Molly Meldrum's latest incident leaves fans shocked and concerned – his family insists he has a ‘dedicated support system in place’

Ian 'Molly' Meldrum has been an iconic figure in the Australian music industry for over four decades, earning recognition and respect for his contributions and support for talented performers. However, recent events have sparked concern for his well-being and reputation.

A disturbing video has surfaced from a Rod Stewart concert, showing Meldrum urinating on the floor in front of a shocked audience.

A witness to the incident told the Daily Mail that they saw the 80-year-old Meldrum in action, and it was not a pretty sight. 'There were people everywhere. It was disgusting,' they said.

The incident has understandably raised concerns among those close to Molly, with one entertainment editor noting that it's starting to tarnish his otherwise stellar legacy. 'It's a bad look, and it's beginning to negate Molly's legacy, which is decades of great support to the Australian music industry,' they said.

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Concerning footage has emerged of Ian 'Molly' Meldrum exposing himself at a Rod Stewart concert in Melbourne. Credit: Twitter.

It's worth noting that there may be more to Molly's behaviour than meets the eye. Apparently, he suffered a serious brain injury back in 2011 after taking a tumble off a ladder. Some are suggesting that this injury could be playing a role in his recent behaviour.

That being said, it's important for those caring for him to take proactive measures to ensure that no more public incidents occur. Ultimately, it's up to them to keep Molly and those around him safe and secure.

It seems that Molly is taking responsibility for his actions and has issued apologies to the public, but the full extent of the fallout from his scandal remains to be seen.

One person who is standing by him is his assistant, Alan Evers-Buckland. He defended Molly, saying that he's deeply embarrassed and sorry for what happened, and emphasised the many years of service and support that Molly’s given to the music industry.

Evers-Buckland added that despite the best efforts of Molly's dedicated team, some things are simply beyond their control. Nonetheless, it's clear that there are many people in the industry who care deeply for Molly and are hoping he can weather this storm.

At the end of the day, we can only hope that he finds the support and strength he needs to move forward and that his legacy will ultimately be remembered for the positive impact he's had on Australian music.

It seems like Molly has a bit of a history when it comes to pushing boundaries at public events. In fact, the recent incident we talked about earlier wasn't even his first offence!

Just a couple of months prior, he made headlines again at an Elton John concert, where he shocked fans by pulling down his pants and mooning the crowd during a performance of 'The B**ch Is Back'.

Unfortunately, this kind of behaviour seems to be something of a pattern for Molly. Back in 2017, he made waves at the 60th annual Logie Awards by snatching the microphone away from actor Samuel Johnson during his acceptance speech.

Johnson was dedicating his award to his charity and his sister, who was battling cancer at the time — definitely not the time or place for a publicity stunt.

All of this goes to show that while Molly may be a beloved figure in the Australian music world, he's not without his share of controversy and drama.

Key Takeaways

  • Ian 'Molly' Meldrum is a well-known figure in the Australian music industry, having supported and recognised talented performers for over four decades.
  • However, in recent years, he has made headlines for concerning incidents, including baring his backside on stage and allegedly urinating on the floor during a concert.
  • While some attribute these behaviours to a brain injury he suffered in 2011, his story serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking help and support as we age.

We all want to live our golden years with grace and dignity, but as we age, it can be easy to lose our independence and find ourselves struggling with everyday tasks. That's why it's important to be mindful of our own well-being and that of those around us.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a decline in independence and making mistakes, it's essential to consider getting help. Seeking assistance doesn't mean giving up your freedom; in fact, it can be quite the opposite. With a bit of support, you can continue to live independently for longer while enjoying a better quality of life.

The type of support needed will differ from person to person. It could involve assistance with daily activities such as shopping and cooking or help with personal care like bathing and dressing. It may even involve making modifications to your home to improve safety and mobility.

Whatever the case may be, getting a little extra help can make a world of difference in your life. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for assistance — it's a sign of strength, not weakness.

Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 2.02.07 PM.png
It can be difficult when we reach our older years, but that's all the more reason why we must be mindful of how we treat ourselves. Credit: Unsplash/National Cancer Institute.

The story of Molly Meldrum is a reminder that even those we admire can struggle with their own personal challenges. While his recent incidents have left many feeling concerned, it's important to remember that he is just one example of someone who may need extra support and care as they age.

We all know someone who could benefit from a little help, whether it's a family member, friend, or even ourselves.

Members, how does Molly's story make you feel? Has it made you more aware of the importance of reaching out for help or reminded you to check in on someone you know who may be struggling?

Whatever your thoughts, let's use this opportunity to start a conversation and encourage one another to prioritise our own well-being and that of those around us.
His fall and subsequent brain injury has a huge amount to do with his behaviour, BUT that does not excuse his people who are suppose to be looking after him they should be doing more to try and get him away from these events, these places are what triggers this sort of behaviour. Shame on the minders they are just getting paid and NOT doing the job. Molly deserves a lot more than this, his reputation is going down the drain because of these lazy people.
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Ian 'Molly' Meldrum has been an iconic figure in the Australian music industry for over four decades, earning recognition and respect for his contributions and support for talented performers. However, recent events have sparked concern for his well-being and reputation.

A disturbing video has surfaced from a Rod Stewart concert, showing Meldrum urinating on the floor in front of a shocked audience.

A witness to the incident told the Daily Mail that they saw the 80-year-old Meldrum in action, and it was not a pretty sight. 'There were people everywhere. It was disgusting,' they said.

The incident has understandably raised concerns among those close to Molly, with one entertainment editor noting that it's starting to tarnish his otherwise stellar legacy. 'It's a bad look, and it's beginning to negate Molly's legacy, which is decades of great support to the Australian music industry,' they said.

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Concerning footage has emerged of Ian 'Molly' Meldrum exposing himself at a Rod Stewart concert in Melbourne. Credit: Twitter.

It's worth noting that there may be more to Molly's behaviour than meets the eye. Apparently, he suffered a serious brain injury back in 2011 after taking a tumble off a ladder. Some are suggesting that this injury could be playing a role in his recent behaviour.

That being said, it's important for those caring for him to take proactive measures to ensure that no more public incidents occur. Ultimately, it's up to them to keep Molly and those around him safe and secure.

It seems that Molly is taking responsibility for his actions and has issued apologies to the public, but the full extent of the fallout from his scandal remains to be seen.

One person who is standing by him is his assistant, Alan Evers-Buckland. He defended Molly, saying that he's deeply embarrassed and sorry for what happened, and emphasised the many years of service and support that Molly’s given to the music industry.

Evers-Buckland added that despite the best efforts of Molly's dedicated team, some things are simply beyond their control. Nonetheless, it's clear that there are many people in the industry who care deeply for Molly and are hoping he can weather this storm.

At the end of the day, we can only hope that he finds the support and strength he needs to move forward and that his legacy will ultimately be remembered for the positive impact he's had on Australian music.

It seems like Molly has a bit of a history when it comes to pushing boundaries at public events. In fact, the recent incident we talked about earlier wasn't even his first offence!

Just a couple of months prior, he made headlines again at an Elton John concert, where he shocked fans by pulling down his pants and mooning the crowd during a performance of 'The B**ch Is Back'.

Unfortunately, this kind of behaviour seems to be something of a pattern for Molly. Back in 2017, he made waves at the 60th annual Logie Awards by snatching the microphone away from actor Samuel Johnson during his acceptance speech.

Johnson was dedicating his award to his charity and his sister, who was battling cancer at the time — definitely not the time or place for a publicity stunt.

All of this goes to show that while Molly may be a beloved figure in the Australian music world, he's not without his share of controversy and drama.

Key Takeaways

  • Ian 'Molly' Meldrum is a well-known figure in the Australian music industry, having supported and recognised talented performers for over four decades.
  • However, in recent years, he has made headlines for concerning incidents, including baring his backside on stage and allegedly urinating on the floor during a concert.
  • While some attribute these behaviours to a brain injury he suffered in 2011, his story serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking help and support as we age.

