Pizza perils: Diner’s unique dietary demands bring tears to staff and leave chef in a pickle

In the hospitality industry, accommodating a customer's dietary requirements is part and parcel of the service experience.

However, the staff at one pizzeria were left utterly bewildered when they encountered a diner whose demands went far beyond the usual gluten-free or vegan requests.

This customer, known only as ‘Onion’, presented a list of peculiar dietary needs accompanied by bizarre threats that left the restaurant staff questioning, ‘How is this real?’

Before even sitting down to order, ‘Onion’ handed over a typed letter to the waiter, outlining his psychosomatic food neurosis.

The letter was not just a simple request for menu adjustments; it was a detailed manifesto of his dining dos and don'ts, complete with wild threats of what would happen if his demands weren't met.

The staff were threatened that he would go into a ‘neurotic state’, inducing potential vulgar outbursts, food throwing, and even 'explosive diarrhea' if ‘Onion’ was served anything that didn't align with his very specific and, frankly, unreasonable demands.

A customer was criticised for sending a demanding letter to a pizzeria's chef outlining his dietary needs and the consequences of not meeting them. Credits: Reddit / r/KitchenConfidential

The note read, ‘Please read this carefully before we begin the food ordering or preparation process. I have some VERY specific food requirements due to my [psychosomatic] food neurosis.’

‘To make my dining, and your work experience, more tolerable please read and follow the VERY SPECIFIC requests.’

The chef, taken aback by the audacity of the situation, took to social media to share the experience.

‘ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NO CHEESE on my food under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. I have a wicked cheese neurosis and any cheese on my food will trigger a VERY UNPLEASANT reaction,’ the note continued.

‘It could induce vulgar language, food throwing, convulsions, ranting, raving, and in many cases vomiting right there in the restaurant or worse... explosive diarrhea. Believe me, you don't want to see, hear, or smell any of these things.’

‘ABSOLUTELY NO PORK CHOPS. Please don't serve me, or even suggest, any pork chops,’ Onion added.

The customer stated that a previous encounter with the food led to the development of a gangrenous gall bladder.

‘Pork chops will cause what my friends call “CODE BROWN” which is an immediately explosive diarrhea event that you don't want here in your establishment,’ the customer warned.

The diner also disclosed that tomatoes or food in contact with tomatoes, will also ‘cause a food neurosis fuelled event’, according to the note.

‘Please, for everyone's sake, don't give me any tomatoes or food that has touched tomatoes,’ he pleaded.

Despite these extensive aversions, Onion professed a love for onions, demanding that ‘If I order a sandwich please only put bread, meat, and lots of onions on it...that's all I want. And remember—NO CHEESE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. NO CHEESE.’

‘By complying with my very specific food will boost your chances of a bigger tip and save both of us the bother of me asking to speak with the manager.’

The online community was quick to react, with thousands expressing shock and disbelief at the diner's rude and unreasonable requirements.

‘Condescending p**** behaviour,’ one server said, adding, ‘I would definitely reserve the right to refuse service at that point.’

One commenter found humour in the situation, jokingly saying, ‘No tomatoes and no cheese. Sir, this is a pizza restaurant. Tasty things with tomatoes and cheese are what we do.’

‘There are definitely multiple pizzas at the place I work that would fit this person's requirements. That being said, the note is far too long,’ another pointed out.

‘Though somewhat irritating, I would've been willing to work with this person's requests until I read the parts about boosting the chance of tip and preventing having to speak with the manager,’ one reader said.

‘At least he's honest,' another remarked.

‘He admits that he's an a****** and none of this is medical. He just doesn't want to make the effort to work on his responses to mild inconveniences.’

As one diner's bizarre list of dietary requirements sparks debate online, it's evident that people have unique preferences when it comes to their food choices.

Onion's ‘food neurosis’ highlights the importance of understanding and accommodating diverse dietary needs in the restaurant industry.

Meanwhile, another Australian restaurant made the headlines for its unusual menu request, proving that surprises can come in unexpected forms when dining out.

These culinary adventures highlight the challenge of conventional dining expectations.
Key Takeaways
  • A customer was criticised for sending a bizarre and demanding letter to a pizzeria's chef outlining his dietary needs and the consequences if they are not met.
  • The letter threatened vulgar behaviour, food throwing, and severe gastrointestinal reactions if the diner's demands, including no cheese or pork chops and strict avoidance of tomatoes, were not honoured.
  • Despite the extreme requests, the customer expressed a strong preference for onions in his food.
  • Social media users overwhelmingly slammed the customer's attitude and demands as rude, unreasonable, and overly entitled, with some suggesting the right to refuse service.
Have you ever encountered a situation where a customer's demands seemed too much? How do you think the pizzeria should have handled Onion's requests? Share your experiences and opinions in the comments below.
That is all so unnecessary. I have food allergies, so when going to pizza venue I always take my own pesto as I am allergic to tomato. Many places now have gluten free bases and are more than happy to accommodate my needs. Treat servers with the politeness they deserve.

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