Queen Mary conceals her face in one of her public appearances. What happened?

Queen Mary of Denmark has been living her best life as a monarch, along with her husband, King Frederik X.

The Australia-born queen has been a subject of fascination among Aussie royal enthusiasts.

However, her recent public appearance raised several questions about her well-being.

Queen Mary of Denmark made her first public appearance after a horse-riding accident which left her with visible injuries.

This incident came after another alarming event, where she got knocked to the ground by a scooter in Greenland.

The Queen's recent string of accidents has put her fortitude to the test.

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Queen Mary of Denmark had a barely-visible Band-Aid placed on her jaw. Image Credits: Ritzau Scanpix

As she attended the funeral of former Court Chief Per Thornit in Copenhagen, Queen Mary had a large bandage covering a graze along her jawline.

Despite the Band-Aid matching her natural skin tone, its rough texture was hard to miss and hinted at the injury.

The horse-riding accident occurred at her home while resting between royal tours.

The scooter incident happened during a visit to Greenland's capital, Nuuk.

Queen Mary was struck by a scooter driven by an elderly man, to which she fell in front of her youngest children, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine, and the crowd.

Onlookers were horrified as the Queen cried out and fell.

Yet, in regal fashion, she quickly regained her composure and stood up.

Her security team intervened to prevent the scooter from moving further.

The scooter driver—more shaken than Queen Mary—expressed his confusion over the event.

He initially wanted to reach out to the Queen but inadvertently hit his scooter's accelerator.

Despite these back-to-back accidents, the palace media team confirmed that Queen Mary did not sustain major injuries and continued her scheduled engagements as usual.

However, Queen Mary concealing her injuries spoke volumes about her commitment to her royal duties, even in the face of pain.

Queen Mary's ability to maintain her poise and carry on with her responsibilities is a testament to her strength of character.

We can all learn something from Queen Mary's example.

Life can be unpredictable, and we may face a series of challenges that test our mettle.
Key Takeaways

