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Susie999, SandyB, happynana, Kleo4, barryditchfield4@bigpond., Sherill L., Snaggs, JulesPalm, Kitti21, KellyHollander, gillianmg, Carol, Shadazarr, Honeybear, Lyne495, TrixieLovesTigers, Sheriella, CarmelMiller, Super Turtle, ThereseHands, Magrat14, steve.bryce, Richard12, MCF, Jron, Chrissyfs, gaild46, di murray, Luciemcm, VanMary, nifty8753, Helen171, Geoff01, Hirst1, Bazza boy, AllenP, AwesomeNana3, Rhondi, Fargher, Sykoz, Cabcar, Dynamo, Rowiee, SandraD22, Geoff S, blueevie, Gilly/P, Angel43, Mikev, ChrisUren, GHW41jew#3, Suemalloo, susanamac, LucieB, HeatherS, UNIT1000, DeeMarCal, Cheryl Gray, peter clear, Amused101, Magpie58, Stewart, mylittletibbies, Mamar, nohend, burlighs007, Hazel John Gibson, MCRAD, Suziq12, Harvey35, Joanne Dickson, DasherD, kimmonet, Snug, Suegai, Stphnfntn, Viellarde, Minh Nguyen, Pridar, pbattershill, Dizzy, spirit level, Gazman, Catherine, Wonder women, Disie, mitchell55, Heywoodjablome, PhilipM, Neumannsland, Glenmos, Vickers, tracymurry, bazwar, tbucket0564, DuckyD, Ray Black, gabbymck, leslie_may, DLHM, StarTrekker, Luckyus, Bob Patterson, Phyll, Highjackers, Daibhin, Veronica, chezna, Franee, dabangler, mitzi1460, Alistero, Vikki, Keithme, BJM, Doug one, Elaine Hirst, mchayelle, Sockjoan, Jancgr, Janice Reilly, Littleboy8, fishley, Will60, Waynec, PatriciaTilly, Ebby, jaydee6033, Lawrence1945, Debmaree, GrannyJen, NickyW, greynomadden, ebbs, Lynee1953, KLB, saundy, KenBruce, Echuca, kaza60, Michael Binns, reddog, Barry Hutton, BeautifulMousey, homckelvin, Jo Piper3, rebneu, EllieN, Helen Jeffery, cblayney, mjm9, Marybell, Wadior13, Fisherman2320, spalasskyeterriers, suomi2002, JollyDragon, Davo's Delirium, catsclaws, rowanf, Virgoros, JTeyssier, SonsofPlatinum, Jillnic, stevehart, TrishH, 888PNR, KennyB, Kab, cberk, MIZMAC, marrels, Morebartalk, SandyM, suemcnking, AllgoodQ, Annie31, rest1953, Christine H., blondie17, rosremin, Tootie, Lizzie Rose, JoanFranklin, Inot54, sreidkjc, Miss Chris, Laurie53, HelenFB, Maureen S, Mezzie25, sandyp, Macdee, Stormyweather, Glennbee, SuzyG, Mrtnst, jakcat11, Wendy§, Kombucha56, Gus, julieclarke1962, Paul1951, Roh, CharlesAH, Macarj, JenH23, Nanajane, Sue0408, Dazza C, Neil Fraser, Deslei, DebbieMJ23, <Stephen>, j copeland, Sucoo, midgemills, Mustang GT, Arthur, Blossom29, ullarah, Tigerlily57, Wendy, LesVG, WazzaB, Paintpot24, WADuck, M E
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Are you ready to know the answer to this riddle?
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Bat/Flying Fox
Well done!
Susie999, SandyB, happynana, Kleo4, barryditchfield4@bigpond., Sherill L., Snaggs, JulesPalm, Kitti21, KellyHollander, gillianmg, Carol, Shadazarr, Honeybear, Lyne495, TrixieLovesTigers, Sheriella, CarmelMiller, Super Turtle, ThereseHands, Magrat14, steve.bryce, Richard12, MCF, Jron, Chrissyfs, gaild46, di murray, Luciemcm, VanMary, nifty8753, Helen171, Geoff01, Hirst1, Bazza boy, AllenP, AwesomeNana3, Rhondi, Fargher, Sykoz, Cabcar, Dynamo, Rowiee, SandraD22, Geoff S, blueevie, Gilly/P, Angel43, Mikev, ChrisUren, GHW41jew#3, Suemalloo, susanamac, LucieB, HeatherS, UNIT1000, DeeMarCal, Cheryl Gray, peter clear, Amused101, Magpie58, Stewart, mylittletibbies, Mamar, nohend, burlighs007, Hazel John Gibson, MCRAD, Suziq12, Harvey35, Joanne Dickson, DasherD, kimmonet, Snug, Suegai, Stphnfntn, Viellarde, Minh Nguyen, Pridar, pbattershill, Dizzy, spirit level, Gazman, Catherine, Wonder women, Disie, mitchell55, Heywoodjablome, PhilipM, Neumannsland, Glenmos, Vickers, tracymurry, bazwar, tbucket0564, DuckyD, Ray Black, gabbymck, leslie_may, DLHM, StarTrekker, Luckyus, Bob Patterson, Phyll, Highjackers, Daibhin, Veronica, chezna, Franee, dabangler, mitzi1460, Alistero, Vikki, Keithme, BJM, Doug one, Elaine Hirst, mchayelle, Sockjoan, Jancgr, Janice Reilly, Littleboy8, fishley, Will60, Waynec, PatriciaTilly, Ebby, jaydee6033, Lawrence1945, Debmaree, GrannyJen, NickyW, greynomadden, ebbs, Lynee1953, KLB, saundy, KenBruce, Echuca, kaza60, Michael Binns, reddog, Barry Hutton, BeautifulMousey, homckelvin, Jo Piper3, rebneu, EllieN, Helen Jeffery, cblayney, mjm9, Marybell, Wadior13, Fisherman2320, spalasskyeterriers, suomi2002, JollyDragon, Davo's Delirium, catsclaws, rowanf, Virgoros, JTeyssier, SonsofPlatinum, Jillnic, stevehart, TrishH, 888PNR, KennyB, Kab, cberk, MIZMAC, marrels, Morebartalk, SandyM, suemcnking, AllgoodQ, Annie31, rest1953, Christine H., blondie17, rosremin, Tootie, Lizzie Rose, JoanFranklin, Inot54, sreidkjc, Miss Chris, Laurie53, HelenFB, Maureen S, Mezzie25, sandyp, Macdee, Stormyweather, Glennbee, SuzyG, Mrtnst, jakcat11, Wendy§, Kombucha56, Gus, julieclarke1962, Paul1951, Roh, CharlesAH, Macarj, JenH23, Nanajane, Sue0408, Dazza C, Neil Fraser, Deslei, DebbieMJ23, <Stephen>, j copeland, Sucoo, midgemills, Mustang GT, Arthur, Blossom29, ullarah, Tigerlily57, Wendy, LesVG, WazzaB, Paintpot24, WADuck, M E
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