We all want to live our golden years with grace and dignity, but as we age, it can be easy to lose our independence and find ourselves struggling with everyday tasks. That's why it's important to be mindful of our own well-being and that of those around us.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a decline in independence and making mistakes, it's essential to consider getting help. Seeking assistance doesn't mean giving up your freedom; in fact, it can be quite the opposite. With a bit of support, you can continue to live independently for longer while enjoying a better quality of life.

The type of support needed will differ from person to person. It could involve assistance with daily activities such as shopping and cooking or help with personal care like bathing and dressing. It may even involve making modifications to your home to improve safety and mobility.

Whatever the case may be, getting a little extra help can make a world of difference in your life. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for assistance — it's a sign of strength, not weakness.

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It can be difficult when we reach our older years, but that's all the more reason why we must be mindful of how we treat ourselves. Credit: Unsplash/National Cancer Institute.

The story of Molly Meldrum is a reminder that even those we admire can struggle with their own personal challenges. While his recent incidents have left many feeling concerned, it's important to remember that he is just one example of someone who may need extra support and care as they age.

We all know someone who could benefit from a little help, whether it's a family member, friend, or even ourselves.

Members, how does Molly's story make you feel? Has it made you more aware of the importance of reaching out for help or reminded you to check in on someone you know who may be struggling?

Whatever your thoughts, let's use this opportunity to start a conversation and encourage one another to prioritise our own well-being and that of those around us.

Poor Molly it’s so sad!! Most people do not understand how people act and behave with a brain injury. As much as most of us think that it’s disgusting, they don’t have the control like we do. Hopefully that his carers are able keep him out of trouble. Molly is a bloody legend in the music industry.
He was a legend in his own right but enough is enough.

When I saw what he did to Sam Johnson when he was receiving his award I thought how bad it was. Not only did he take over and took away Sams glory , I found out later , with Molly taking over it also took away how Sam was going to use this time to raise money for Cancer.

Of course Molly's assistant would stick up for him ...he is being paid by Molly.

Imagine being at a concert and someone urinating in front of you. If this was someone else they would have been arrested.

Molly I think if you can't keep it in your pants then keep it at home.

Molly has alot more support and money than the average person .

I know brain damage is awful but I also think it's the alcohol and drugs
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The man is disgusting and vile. He is totally aware of what he is doing, just trying to grab a last bit of fame by being gross and vile. If it were any other ordinary person exposing themselves and urinating in public they would be charged with indecent exposure at the least! I am sure any ordinary elderly or disabled male doing this in public would not be let off Scott free. If it is because of his mental state then his minders are not doing their job, if he was able to walk on stage at a concert and if when sitting beside him at another concert he was able to undo his fly, whip it out and urinate in his seat then they are not keeping an eye on him. Also if this is the norm for him why only do it at 2 concerts and nowhere else? The public laughing and saying good old Molly is not good enough. Maybe we should all run out in the streets and do the same , would be interesting to see what would happen? After all if good old Molly can, why not everybody else too.
Poor Molly? I've always viewed Molly's behaviour as being tactless.
His minder is at fault, as he should have done the planning with what to do if Molly needed to relieve himself at that concert. I mean who they are kidding. Someone in a wheelchair who is disabled often needs to go to the bathroom at some point at an event.
If this wasn't possible, then Molly should have stayed home.
There's lots of things disabled people can't do. Attending concerts and large events is something Molly should think twice about, if organisation for him can't happen.
It's not the first time he has done this. His 'minders' learn nothing from past 'events' or they just don't care.
His mental issues go beyond the fall. He is not a young man and deserves to be treated with more respect, not because he's Meldrum but because he is a human being.
His minders should learn a few things from aged care workers. They need to learn how to look after someone like Meldrum. Ensure that he lives his life with dignity particularly when he is out in public.
Shame on his minders. Shame!
Ian 'Molly' Meldrum has been an iconic figure in the Australian music industry for over four decades, earning recognition and respect for his contributions and support for talented performers. However, recent events have sparked concern for his well-being and reputation.

