Organising expert reveals 6 things you should never put in your fridge!

When you think about organising your fridge, you probably focus on how to fit everything in a neat and accessible manner.

What you may not realise is that you might have been storing some items in your fridge that would be far better off in your pantry or countertop.

Let's dive into the six items you may mistakenly think belong in your fridge and uncover why they shouldn't be there.

New York-based organising expert Caroline Solomon (34) recently shared a video detailing six items homeowners should keep out of their fridge.

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Organising expert Caroline Solomon revealed the six items homeowners should not keep in their fridge. Image source: TikTok/@neat.caroline.

First on Solomon's list was chocolate. Some people, especially during hot summer days, prefer to store chocolates in a chillier environment to prevent melting.

Solomon explained that while the fridge keeps the chocolate from liquefying, it unfortunately 'dulls the flavour and leads to a grainy consistency'.

She advised storing it 'in a dark and dry place'.

Next up on her list was tomato sauce. As per Solomon, storing this condiment in the fridge, isn't necessary.

'You can keep the bottle in the fridge, but it's entirely safe to keep it in your cupboard as well,' she said.

Another common kitchen item Solomon suggested should escape the fridge’s confines is garlic. She said the optimum storage location for garlic bulbs is 'in a cool, dry place as refrigeration causes it to become rubbery'.

Olive oil also found its way into the list as Solomon highlighted that keeping olive oil in the fridge might result in it forming crystals and turning solid, making it difficult to use the next time you're cooking up a feast.

She added that basil is 'best left at room temperature with the stems in the water'.

The organising expert ended her video with a tip for pastries.

'If you have Danishes, muffins, that sort of thing, it's best to keep them at room temperature.'

Her video has garnered over 1.3 million views and has sparked spirited discussions, particularly on the topic of whether to refrigerate tomato sauce.

Many disagreed and argued that tomato sauce is best refrigerated after opening.

'Ketchup, it says for best results, keep in the fridge. It helps preserve the flavour,' one commented.

While another user asked: 'So we just going to ignore labels that say refrigerated after opening?'

'Didn’t Heinz literally put out a public service recently remind people they need to put their Ketchup up in the fridge,' a third replied.

According to a spokesperson from Heinz, their tomato sauce 'has to be in the fridge'.

Other users from around the world also insisted that chocolates need to be refrigerated, or they would melt.

'I live in Florida. I’m not leaving chocolate outside of the fridge,' one replied.

'Anyone who has experienced an Australian summer knows you have to refrigerate chocolate and sauce,' another added.

While a third said: 'In my country, chocolate goes in the fridge because it literally melts outside.'

You can watch Caroline’s full video below:

Source: TikTok/@neat.caroline.

Key Takeaways
  • Caroline Solomon listed six items that should not be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Among the items listed were chocolate, which she said chilling can lead to a grainy consistency, and tomato sauce, stating that it can safely be stored in the cupboard or the fridge.
  • Solomon also addressed the storage of garlic bulbs and olive oil. Chilled garlic can become rubbery, while olive oil can form crystals and solidify in the fridge.
  • Many viewers disagreed with Solomon's recommendations, especially on the topic of tomato sauce and chocolate storage.
Members, what do you think about these storage tips? Have you been making some of these fridge mistakes, or do you have your food storage guidelines? Share your thoughts and tips with us in the comments below!
I put my chocolate in the fridge because I live in Queensland. I left chocolate out once and I had to try and scrape it off the foil as it was a melted mess. Next thing these so called experts will tell us not to put in the fridge is wine or butter. If you don't live in a place that has 100% humidity most of the year that is fine. But please oh please don't think you know everything when you try to tell us what to do and not to do.
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I keep my spuds in a paper woollies bag in cupboard eggs in fridge and I don’t buy onions anymore but they were always in paper bag in cupboard when I did.bananas in cupboard😍
That's pretty much perfect.
When I want the banana's to ripen quickly so I can make banana bread I will place them in a brown paper bag.
Those brown supermarket bags do come in handy
As a kid I remember reading the "refrigerate after opening" advice on the tomato sauce bottle. Ours lived in a cupboard for its whole life.
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How many times does this comes up I put in the fridge what I want, if I put chocolate in a dry dark place here in WA it would completely melt. In the fridge does not change the taste I'm still a chocoholic
When you think about organising your fridge, you probably focus on how to fit everything in a neat and accessible manner.