  • Queen Mary of Denmark made her first public appearance during former Court Chief Per Thornit's funeral in Copenhagen after sustaining a horse-riding injury.
  • She had a large, skin-tone bandage covering a graze on her jawline.
  • Prior to the horse-riding accident, the Queen was knocked to the ground by a scooter during a visit to Greenland.
  • Despite the recent accidents, Queen Mary continued with her royal duties as scheduled.
Have you had experiences where you had to brave through your commitments? Share your thoughts and stories of resiliency with us in the comments section below.
After 15 falls some in public places. I have to ask for help to get up as once l am down l cannot get up. The worst was at the top of an escalator. Very embarrassing. A beautiful lady offered to help. I said darling you won't be able to pull me up alone a lovely man came along and said. I better help you get up. I truly felt this kind man was trying not to make a fuss as he could see l was dieing of embarrassed. With their help l had a seat then just got on with it..l was very shaken up. I found out some time later l had a small fracture in the lower spine l believe it happened that day.
Another time l was walking my late dog l seen a dear elderly man in my neighbourhood. Yelled out good morning next thing l am flat on my face. Luckily a meter reader walked around the corner just as l fell. Between these two beautiful men they got me up. After many thank yous as soon as I walked around the corner heading home l cried every step l took between disbelief pain and embarrassment. Another time caring for my grandkids l slipped on something on the floor in my daughter's kitchen trying to stop the fall l bruised all my arms trying to hang onto the benches. No down l went. Thank goodness my daughter had a carpet cleaning man upstairs. I had to get my grandson to go up stairs and ask the man to help me. The fellow was fantastic. Again hide the tears and embarrassment. Felt like a fool. But had no choice but to get on with it. Thank heavens the rest of falls have been at home. Where l can just let the shock and tears and frustration out.
Sometimes like Mary we have no choice but to be as gracious as we can whether you are a Royal or just an average person.
Take care everyone.
Kind regards to all Vicki
After 15 falls some in public places. I have to ask for help to get up as once l am down l cannot get up. The worst was at the top of an escalator. Very embarrassing. A beautiful lady offered to help. I said darling you won't be able to pull me up alone a lovely man came along and said. I better help you get up. I truly felt this kind man was trying not to make a fuss as he could see l was dieing of embarrassed. With their help l had a seat then just got on with it..l was very shaken up. I found out some time later l had a small fracture in the lower spine l believe it happened that day.
Another time l was walking my late dog l seen a dear elderly man in my neighbourhood. Yelled out good morning next thing l am flat on my face. Luckily a meter reader walked around the corner just as l fell. Between these two beautiful men they got me up. After many thank yous as soon as I walked around the corner heading home l cried every step l took between disbelief pain and embarrassment. Another time caring for my grandkids l slipped on something on the floor in my daughter's kitchen trying to stop the fall l bruised all my arms trying to hang onto the benches. No down l went. Thank goodness my daughter had a carpet cleaning man upstairs. I had to get my grandson to go up stairs and ask the man to help me. The fellow was fantastic. Again hide the tears and embarrassment. Felt like a fool. But had no choice but to get on with it. Thank heavens the rest of falls have been at home. Where l can just let the shock and tears and frustration out.
Sometimes like Mary we have no choice but to be as gracious as we can whether you are a Royal or just an average person.
Take care everyone.
Kind regards to all Vicki
Oh poor Vicki you have had some nasty tumbles l just hope they don't continue . Those four pronged sticks are really safer and better than just an ordinary stick. l know it is so embarrassing when you fall and you feel so helpless .l fell flat on my face going into a medical centre once and a guy rushed over to help me l was so grateful.
I have always been extremely clumsy, and able to trip over my own feet without any trouble, this was not so much of a problem when younger as I could easily pick myself up and carry on as if nothing had happened, now however it is a real problem, with 2 damaged knees I find it impossible to pick myself up as easily as before and I have to hope there is someone around to help me. Yesterday while exiting the local pharmacy I completely missed the curb on the edge of the footpath and landed heavily on my side, my first thought aside from total embarasment was oh no how am I going to get up again, luckily there was no shortage of people rushing to help me so I was soon sitting up on the pavement before being helped to stand again, I was so ashamed of being so clumsy as too miss the curb but still so gratefull that so many people were willing to help me, I managed to laugh about it with them blaming my feet for losing their radar but inside I was mortified at my clumsiness, my paliative care team when hearing what had happened tried to convince me to accept a walking stick or personal shopping trolley/cart. I dont need help to walk I just need help to convince my feet to go in the same direction that I want to go!!