A disturbing video has surfaced from a Rod Stewart concert, showing Meldrum urinating on the floor in front of a shocked audience.

A witness to the incident told the Daily Mail that they saw the 80-year-old Meldrum in action, and it was not a pretty sight. 'There were people everywhere. It was disgusting,' they said.

The incident has understandably raised concerns among those close to Molly, with one entertainment editor noting that it's starting to tarnish his otherwise stellar legacy. 'It's a bad look, and it's beginning to negate Molly's legacy, which is decades of great support to the Australian music industry,' they said.

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Concerning footage has emerged of Ian 'Molly' Meldrum exposing himself at a Rod Stewart concert in Melbourne. Credit: Twitter.

It's worth noting that there may be more to Molly's behaviour than meets the eye. Apparently, he suffered a serious brain injury back in 2011 after taking a tumble off a ladder. Some are suggesting that this injury could be playing a role in his recent behaviour.

That being said, it's important for those caring for him to take proactive measures to ensure that no more public incidents occur. Ultimately, it's up to them to keep Molly and those around him safe and secure.

It seems that Molly is taking responsibility for his actions and has issued apologies to the public, but the full extent of the fallout from his scandal remains to be seen.

One person who is standing by him is his assistant, Alan Evers-Buckland. He defended Molly, saying that he's deeply embarrassed and sorry for what happened, and emphasised the many years of service and support that Molly’s given to the music industry.

Evers-Buckland added that despite the best efforts of Molly's dedicated team, some things are simply beyond their control. Nonetheless, it's clear that there are many people in the industry who care deeply for Molly and are hoping he can weather this storm.

At the end of the day, we can only hope that he finds the support and strength he needs to move forward and that his legacy will ultimately be remembered for the positive impact he's had on Australian music.

It seems like Molly has a bit of a history when it comes to pushing boundaries at public events. In fact, the recent incident we talked about earlier wasn't even his first offence!

Just a couple of months prior, he made headlines again at an Elton John concert, where he shocked fans by pulling down his pants and mooning the crowd during a performance of 'The B**ch Is Back'.

Unfortunately, this kind of behaviour seems to be something of a pattern for Molly. Back in 2017, he made waves at the 60th annual Logie Awards by snatching the microphone away from actor Samuel Johnson during his acceptance speech.

Johnson was dedicating his award to his charity and his sister, who was battling cancer at the time — definitely not the time or place for a publicity stunt.

All of this goes to show that while Molly may be a beloved figure in the Australian music world, he's not without his share of controversy and drama.

Key Takeaways

  • Ian 'Molly' Meldrum is a well-known figure in the Australian music industry, having supported and recognised talented performers for over four decades.
  • However, in recent years, he has made headlines for concerning incidents, including baring his backside on stage and allegedly urinating on the floor during a concert.
  • While some attribute these behaviours to a brain injury he suffered in 2011, his story serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking help and support as we age.

We all want to live our golden years with grace and dignity, but as we age, it can be easy to lose our independence and find ourselves struggling with everyday tasks. That's why it's important to be mindful of our own well-being and that of those around us.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a decline in independence and making mistakes, it's essential to consider getting help. Seeking assistance doesn't mean giving up your freedom; in fact, it can be quite the opposite. With a bit of support, you can continue to live independently for longer while enjoying a better quality of life.

The type of support needed will differ from person to person. It could involve assistance with daily activities such as shopping and cooking or help with personal care like bathing and dressing. It may even involve making modifications to your home to improve safety and mobility.

Whatever the case may be, getting a little extra help can make a world of difference in your life. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for assistance — it's a sign of strength, not weakness.

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It can be difficult when we reach our older years, but that's all the more reason why we must be mindful of how we treat ourselves. Credit: Unsplash/National Cancer Institute.

