Hey Riddle Masters!
It was quite a challenging riddle, but a few of you proved to be true riddle masters!
As promised, here’s your well-deserved shout-out.
Congratulations to the following riddle masters!
Bawdyandy, BJM, Sherill L., Annie Webster, JillBaldry, Ricci, clyons, firefox, DawnBonn, maltesemanor, Annewithane, Sheriella, woodperson, marella, ChrisUren, Crozzer, Glenmos, JollyDragon, JoanFranklin, Suemalloo, Iggydi, Cheryl W, steve.bryce, Gerlinde Turchin, Observer, Helen171, Roscobro, Bougs3544, rest1953, deb08, rowanf, Rowiee, Chrissyfs, CharlesAH, chezna, Thr fonz, Harvey35, DuckyD, Doug one, candalyn49, Veronica, Deborah A Ross, chean1210, Craigz, PhilipM, Senior72, VicRaws, Tilbacroc, Ray Black, Luckyus, Deb1953, Jron, Glennbee, pbattershill, JulesPalm, LyndaM, Jennylolo, Rshlc, NanaAnge, Linda51, thomas, Aggie, Marj53, Inot54, RTS, Freeman27, OldBells, Phyll, Nana Zorak, Sandygwalk, jenniferlroberts, Gil, chinkapook, mitchell55, Pam White, Marybell, Chappo, IJH, Macdee, O'Rourke, FCS, c2moore, Mustang GT, lynstacker, Mistydolphin1, Blossom29, Starry, SandyM, Spurt, Michael Kaff, featherfour & Roh.
Keep up the good work, members!