What you may not realise is that you might have been storing some items in your fridge that would be far better off in your pantry or countertop.

Let's dive into the six items you may mistakenly think belong in your fridge and uncover why they shouldn't be there.

New York-based organising expert Caroline Solomon (34) recently shared a video detailing six items homeowners should keep out of their fridge.

View attachment 33030
Organising expert Caroline Solomon revealed the six items homeowners should not keep in their fridge. Image source: TikTok/@neat.caroline.

First on Solomon's list was chocolate. Some people, especially during hot summer days, prefer to store chocolates in a chillier environment to prevent melting.

Solomon explained that while the fridge keeps the chocolate from liquefying, it unfortunately 'dulls the flavour and leads to a grainy consistency'.

She advised storing it 'in a dark and dry place'.

Next up on her list was tomato sauce. As per Solomon, storing this condiment in the fridge, isn't necessary.

'You can keep the bottle in the fridge, but it's entirely safe to keep it in your cupboard as well,' she said.

Another common kitchen item Solomon suggested should escape the fridge’s confines is garlic. She said the optimum storage location for garlic bulbs is 'in a cool, dry place as refrigeration causes it to become rubbery'.

Olive oil also found its way into the list as Solomon highlighted that keeping olive oil in the fridge might result in it forming crystals and turning solid, making it difficult to use the next time you're cooking up a feast.

She added that basil is 'best left at room temperature with the stems in the water'.

The organising expert ended her video with a tip for pastries.

'If you have Danishes, muffins, that sort of thing, it's best to keep them at room temperature.'

Her video has garnered over 1.3 million views and has sparked spirited discussions, particularly on the topic of whether to refrigerate tomato sauce.

Many disagreed and argued that tomato sauce is best refrigerated after opening.

'Ketchup, it says for best results, keep in the fridge. It helps preserve the flavour,' one commented.

While another user asked: 'So we just going to ignore labels that say refrigerated after opening?'

'Didn’t Heinz literally put out a public service recently remind people they need to put their Ketchup up in the fridge,' a third replied.

According to a spokesperson from Heinz, their tomato sauce 'has to be in the fridge'.

Other users from around the world also insisted that chocolates need to be refrigerated, or they would melt.

'I live in Florida. I’m not leaving chocolate outside of the fridge,' one replied.

'Anyone who has experienced an Australian summer knows you have to refrigerate chocolate and sauce,' another added.

While a third said: 'In my country, chocolate goes in the fridge because it literally melts outside.'

You can watch Caroline’s full video below:

Source: TikTok/@neat.caroline.

Key Takeaways

  • Caroline Solomon listed six items that should not be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Among the items listed were chocolate, which she said chilling can lead to a grainy consistency, and tomato sauce, stating that it can safely be stored in the cupboard or the fridge.
  • Solomon also addressed the storage of garlic bulbs and olive oil. Chilled garlic can become rubbery, while olive oil can form crystals and solidify in the fridge.
  • Many viewers disagreed with Solomon's recommendations, especially on the topic of tomato sauce and chocolate storage.
Members, what do you think about these storage tips? Have you been making some of these fridge mistakes, or do you have your food storage guidelines? Share your thoughts and tips with us in the comments below!
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Id love to shove her in the fridge or freezer bloody know it all smarty smug arsewipe😈oh no bad me I keep my chocolate in the freezer and tastes exactly the same as unfrozen.(i like mine hard and cold)😈
As Elvis would sing....... "You're the devil in disguise, oh yes you are." :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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How many times does this comes up I put in the fridge what I want, if I put chocolate in a dry dark place here in WA it would completely melt. In the fridge does not change the taste I'm still a chocoholic
Sorry Barb. Read that a bit quick. Thought I read alcoholic. Me bad. :rolleyes:
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I am beginning to go HO HUM with every self appointed expert getting the face on social media and doing the best they can to get the "likes" and "followers" numbers up.
This advice is being offered by an organiser, not someone with any valid credentials, scientific or otherwise.
I pay attention to distributors after opening recommendations, and, my own common sense and preferences.
This TikTok wanna be needs to be ticked off our list.
When you think about organising your fridge, you probably focus on how to fit everything in a neat and accessible manner.