The story of Molly Meldrum is a reminder that even those we admire can struggle with their own personal challenges. While his recent incidents have left many feeling concerned, it's important to remember that he is just one example of someone who may need extra support and care as they age.

We all know someone who could benefit from a little help, whether it's a family member, friend, or even ourselves.

Members, how does Molly's story make you feel? Has it made you more aware of the importance of reaching out for help or reminded you to check in on someone you know who may be struggling?

Whatever your thoughts, let's use this opportunity to start a conversation and encourage one another to prioritise our own well-being and that of those around us.

Molly is an Australian Icon, and I am not excusing his behaviour but remember he is not the same man since his fall. I believe it's the responsibility of his carers to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen.
Ian 'Molly' Meldrum has been an iconic figure in the Australian music industry for over four decades, earning recognition and respect for his contributions and support for talented performers. However, recent events have sparked concern for his well-being and reputation.

A disturbing video has surfaced from a Rod Stewart concert, showing Meldrum urinating on the floor in front of a shocked audience.

A witness to the incident told the Daily Mail that they saw the 80-year-old Meldrum in action, and it was not a pretty sight. 'There were people everywhere. It was disgusting,' they said.

The incident has understandably raised concerns among those close to Molly, with one entertainment editor noting that it's starting to tarnish his otherwise stellar legacy. 'It's a bad look, and it's beginning to negate Molly's legacy, which is decades of great support to the Australian music industry,' they said.

View attachment 17862
Concerning footage has emerged of Ian 'Molly' Meldrum exposing himself at a Rod Stewart concert in Melbourne. Credit: Twitter.

It's worth noting that there may be more to Molly's behaviour than meets the eye. Apparently, he suffered a serious brain injury back in 2011 after taking a tumble off a ladder. Some are suggesting that this injury could be playing a role in his recent behaviour.

That being said, it's important for those caring for him to take proactive measures to ensure that no more public incidents occur. Ultimately, it's up to them to keep Molly and those around him safe and secure.

It seems that Molly is taking responsibility for his actions and has issued apologies to the public, but the full extent of the fallout from his scandal remains to be seen.

One person who is standing by him is his assistant, Alan Evers-Buckland. He defended Molly, saying that he's deeply embarrassed and sorry for what happened, and emphasised the many years of service and support that Molly’s given to the music industry.

Evers-Buckland added that despite the best efforts of Molly's dedicated team, some things are simply beyond their control. Nonetheless, it's clear that there are many people in the industry who care deeply for Molly and are hoping he can weather this storm.

At the end of the day, we can only hope that he finds the support and strength he needs to move forward and that his legacy will ultimately be remembered for the positive impact he's had on Australian music.

It seems like Molly has a bit of a history when it comes to pushing boundaries at public events. In fact, the recent incident we talked about earlier wasn't even his first offence!

Just a couple of months prior, he made headlines again at an Elton John concert, where he shocked fans by pulling down his pants and mooning the crowd during a performance of 'The B**ch Is Back'.

Unfortunately, this kind of behaviour seems to be something of a pattern for Molly. Back in 2017, he made waves at the 60th annual Logie Awards by snatching the microphone away from actor Samuel Johnson during his acceptance speech.

Johnson was dedicating his award to his charity and his sister, who was battling cancer at the time — definitely not the time or place for a publicity stunt.

All of this goes to show that while Molly may be a beloved figure in the Australian music world, he's not without his share of controversy and drama.

Key Takeaways

  • Ian 'Molly' Meldrum is a well-known figure in the Australian music industry, having supported and recognised talented performers for over four decades.
  • However, in recent years, he has made headlines for concerning incidents, including baring his backside on stage and allegedly urinating on the floor during a concert.
  • While some attribute these behaviours to a brain injury he suffered in 2011, his story serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking help and support as we age.

