Congratulations to these individuals who got it correct!
Littleboy8, Wandiwa, BeautifulMousey, Ivory, Janet Blythman, Spkirkness58, JenTh0rn, Dirtdevil, Fisherman2320, georgesggrandma, duckiedoodle, KellyHollander, Luckyus, UNIT1000, PostyAndStamp07, Ray Black, Cabcar, Carcum9, Geoff01, trevjoe1, JollyDragon, reddog, Big Al, Therese8, jaydee6033, Susan Gallagher, burlighs007, Nell Webster, HelenJo, Paul Henneberry, pbattershill, Rose-Marie, steve.bryce, ElizabethL, Emz, BJM, Kooka60, Nana Zorak, Gypsyjill, Drew62, MCF, Marybell, Annabelle3!, Macca123, EllieN, cberk, Saibarbara, Viellarde, Rowiee, Magpie58, hfwilson, Davo's Delirium, StarTrekker, Bob Kinzett, Paul1951, Annewithane, Snug, Carol, Helen171, Suemalloo, Wendy§, Jancgr, TinShed424, pourme, Mikev, SGH, AllenP, Harryoh4007, Joymg, Buzzy, katdragon2010, IJH, DuckyD, Dizzy, "Flash", Dorothy Kay, Friendship4U2, sandylouise, Single, mcdonaldheather1944, jenny, Snowtiger, BillyB, Boomer54, Caryl, Jest, Chrissyfs, mollyb1, Bob Patterson, <Stephen>, mitzi1460, Retired83, iedemas, Beatlesfab4, chezna, Sierra040, kiddo1, Vickers, Ladyjay, Swizzle, gabbymck, Mrtnst, rest1953, Charlotte59, Schigulski, PhilipM, Ducksnuts, sweetscent62, Marlea19, Virgoros, Lochiedog, Bullwinkle, Janelles, JenH23, kaza60, woodperson, Roh, mitchell55, Veraellen, Aunty Ree, JudyS61, Blossom29, lonelyasacloud, Lily, glenglen, catsclaws, Cheryl Gray, HappyPam, Ricci, rowanf, Morebartalk, sreidkjc, macrostymaid50, Sue Thomas, Carolann0709, Scorpionkate, Bridget Williams, Hewy57, KenBruce, AnnaP, KennyB, Maiyon, Clancieblue, Dinh Dung, midgemills, Jillnic, Gibo, WADuck, Catherine, Melinda Yeaman, Thr fonz, cblayney, Pam White, Vlasta, Macdee, Heywoodjablome, Barry Hutton, Pugsrgrr8, Schisma, Wendy, FozzieFozz, Annie.2163, Aussie all the Way, Maureen S, SandyM, Carolyn T, Sheriella, Tervueren, CAHILLY, Highjackers, Con Price, Glennbee, Cairn, mokabrown, simongirl, Maggie1935, CharlesAH, lynstacker & Crestwood96.
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