Petrol spending exposed: Aussies shell out $3,200 yearly

Driving is a cherished form of independence, especially when our calendars remain full of family engagements, catch-ups with friends, and road trips around the country.

But drivers, brace yourselves! The amount you're spending on petrol each year might be more than you think.

According to recent research from Compare the Market, the average driver spends just under $62 weekly on fuel, which adds up to a staggering $3200 annually.

When looking at the demographic, the research revealed that Millennials are the biggest spenders, with their weekly fill-up costing about $78.

Aussies spend $3200 annually on petrol. Credit: Unsplash

Baby boomers, on the other hand, are spending the least each week at about $38.

Generation Z and Generation X are not far behind Millennials, paying about $72 and $71 per week on petrol, respectively.

Chris Ford from Compare the Market pointed out that it's often the small habits that can make a significant difference.

‘Households across Australia are continuing to feel the pinch,’ he said.

‘Inflation is cooling, but that doesn’t mean things are cheaper–they just aren’t increasing as fast as they were a year ago.’

'Fuel is one of our core grudge payments each week. It's something that most of us need to get to and from work, get the kids to school or go grocery shopping for the week, so we often just need to bear and grin it no matter what the price is.’

However, Ford suggested using a petrol price comparison app that could alert drivers to cheaper options nearby rather than sticking with the same service station every time and simply absorbing the cost.

'I know one case personally where a colleague saved $291 in a year on fuel just by checking prices nearby rather than just rolling up to the closest servo,' he said.

‘That’s a big weekly grocery shop or perhaps a couple of good family outings.’

The COVID-19 pandemic also had a significant impact on driving habits.

While people have begun to drive more, the research revealed that more than three in five Aussies were changing their driving habits due to the rising cost of petrol.

'We've seen people cut back on their daily driving habits, but one possible reason we could be seeing this creep in the number of annual kilometres driven is that more people are going on road trips instead of heading overseas for their holiday,' Ford said.

Ford suggested a quick road trip up or down the coast, stopping at camping grounds might be the perfect solution to a much-needed break that won't break the bank.

‘However, no matter if you’re dropping off the kids or taking some time off while experiencing one of Australia’s many wonders, it always pays to compare how much you’re paying at the bowser,’ he said.

Ford shared these top tips for reducing petrol costs:

1. Compare prices: Use a petrol price comparison app to find the cheapest petrol stations nearby.

2. Use public transport: If possible, consider using public transport for your daily commute.

3. Maintain your car: Regular maintenance can improve your car's fuel efficiency.

The government announced the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES) to revolutionise the automotive landscape.

While these standards focus on reducing emissions and promoting fuel efficiency, this could potentially hit the wallets of ute and SUV owners hard. You can read more about the story here.
Key Takeaways

  • Australian drivers, on average, spend nearly $62 each week on petrol, which amounts to over $3200 annually.
  • Millennials were found to be the biggest spenders on fuel, with an average weekly cost of $78, whereas Baby Boomers spend the least at approximately $38 per week.
  • Using a petrol price comparison app can help drivers save significant amounts by finding cheaper fuel options nearby.
  • Due to the rising cost of petrol, more than three in five Australians are altering their driving habits, with some opting for local road trips instead of overseas holidays to save on costs.
Have you found other ways to save on petrol costs? Share your tips in the comments below!
We use a petrol compare app but we find it's usually the same petrol stations who offer cheaper petrol. Problem is these can be out of area and you really don't save unless you are living near or going past one.

Not sure where these figures are from, we spend $70 around every 3 weeks.

My daughter spends $50 a week and one of my sons spends $200 aweek. Not sure what the others spend
The quiet generation left out again. We are also seniors no really the most senior.
We were due for a car change in 2022 so we looked around and purchased a PHEV Plug in Hybrid EV we live in the country and our fuel bill was about $100/week (Triton Ute) the Hybrid has cut that bill to about $60/month for the same number of kilometers we still tow trailers (more efficiently) and use the car in the some way. The difference is short trips are all on electric the car charges for FREE off the solar during the day the dollar savings in the first 12 months were $3,555.00 which includes 2 road trips with a trailer.
My fuel bill is higher than that (average $300 month)
My electric bike use to help, tho my work situation the last 12 months has made it a bit more difficult to use (not just one place of employment/employment site)
My wages are cleaner's wages are pretty low, so I must get back on it a lot more this year!
"it's often the small habits that can make a significant difference", how true that is. Our joint fuel cost for two cars is $75 a fortnight. I use a petrol app, do all of our shopping on one day and plan my shopping route to fit in with the petrol station. Effectively, I drive in a round robin fashion, no wasted kilometres.
I am pleased to read that Boomers are not being blamed for this massive contribution to the environmental impact petrol use has on the environment. I am a serious gardener too and grow many of our veggies on a quarter acre block. with rain water tanks amounting to 10,000litres. There are many ways to save costs if you put your mind and effort into it. That said, fuel is very expensive and regardless of any drop in the price of oil overseas we will never see it drop back. Our government is making too much money through the fuel excise to demand a change.
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Im lucky as the Metro petrol station in Dandy rd Seaford is always cheaper only$177-9 and the other Metro Cranbourne rd Frankston is also cheap, $177-9 but with 4cents of with a fuel voucher from Coles or Woolies.
Use public transport? Yes, but where I live it takes about 50 minutes to and hour one-way to get somewhere that takes 15 minutes out of peak hours to travel by car. The public transport outfit has been cutting serices and sacking drivers as a matter of policy and sees no benefit providing transport for people who drive in 10-15miles to work in the city and sit in long queues etc waiting to move whilst commuting. The State Labour government of some years ago ripped up one track of the two track railway that runs into the heart of the city, rather than enabling the railway to run rail-cars each way simultaneously. The Liberal Government is equally useless , wanting to spend $750 000 000 of taxpayers' money on a stadium for the AFL rather than fund public utilities such as transport and health-care.

And that is what Australia always votes for.
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I use the petrol spy app for the fuel ⛽ price's but the service stations 🚉 every holidays they flog the consumer with price hikes with should be investigated as well because that price gouging like the 2 big supermarkets and you can't tell me it's a natural cycle that's bullshit 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Having a hybrid has made a huge difference. We average around $40 every 5 weeks.
We found it difficult to use public transport for many years. Double the time and privatisation meant having to travel by cab or drive ... so we drive a car that takes 2 mobility aids, and, isn't fuel hungry.

We all know fuel is expensive, however, wouldn't we all be sad if the government doesn't gain the huge income from the tax on fuel levy ... awww poor government.

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