I have always been extremely clumsy, and able to trip over my own feet without any trouble, this was not so much of a problem when younger as I could easily pick myself up and carry on as if nothing had happened, now however it is a real problem, with 2 damaged knees I find it impossible to pick myself up as easily as before and I have to hope there is someone around to help me. Yesterday while exiting the local pharmacy I completely missed the curb on the edge of the footpath and landed heavily on my side, my first thought aside from total embarasment was oh no how am I going to get up again, luckily there was no shortage of people rushing to help me so I was soon sitting up on the pavement before being helped to stand again, I was so ashamed of being so clumsy as too miss the curb but still so gratefull that so many people were willing to help me, I managed to laugh about it with them blaming my feet for losing their radar but inside I was mortified at my clumsiness, my paliative care team when hearing what had happened tried to convince me to accept a walking stick or personal shopping trolley/cart. I dont need help to walk I just need help to convince my feet to go in the same direction that I want to go!!
Don't feel ashamed it can happen to anyone just make sure you don't break your hip
I have always been extremely clumsy, and able to trip over my own feet without any trouble, this was not so much of a problem when younger as I could easily pick myself up and carry on as if nothing had happened, now however it is a real problem, with 2 damaged knees I find it impossible to pick myself up as easily as before and I have to hope there is someone around to help me. Yesterday while exiting the local pharmacy I completely missed the curb on the edge of the footpath and landed heavily on my side, my first thought aside from total embarasment was oh no how am I going to get up again, luckily there was no shortage of people rushing to help me so I was soon sitting up on the pavement before being helped to stand again, I was so ashamed of being so clumsy as too miss the curb but still so gratefull that so many people were willing to help me, I managed to laugh about it with them blaming my feet for losing their radar but inside I was mortified at my clumsiness, my paliative care team when hearing what had happened tried to convince me to accept a walking stick or personal shopping trolley/cart. I dont need help to walk I just need help to convince my feet to go in the same direction that I want to go!!
Oh Geana darling, do yourself a favour buy a walker. You may feel you can walk alright but your feet don't know which way they are meant to go. Darling it will help you so much. Believe me they are not embarrassing to use. I had to start using one on my 50s due to having no balance. Better than risking a fall and breaking a bone. No more embarrassing moments. We really should not be embarrassed when we fall. People are so kind and rush to help us because they are concerned not laughing at us.
To be honest l have got past the embarassment. I go into a panic about how l will get up. As l have no hope of getting up.
I truly hope you are not to bruised and sore today darling. Take it easy for the next few days.
Love to you Vicki
Oh poor Vicki you have had some nasty tumbles l just hope they don't continue . Those four pronged sticks are really safer and better than just an ordinary stick. l know it is so embarrassing when you fall and you feel so helpless .l fell flat on my face going into a medical centre once and a guy rushed over to help me l was so grateful.
Thank you darling Ebby, l am a tuff old chook. I do use crutches in the house. But when l am doing house work and using one crutch l have to be very very careful and not loose my train of thought. I use a walker to go for my walk each day and shopping. I have to be careful of the cracks in the paths too.
Thank you for your kind advice and thoughts.
Bless you darling.
Love to you Vicki
Oh Geana darling, do yourself a favour buy a walker. You may feel you can walk alright but your feet don't know which way they are meant to go. Darling it will help you so much. Believe me they are not embarrassing to use. I had to start using one on my 50s due to having no balance. Better than risking a fall and breaking a bone. No more embarrassing moments. We really should not be embarrassed when we fall. People are so kind and rush to help us because they are concerned not laughing at us.
To be honest l have got past the embarassment. I go into a panic about how l will get up. As l have no hope of getting up.
I truly hope you are not to bruised and sore today darling. Take it easy for the next few days.
Love to you Vicki
Thank you Vicki for your very kind words. I am very stubbornly independent and so cannot see any walking aid in my future but I appreciate your advice, i just need to be more carefull where I am going I can see me walking into things because I am concentrating so much on where my feet are going, sort of like the funny videos that we see of people walking into lamposts because they are concentrating so much on their mobile phones, in my case it is not my phone but my feet LOL
Thank you darling Ebby, l am a tuff old chook. I do use crutches in the house. But when l am doing house work and using one crutch l have to be very very careful and not loose my train of thought. I use a walker to go for my walk each day and shopping. I have to be careful of the cracks in the paths too.
Thank you for your kind advice and thoughts.
Bless you darling.
Love to you Vicki
Dear Vicki your most welcome . l know cracks in the pavement and tiles too can be a worry. Take care Love Ebby