What you may not realise is that you might have been storing some items in your fridge that would be far better off in your pantry or countertop.

Let's dive into the six items you may mistakenly think belong in your fridge and uncover why they shouldn't be there.

New York-based organising expert Caroline Solomon (34) recently shared a video detailing six items homeowners should keep out of their fridge.

View attachment 33030
Organising expert Caroline Solomon revealed the six items homeowners should not keep in their fridge. Image source: TikTok/@neat.caroline.

First on Solomon's list was chocolate. Some people, especially during hot summer days, prefer to store chocolates in a chillier environment to prevent melting.

Solomon explained that while the fridge keeps the chocolate from liquefying, it unfortunately 'dulls the flavour and leads to a grainy consistency'.

She advised storing it 'in a dark and dry place'.

Next up on her list was tomato sauce. As per Solomon, storing this condiment in the fridge, isn't necessary.

'You can keep the bottle in the fridge, but it's entirely safe to keep it in your cupboard as well,' she said.

Another common kitchen item Solomon suggested should escape the fridge’s confines is garlic. She said the optimum storage location for garlic bulbs is 'in a cool, dry place as refrigeration causes it to become rubbery'.

Olive oil also found its way into the list as Solomon highlighted that keeping olive oil in the fridge might result in it forming crystals and turning solid, making it difficult to use the next time you're cooking up a feast.

She added that basil is 'best left at room temperature with the stems in the water'.

The organising expert ended her video with a tip for pastries.

'If you have Danishes, muffins, that sort of thing, it's best to keep them at room temperature.'

Her video has garnered over 1.3 million views and has sparked spirited discussions, particularly on the topic of whether to refrigerate tomato sauce.

Many disagreed and argued that tomato sauce is best refrigerated after opening.

'Ketchup, it says for best results, keep in the fridge. It helps preserve the flavour,' one commented.

While another user asked: 'So we just going to ignore labels that say refrigerated after opening?'

'Didn’t Heinz literally put out a public service recently remind people they need to put their Ketchup up in the fridge,' a third replied.

According to a spokesperson from Heinz, their tomato sauce 'has to be in the fridge'.

Other users from around the world also insisted that chocolates need to be refrigerated, or they would melt.

'I live in Florida. I’m not leaving chocolate outside of the fridge,' one replied.

'Anyone who has experienced an Australian summer knows you have to refrigerate chocolate and sauce,' another added.

While a third said: 'In my country, chocolate goes in the fridge because it literally melts outside.'

You can watch Caroline’s full video below:

Source: TikTok/@neat.caroline.

Key Takeaways

  • Caroline Solomon listed six items that should not be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Among the items listed were chocolate, which she said chilling can lead to a grainy consistency, and tomato sauce, stating that it can safely be stored in the cupboard or the fridge.
  • Solomon also addressed the storage of garlic bulbs and olive oil. Chilled garlic can become rubbery, while olive oil can form crystals and solidify in the fridge.
  • Many viewers disagreed with Solomon's recommendations, especially on the topic of tomato sauce and chocolate storage.
Members, what do you think about these storage tips? Have you been making some of these fridge mistakes, or do you have your food storage guidelines? Share your thoughts and tips with us in the comments below!

what qualifications does she have to be calling herself an expert.... I will put what ever I want in the bloody fridge and at my age sometimes I put stuff in there that was meant to be in the wardrobe or someplace else let alone remember if I have come to take something out or put it back...and I dont drink anymore either
what qualifications does she have to be calling herself an expert.... I will put what ever I want in the bloody fridge and at my age sometimes I put stuff in there that was meant to be in the wardrobe or someplace else let alone remember if I have come to take something out or put it back...and I dont drink anymore either
Thank god I don’t drink anymore I’ve finally stopped putting my cat in the fridge.meow🤣
When you think about organising your fridge, you probably focus on how to fit everything in a neat and accessible manner.

