Yes, we are barking up the wrong tree trying to correct the way the English language is used, written and spoken these days. In my opinion, correction can only occur if a number of the teachers our children are educated by are taught correct grammar & how to speak correctly BEFORE exposing our children to them right from Kindergarten age. Parents too need to speak correctly, otherwise the English language will become a muddle of words and phrases and words will be lost forever.
My neighbour’s daughter was, and may still be, Second in Charge below the Principal of a state primary school. She always uses ‘bought’ instead of ‘brought’. Never ever heard her saying ‘brought’. It is always ‘bought’. Politicians also pronounce the word incorrectly. Some other words - ‘Secetry’ instead of ‘sec-re-tary’ and ‘noo-cu-ler ’ instead of ‘new-clear’ are other incorrectly used words as is ‘this premise’ instead of ‘these premises’. The latter might be about a single building but the correct way to refer to it is ‘these premises’. I do know my spellings but have used examples above somewhat phonetically.
Too late to change the education system - all we can do is consciously teach our infants the correct way to pronounce words, to use phrases and correct them when they slip up. It bugs me no end to hear our so-called educated people and politicians speaking incorrectly, and doing so on TV for a world audience to hear and probably criticise. Too many corrections to talk about so I’ll stop here.