Hi there, Riddle Masters!
I've got the answer to this riddle. Are you ready?
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A huge shout out to the bright members who got the correct answers:
Littleboy8, Ian D, CharlesAH, ThereseHands, Crestwood96, aoostie, lynscomat, Echuca, shellyisme, CathyO, KellyHollander, Colleen Lomas, The Inflictor, Gfandj, Leeann, Kc1, echrisdave, Kaylenejoy, LMW1, Carolyn T, steve.bryce, Kitti21, Karen P, Nana Zorak, Buzzy, Craftylady, bodusmobile47, R1250RS, marb, emorc, PatriciaTilly, Rose-Marie, bigsister, Simoncarolyn, SBJSMum, Fisherman2320, Jules1, Sedivy52, Whisperer, RelHughes, Janelles, Caravaning, peter clear, daniel95, Mentl Magic, annabella1945, "Flash", Beatie, FCS, Marvin Kombi, chezna, Iggydi, Rhondi, Denotany, Wattoval, Mikeyboy2012, Glennbee, Maria Ceceovski, BJM, MaralynMuir, Tigerlily57, Magpie58, molle, Viellarde, Will60, LIMPETS, Jancgr, Paul1951, tracymurry, Big Buzz, Linda51, Lusio, Stokr, Ray Black, VanMary, Southmelbswans, tbucket0564, Bazza boy, Chrissyfs, JenH23, Geoff01, Littlelady1138, Stewart, Carmel Cummings, judyl45, Suemalloo, Mummanew, Rhjomi, steveH7, Pridar, PhilipM, Hunter's Haven, LucieB, Senior72, Blondie50, Hazel John Gibson, Babel, Nola53, Phyll, Joymg, Virgoros, Steve Critchley, AllenP, Jron, MissOzzie, TopCat21, catsclaws, mitzi1460, Sheriella, firefox, Kerrie62, Danvers, Graham Rusty, DuckyD, Helen171, cberk, IJH, Jgb51, Swizzle, Bob Nicholls, PepeLePew, leslie_may, Iturate, Luciemcm, helencarl16@gmail, SueRichmond, ColinG, Blossom29, Margaret 9, Vikki, Thr fonz, NickyW, Annewithane, Getting0ld, Sharon Dercksen, IslandSteve, Morebartalk, KenBruce, EllieN, Heather T2, pbattershill, Jules57, thomas, cardie, Hewy57, The Moth, Luckyus, dabangler, CANDALYN49, Pam White, Davo's Delirium, margaretritchie48@hotmail, Melinda Yeaman, minhpm, Ricci, Red Gem, Chappo, Jo Piper3, MargOS51, rowanf, Johno54, SonsofPlatinum, dukeofwindsor, KennyB, Kaybee, Hirst1, SandyBolay, OldBells, Gil, Peter Medforth, MCF, glenglen, Dollydame, Sooty61, WADuck, Snug, rest1953, Retirement for me, lynstacker, linmur57, Ginny Butke, Kenmaur, mitchell55, rehandra, maryfern33, Mrs Robyn, Glenmos, Jenlea, FozzieFozz, cblayney, Michael Binns, samleen, JayyDee, Macdee, Harvey35, Iris, marita2025, EnidAd, Maureen S, Julia TH, Dizzy, Richard12, Stevie Zee, ramjet11, Mummabear1, Mum327, ChrisUren, minoguej1, Glory years, HelenPSmith, ozjp, DasherD, Maicar, SharonL, Dreams, JoanFranklin, SandyM, Margwhit57, smartzdesignsleannedixon, Larcol, pete41, Disie, taminator, suemcnking, Gerlinde Turchin
Thank you so much for participating! We'll see you on the next one