Money Saving Hacks ??
I thought I would let everyone know on how I save on money after paying the bills.. and that's easy, don't buy groceries, fill the car with petrol or go for an outing as the car has no petrol.. lol! This has been my constant way of life for the last couple of months.
as I have had a huge Electricity Bill that I nearly fainted when I saw it.. thankfully I went to my community Centre and they took care of it. then the rego came in and that was only a 3 monthly payment which is manageable. Don't feel sorry for me as I am grateful for what I have. I also have my grandson on weekends, Monday & Wednesday after school & that keeps me young.. well one can dream.. lol! I do have a garden that I am trying to plant Veggies and is slowly coming to fruition.. as I don't have a lot of room and have to plan it.. any way just trying to put in my 2 cents in to save money. Cheers