKay, Kericson, DuckyD, Sean2325, Charlie52, Leeta069, Linda51, TrixieLovesTigers, Muzza1966Harvs, Rowell4, Blackdck, SandyM, Terry, Morebartalk, Deb paull, Gil, Beastman, peter clear, Brassmonkey1938, Pam White, Kc1, Paul1951, Sue0408, Viellarde, Clancieblue, FozzieFozz, Steve56Louie36, MIZMAC, NeilPerry, shorty1940, Frank Gross, Stan Murray, Aussie D, Bullwinkle, Waynec, Munsterl, The Moth, Iris, rest1953, ThereseHands, CANDALYN49, kandpcoates, tonynbarb, Ozpat55687, GlynnA
Don't forget to check tomorrow's newsletter for the official answer! See you next week for more brain teasers
Adding more brilliant Riddle Masters who got this one correct!
Kwee, Jersey Girl, Omaopa, ISSIZZI, Thefatyeti, Frappe, JoanFranklin, Luckyus, Roh, Sandy S, Russky, crockett1, ozjp, Kristine-111408, gail22$, Larby, Lunagazer, Maiyon, Jes1810, sweetscent62, jadan01, Sandy Montague, Rowiee, Crestwood96, minoguej1, Athena E., Miss Chris, jmarshall72, KaraJenna, Stevie Zee, Winston Bryant, wayneandros, OldBill42, Liag, wjs1957, Mrtnst, JuliaD, Debrah, Ezzy, Jennymg, RieTreesSilver, LorLes, rainbow4, marita2025, Red & Butters, NancyMiller, Jennifer61, Gsr, Robyn M for Mary, LETS, katdragon2010, SJ-G, Starry, Choff5, quokkasplace, tom.hunter, Rose-Marie, Joanne Dickson, Catherine, Greg82, SOLUTIONS4MEPMM, derek hogben, rathompson, Neil Fraser
Apologies for the veryyy late shout-out, members! We'll do our best to include every answer in the future shout-outs!