We all want to live our golden years with grace and dignity, but as we age, it can be easy to lose our independence and find ourselves struggling with everyday tasks. That's why it's important to be mindful of our own well-being and that of those around us.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a decline in independence and making mistakes, it's essential to consider getting help. Seeking assistance doesn't mean giving up your freedom; in fact, it can be quite the opposite. With a bit of support, you can continue to live independently for longer while enjoying a better quality of life.

The type of support needed will differ from person to person. It could involve assistance with daily activities such as shopping and cooking or help with personal care like bathing and dressing. It may even involve making modifications to your home to improve safety and mobility.

Whatever the case may be, getting a little extra help can make a world of difference in your life. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for assistance — it's a sign of strength, not weakness.

View attachment 17863
It can be difficult when we reach our older years, but that's all the more reason why we must be mindful of how we treat ourselves. Credit: Unsplash/National Cancer Institute.

The story of Molly Meldrum is a reminder that even those we admire can struggle with their own personal challenges. While his recent incidents have left many feeling concerned, it's important to remember that he is just one example of someone who may need extra support and care as they age.

We all know someone who could benefit from a little help, whether it's a family member, friend, or even ourselves.

Members, how does Molly's story make you feel? Has it made you more aware of the importance of reaching out for help or reminded you to check in on someone you know who may be struggling?

Whatever your thoughts, let's use this opportunity to start a conversation and encourage one another to prioritise our own well-being and that of those around us.

Time Molly was put in a home care the brain injury yes he had a fall there is no need for these public displays be remembered for what you did for the music industry in Australia and not an 80 year old idiot as for this cares/helpers should be sacked for not safe guarding Molly and the public
Ian 'Molly' Meldrum has been an iconic figure in the Australian music industry for over four decades, earning recognition and respect for his contributions and support for talented performers. However, recent events have sparked concern for his well-being and reputation.

A disturbing video has surfaced from a Rod Stewart concert, showing Meldrum urinating on the floor in front of a shocked audience.

A witness to the incident told the Daily Mail that they saw the 80-year-old Meldrum in action, and it was not a pretty sight. 'There were people everywhere. It was disgusting,' they said.

The incident has understandably raised concerns among those close to Molly, with one entertainment editor noting that it's starting to tarnish his otherwise stellar legacy. 'It's a bad look, and it's beginning to negate Molly's legacy, which is decades of great support to the Australian music industry,' they said.

View attachment 17862
Concerning footage has emerged of Ian 'Molly' Meldrum exposing himself at a Rod Stewart concert in Melbourne. Credit: Twitter.

It's worth noting that there may be more to Molly's behaviour than meets the eye. Apparently, he suffered a serious brain injury back in 2011 after taking a tumble off a ladder. Some are suggesting that this injury could be playing a role in his recent behaviour.

That being said, it's important for those caring for him to take proactive measures to ensure that no more public incidents occur. Ultimately, it's up to them to keep Molly and those around him safe and secure.

It seems that Molly is taking responsibility for his actions and has issued apologies to the public, but the full extent of the fallout from his scandal remains to be seen.

One person who is standing by him is his assistant, Alan Evers-Buckland. He defended Molly, saying that he's deeply embarrassed and sorry for what happened, and emphasised the many years of service and support that Molly’s given to the music industry.

Evers-Buckland added that despite the best efforts of Molly's dedicated team, some things are simply beyond their control. Nonetheless, it's clear that there are many people in the industry who care deeply for Molly and are hoping he can weather this storm.

At the end of the day, we can only hope that he finds the support and strength he needs to move forward and that his legacy will ultimately be remembered for the positive impact he's had on Australian music.

It seems like Molly has a bit of a history when it comes to pushing boundaries at public events. In fact, the recent incident we talked about earlier wasn't even his first offence!

Just a couple of months prior, he made headlines again at an Elton John concert, where he shocked fans by pulling down his pants and mooning the crowd during a performance of 'The B**ch Is Back'.

Unfortunately, this kind of behaviour seems to be something of a pattern for Molly. Back in 2017, he made waves at the 60th annual Logie Awards by snatching the microphone away from actor Samuel Johnson during his acceptance speech.

