Yes I well remember, Monday was washing, Tuesday ironing, and almost everything was ironed back then, even cotton undies by some people, Wednesday and Thursday sheets were washed, we had too many beds with a big family to do them all in one day, but sheets were washed every week without fail, more often if anyone was sick. Friday morning mum made a grocery list and got the neighbour who ran the telephone exchange to ring it through to the grocer in town, who had it ready for dad to collect on his way home from his week away working at a sawmill where he stayed during the week. Friday afternoon was putting away groceries. Saturday was washing dads clothes, cleaning up any rubbish in the yard, boy we had a big area to clean as we had no fence around the house, dad mowed, kids raked up the grass and carted it over the paddock away from the house. Saturday afternoon dad cut the heads off a couple of chooks for sunday lunch and us kids had to pluck and gut them, awful job. Sunday morning us kids took turns helping dig a hole for dad to empty the toilet into, no septic or dunny collectors out in the sticks. Sunday was roast dinner and our once a week dessert, mum and a couple of us girls would also cook cakes, bikkies for dad to take to the mill and for us for school and home, then if we were lucky we could rest a bit Sunday afternoon. Housework like sweeping and dusting was done daily, mopping the wooden floors was done twice a week, even the old boards used as a walkway to our outside laundry were mopped and boy did mum rouse if anyone walked on the wet floors. Life was tough but good.