Thank you Vicki for your very kind words. I am very stubbornly independent and so cannot see any walking aid in my future but I appreciate your advice, i just need to be more carefull where I am going I can see me walking into things because I am concentrating so much on where my feet are going, sort of like the funny videos that we see of people walking into lamposts because they are concentrating so much on their mobile phones, in my case it is not my phone but my feet LOL
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I believe that women are the very best at soldiering on in the face of most challenge, especially as we age, in fact I think most of us would not admit to being in pain and manage with occasional pain killers before conceding that we need to see the doctor. Big But, I also think that suffering in silence is counterproductive….If walking aids or any other kind of aids are needed, then use them if it helps you…I mean, why live the rest of our lives just putting up with a situation…And no reason to be anxious or embarrassed about anybody seeing you….Everyone, if they’re lucky, gets to grow old and if we need assistance on the journey, then so be it 🌹
Oh Geana darling, do yourself a favour buy a walker. You may feel you can walk alright but your feet don't know which way they are meant to go. Darling it will help you so much. Believe me they are not embarrassing to use. I had to start using one on my 50s due to having no balance. Better than risking a fall and breaking a bone. No more embarrassing moments. We really should not be embarrassed when we fall. People are so kind and rush to help us because they are concerned not laughing at us.
To be honest l have got past the embarassment. I go into a panic about how l will get up. As l have no hope of getting up.
I truly hope you are not to bruised and sore today darling. Take it easy for the next few days.
Love to you Vicki
100% agree with you Bella.
Hubby and I have been using mobility aids for some time now.
I have neuropathy in both feet, so can't feel where I am walking. The aid gives me balance, and protection.
Hubby is very frail and would be at an absolute loss without his aid.
It's not a crutch. Having so many falls is a message. Geana, do give yourself the blessing of physical support, sooner rather than later.
100% agree with you Bella.
Hubby and I have been using mobility aids for some time now.
I have neuropathy in both feet, so can't feel where I am walking. The aid gives me balance, and protection.
Hubby is very frail and would be at an absolute loss without his aid.
It's not a crutch. Having so many falls is a message. Geana, do give yourself the blessing of physical support, sooner rather than later.
Well said Maria G, keep on going you and hubby. Life is for living no matter how we get around.😁
After 15 falls some in public places. I have to ask for help to get up as once l am down l cannot get up. The worst was at the top of an escalator. Very embarrassing. A beautiful lady offered to help. I said darling you won't be able to pull me up alone a lovely man came along and said. I better help you get up. I truly felt this kind man was trying not to make a fuss as he could see l was dieing of embarrassed. With their help l had a seat then just got on with it..l was very shaken up. I found out some time later l had a small fracture in the lower spine l believe it happened that day.
Another time l was walking my late dog l seen a dear elderly man in my neighbourhood. Yelled out good morning next thing l am flat on my face. Luckily a meter reader walked around the corner just as l fell. Between these two beautiful men they got me up. After many thank yous as soon as I walked around the corner heading home l cried every step l took between disbelief pain and embarrassment. Another time caring for my grandkids l slipped on something on the floor in my daughter's kitchen trying to stop the fall l bruised all my arms trying to hang onto the benches. No down l went. Thank goodness my daughter had a carpet cleaning man upstairs. I had to get my grandson to go up stairs and ask the man to help me. The fellow was fantastic. Again hide the tears and embarrassment. Felt like a fool. But had no choice but to get on with it. Thank heavens the rest of falls have been at home. Where l can just let the shock and tears and frustration out.
Sometimes like Mary we have no choice but to be as gracious as we can whether you are a Royal or just an average person.
Take care everyone.
Kind regards to all Vicki
do you not have a walker? i have a wrist in a splint, a first for me, no broken bones as yet. am 85. had plenty of falls to date.
do you not have a walker? i have a wrist in a splint, a first for me, no broken bones as yet. am 85. had plenty of falls to date.
Yes l do have a walker, l have been using the walker for around 8 years. I started off with a walking stick then a crutch and after a fall in the street my husband said that is it walker.
I have had falls with one crutch trying to do house work.
I have no balance, my spine is so curved. Unfortunately it is what it is.
I am very pleased you are managing to get around safely with your walker.
Bless you.
Kind regards Vicki
Yes l do have a walker, l have been using the walker for around 8 years. I started off with a walking stick then a crutch and after a fall in the street my husband said that is it walker.
I have had falls with one crutch trying to do house work.
I have no balance, my spine is so curved. Unfortunately it is what it is.
I am very pleased you are managing to get around safely with your walker.
Bless you.
Kind regards Vicki
My apologies Jest, l miss read your reply. Bless you for still being able to get around with out any aids for so long. A scooter is great so you can still be independent.
Kind regards Vicki

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