Johnson was dedicating his award to his charity and his sister, who was battling cancer at the time — definitely not the time or place for a publicity stunt.

All of this goes to show that while Molly may be a beloved figure in the Australian music world, he's not without his share of controversy and drama.

Key Takeaways

  • Ian 'Molly' Meldrum is a well-known figure in the Australian music industry, having supported and recognised talented performers for over four decades.
  • However, in recent years, he has made headlines for concerning incidents, including baring his backside on stage and allegedly urinating on the floor during a concert.
  • While some attribute these behaviours to a brain injury he suffered in 2011, his story serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking help and support as we age.

We all want to live our golden years with grace and dignity, but as we age, it can be easy to lose our independence and find ourselves struggling with everyday tasks. That's why it's important to be mindful of our own well-being and that of those around us.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a decline in independence and making mistakes, it's essential to consider getting help. Seeking assistance doesn't mean giving up your freedom; in fact, it can be quite the opposite. With a bit of support, you can continue to live independently for longer while enjoying a better quality of life.

The type of support needed will differ from person to person. It could involve assistance with daily activities such as shopping and cooking or help with personal care like bathing and dressing. It may even involve making modifications to your home to improve safety and mobility.

Whatever the case may be, getting a little extra help can make a world of difference in your life. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for assistance — it's a sign of strength, not weakness.

View attachment 17863
It can be difficult when we reach our older years, but that's all the more reason why we must be mindful of how we treat ourselves. Credit: Unsplash/National Cancer Institute.

The story of Molly Meldrum is a reminder that even those we admire can struggle with their own personal challenges. While his recent incidents have left many feeling concerned, it's important to remember that he is just one example of someone who may need extra support and care as they age.

We all know someone who could benefit from a little help, whether it's a family member, friend, or even ourselves.

Members, how does Molly's story make you feel? Has it made you more aware of the importance of reaching out for help or reminded you to check in on someone you know who may be struggling?

Whatever your thoughts, let's use this opportunity to start a conversation and encourage one another to prioritise our own well-being and that of those around us.

Love Molly and he has done a great service to the Australian music industry. But he is becoming more erratic with some of his behaviour. Which is incredibly sad, but with his brain injury & his advancing age things like this is going to happen more often. I don't 100% blame Molly, but I do believe that some, if not most blame should be on his handler's shoulders.
Remember if this was someone less known, they would have been fined on the spot.
Here is what the Australian Law states.

Although specific laws against public urination exist in Queensland, South Australia and the ACT, there is no such discrete offence in New South Wales.

Rather, such acts may amount to “offensive conduct”, which is a crime under section 4 of the Summary Offences Act 1988 (NSW).

To establish the offence, the prosecution is required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant conduct himself or herself in an “offensive manner” in or near, or within view or hearing from, a public place or a school.

The maximum penalty for the offence is a fine of 6 penalty units (currently $660) or imprisonment for three months.

Alternatively, police have discretion to issue a criminal infringement notice (a fine) for the offence in the sum of $500, rather than sending a person to court.

Paying a criminal infringement notice does not lead to a criminal record, and a person can challenge the notice and seek to defend the charge in court if he or she wishes to do so.
Ian 'Molly' Meldrum has been an iconic figure in the Australian music industry for over four decades, earning recognition and respect for his contributions and support for talented performers. However, recent events have sparked concern for his well-being and reputation.

A disturbing video has surfaced from a Rod Stewart concert, showing Meldrum urinating on the floor in front of a shocked audience.

A witness to the incident told the Daily Mail that they saw the 80-year-old Meldrum in action, and it was not a pretty sight. 'There were people everywhere. It was disgusting,' they said.

The incident has understandably raised concerns among those close to Molly, with one entertainment editor noting that it's starting to tarnish his otherwise stellar legacy. 'It's a bad look, and it's beginning to negate Molly's legacy, which is decades of great support to the Australian music industry,' they said.

