Wooooow! Congratulations, Riddle Masters! So many of you got this one correct!
The official answer is:
but we also accepted:
air/wind, snowflake, bubble
As we promised, here's your well-deserved shout out!
Suzanne rose, Veronica, Carsrme, Snaggs, Sunny's mom, Hirst1, katdragon2010, Tervueren, CarmelMiller, jaydee6033, Glenmos, oldchook58, gentlejack, Grandma Frog, ChrisUren, Sheriella, Nevertiki, Rose-Marie, pamsy, MaralynMuir, pbattershill, JulesPalm, Stphnfntn, WAZZIE1952, janetteann, Blarney, Susie22499, Laurie53, Geoff01, Muzza1532, erina, Buzzy, Cass3215, <Stephen>, Helen171, spalasskyeterriers, Rhondi, Mummanew, Janell, Heywoodjablome, Briansmithfishing, Harvey35, Jancgr, Gersman, NickyW, Rowiee, Johnno1, marb, Ray Black, Heathert, simongirl, reddog, Mikev, BillyB, Stewart, KellyHollander, mollyb1, ozjp, Swan, Phyll, Maggie 2, Doug one, Vampire..18, IJH, tom.hunter, Dizzy, mitzi1460, AllenP, Disie, MissOzzie, Magrat14, Thr fonz, Littleboy8, Aitchtee, Suemalloo, Daibhin, Nell Webster, Nana Zorak, Janelles, John R, Joymg, tbucket0564, GEX5564, LucieB, bellbirdcats, margophil@bigpond com, Johno54, spirit level, JacksMum, Mikeyboy2012, leslie_may, JollyDragon, DawnBonn, Julie147, Chrissyfs, MzChris, TopCat21, Maicar, Glennbee, TrixieLovesTigers, Swizzle, Southmelbswans, susanamac, RelHughes, Patricia Kay, Virgoros, Bazza boy, Bob Patterson, cberk, kaepekrad, Michael Binns, Nene13, prof, PeakA, Vikki, Inot54, Dorothy Kay, lynstacker, Stokr, VicRaws, Marlea19, Morebartalk, Big Buzz, Marybell, GCB, JoanFranklin, mitchellowe, The Moth, Kleo4, KenBruce, thomas, chezna, woodperson, tonynbarb, gaild46, R1250RS, Pammac, maryfern33, KLB, Ginny Burke, Miss Chris, Heather Ruth, Beatie, Fernsie, Hewy57, kayc, Douglas321#$, Red Gem, mitchell55, Gazman, Taurusgirl, KAY BROOKS, A j oss, Vickers, Dynamo, KennyB, SandyM, Bobsalooking, bsburr, Ngaio, steve.bryce, M E, ShezzieD, Senior72, EXNEWZ, Tootie, rowanf, dabangler, Reader, Doretta, CharlesAH, Kerrie62, Roh, Maureen S, jmarshall72, LouiseK, fishley, molle, Dohlesrocks, MCF, ramjet11, OldBells, Mezzie25, ronk, BJM, Highjackers, sreidkjc, Sooty61, Melbournian, SeniorSnoopy, Viellarde, Joglo, Waynec, Jo Piper3, BeautifulMousey, CathyO, Macdee, FozzieFozz, Athena E., Judy Forty, AllgoodQ, lainiewarren1955, Bridget Williams, M.Feast, Luckyus, June E, Echuca, Snug, Luciemcm, GlynnA, Suemac, SJ-G, Bellamay22, Neil Fraser, GHendo, Graham Rusty, Rendrag, Jennymg, Mrs Robyn, CANDALYN49, Stevie Zee, Sue0408, Suziq12, Lizzie Rose, sweetscent62, Janet Blythman, Wendy
and a special shout out to member thomas for the hilarious answer!
See you all brilliant minds in the next one!