What you may not realise is that you might have been storing some items in your fridge that would be far better off in your pantry or countertop.

Let's dive into the six items you may mistakenly think belong in your fridge and uncover why they shouldn't be there.

New York-based organising expert Caroline Solomon (34) recently shared a video detailing six items homeowners should keep out of their fridge.

View attachment 33030
Organising expert Caroline Solomon revealed the six items homeowners should not keep in their fridge. Image source: TikTok/@neat.caroline.

First on Solomon's list was chocolate. Some people, especially during hot summer days, prefer to store chocolates in a chillier environment to prevent melting.

Solomon explained that while the fridge keeps the chocolate from liquefying, it unfortunately 'dulls the flavour and leads to a grainy consistency'.

She advised storing it 'in a dark and dry place'.

Next up on her list was tomato sauce. As per Solomon, storing this condiment in the fridge, isn't necessary.

'You can keep the bottle in the fridge, but it's entirely safe to keep it in your cupboard as well,' she said.

Another common kitchen item Solomon suggested should escape the fridge’s confines is garlic. She said the optimum storage location for garlic bulbs is 'in a cool, dry place as refrigeration causes it to become rubbery'.

Olive oil also found its way into the list as Solomon highlighted that keeping olive oil in the fridge might result in it forming crystals and turning solid, making it difficult to use the next time you're cooking up a feast.

She added that basil is 'best left at room temperature with the stems in the water'.

The organising expert ended her video with a tip for pastries.

'If you have Danishes, muffins, that sort of thing, it's best to keep them at room temperature.'

Her video has garnered over 1.3 million views and has sparked spirited discussions, particularly on the topic of whether to refrigerate tomato sauce.

Many disagreed and argued that tomato sauce is best refrigerated after opening.

'Ketchup, it says for best results, keep in the fridge. It helps preserve the flavour,' one commented.

While another user asked: 'So we just going to ignore labels that say refrigerated after opening?'

'Didn’t Heinz literally put out a public service recently remind people they need to put their Ketchup up in the fridge,' a third replied.

According to a spokesperson from Heinz, their tomato sauce 'has to be in the fridge'.

Other users from around the world also insisted that chocolates need to be refrigerated, or they would melt.

'I live in Florida. I’m not leaving chocolate outside of the fridge,' one replied.

'Anyone who has experienced an Australian summer knows you have to refrigerate chocolate and sauce,' another added.

While a third said: 'In my country, chocolate goes in the fridge because it literally melts outside.'

You can watch Caroline’s full video below:

Source: TikTok/@neat.caroline.

Key Takeaways

  • Caroline Solomon listed six items that should not be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Among the items listed were chocolate, which she said chilling can lead to a grainy consistency, and tomato sauce, stating that it can safely be stored in the cupboard or the fridge.
  • Solomon also addressed the storage of garlic bulbs and olive oil. Chilled garlic can become rubbery, while olive oil can form crystals and solidify in the fridge.
  • Many viewers disagreed with Solomon's recommendations, especially on the topic of tomato sauce and chocolate storage.
Members, what do you think about these storage tips? Have you been making some of these fridge mistakes, or do you have your food storage guidelines? Share your thoughts and tips with us in the comments below!

This is always said for you to use your own discretion. If it’s 35deg choc goes in the fridge. So many preservatives in Tomato sauce I feel it is safe in the pantry. Same with Jam if I eat it quick enough. Spreads better.

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