Hey riddle masters!
Wow, look at this! We’ve got 210 of you who got the correct answer to this riddle! Unfortunately, there are so many of you that we cannot actually fit all of your names in this newsletter. So, we’re giving you your well-deserved shout-out in our forum here.
Congratulations to the following riddle masters!
Bawdyandy, RickB, NotPhilips, Jack the old fart, featherfour, Lord.Tim, pbattershill, Suzanne rose, Vet543, Coral Johnston, Dazzasboats, markb, Heather T2, Sheriella, DH889046, ChrisUren, Jennylolo, Christine21, David S. Anderson, Cavajo, Big M, linta54, Jancgr, PeterK, Luckyus, Hunter's Haven, The Moth, Robert Timmins, aussie24460, cfm, Gerlinde Turchin, Akldhawkes, steve.bryce, Rainie438, Senior72, StarTrekker, Carolyn T, Suemalloo, Hemiman265, Catherine, Lesley@575, Robert Harsley, Annatural, SBJSMum, AllenP, Margaret Peden, Rowiee, B Richardson, LeeH, JulesPalm, bellbirdcats, anniem, Bob K, albanydriver, Roscobro, Glennbee, BJM, Mimimerrin, KenE, Leeann, Kc1, Cheb, Glo72, JoAnne 1961, JillBaldry, RTS, Dizzy, simplythebeth, CharlesAH, mylittletibbies, Tessahill14, Lorraine Rea, Kerrie62, Searider, Marty57, cberk, Judy HB, John R, chean1210, Maicar, CathyO, Vikki, Annet, Glenbob, aussiestorm, Heather Kenny, Marie Lunam, Blossom29, JollyDragon, Paul W, Gil, Ricci, TopCat21, leslie_may, shenzi, Helen171, Averyl, Joymg, Hewy57, tonynbarb, RikieM, Ray Black, Fisherman2320, Gazman, Agnes, SeanOg, OldBells, lynstacker, Gibo, Michael Kaff, Bluejezz, Deborah Crompton, jaydee6033, Denotany, chezna, Freeman27, Sandygwalk, Gwenda1, Terry F, Dinosaur, firefox, Shane H, Aggie, Buzzy, Susie@24, Joyem, Lorrie, MareeZ, raels0123, NannaA, Neeley, NickyW, candalyn49, tonyjnolan, Patti, KenBruce, Eveanngra37@gmail, Miss Chris, Royalene, Red Gem, G-g, Weapon, Macdee, planesteam, Lilybelle, Jac53, Anna K, RLL, MargOS51, mitchell55, VickieCheryl, Doug one, ElleJay, SandyM, Oldgirllaughing, Kathie, Marisahorton, Ulrich, tpw1961, tiger, Wendy, Nanna@Goulburn, youngoldlady, Wendy Anne Stephens, Peirsol, Bullwinkle, Andyroo, Julia TH, Rubyroo, Wandiwa, Jersey Girl & Lyncat.
Keep up the good work, members!