View attachment 17862
Concerning footage has emerged of Ian 'Molly' Meldrum exposing himself at a Rod Stewart concert in Melbourne. Credit: Twitter.

It's worth noting that there may be more to Molly's behaviour than meets the eye. Apparently, he suffered a serious brain injury back in 2011 after taking a tumble off a ladder. Some are suggesting that this injury could be playing a role in his recent behaviour.

That being said, it's important for those caring for him to take proactive measures to ensure that no more public incidents occur. Ultimately, it's up to them to keep Molly and those around him safe and secure.

It seems that Molly is taking responsibility for his actions and has issued apologies to the public, but the full extent of the fallout from his scandal remains to be seen.

One person who is standing by him is his assistant, Alan Evers-Buckland. He defended Molly, saying that he's deeply embarrassed and sorry for what happened, and emphasised the many years of service and support that Molly’s given to the music industry.

Evers-Buckland added that despite the best efforts of Molly's dedicated team, some things are simply beyond their control. Nonetheless, it's clear that there are many people in the industry who care deeply for Molly and are hoping he can weather this storm.

At the end of the day, we can only hope that he finds the support and strength he needs to move forward and that his legacy will ultimately be remembered for the positive impact he's had on Australian music.

It seems like Molly has a bit of a history when it comes to pushing boundaries at public events. In fact, the recent incident we talked about earlier wasn't even his first offence!

Just a couple of months prior, he made headlines again at an Elton John concert, where he shocked fans by pulling down his pants and mooning the crowd during a performance of 'The B**ch Is Back'.

Unfortunately, this kind of behaviour seems to be something of a pattern for Molly. Back in 2017, he made waves at the 60th annual Logie Awards by snatching the microphone away from actor Samuel Johnson during his acceptance speech.

Johnson was dedicating his award to his charity and his sister, who was battling cancer at the time — definitely not the time or place for a publicity stunt.

All of this goes to show that while Molly may be a beloved figure in the Australian music world, he's not without his share of controversy and drama.

Key Takeaways

  • Ian 'Molly' Meldrum is a well-known figure in the Australian music industry, having supported and recognised talented performers for over four decades.
  • However, in recent years, he has made headlines for concerning incidents, including baring his backside on stage and allegedly urinating on the floor during a concert.
  • While some attribute these behaviours to a brain injury he suffered in 2011, his story serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking help and support as we age.

We all want to live our golden years with grace and dignity, but as we age, it can be easy to lose our independence and find ourselves struggling with everyday tasks. That's why it's important to be mindful of our own well-being and that of those around us.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a decline in independence and making mistakes, it's essential to consider getting help. Seeking assistance doesn't mean giving up your freedom; in fact, it can be quite the opposite. With a bit of support, you can continue to live independently for longer while enjoying a better quality of life.

The type of support needed will differ from person to person. It could involve assistance with daily activities such as shopping and cooking or help with personal care like bathing and dressing. It may even involve making modifications to your home to improve safety and mobility.

Whatever the case may be, getting a little extra help can make a world of difference in your life. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for assistance — it's a sign of strength, not weakness.

View attachment 17863
It can be difficult when we reach our older years, but that's all the more reason why we must be mindful of how we treat ourselves. Credit: Unsplash/National Cancer Institute.

The story of Molly Meldrum is a reminder that even those we admire can struggle with their own personal challenges. While his recent incidents have left many feeling concerned, it's important to remember that he is just one example of someone who may need extra support and care as they age.

We all know someone who could benefit from a little help, whether it's a family member, friend, or even ourselves.

Members, how does Molly's story make you feel? Has it made you more aware of the importance of reaching out for help or reminded you to check in on someone you know who may be struggling?

Whatever your thoughts, let's use this opportunity to start a conversation and encourage one another to prioritise our own well-being and that of those around us.

A relative of mine worked with him some time ago (there’s more to Meldrum than what gets published). It never ceases to amaze me how Narcissistic Personality Disordered people feel the need to grab the spotlight, just to be noticed. It’s quite sad.
Ian 'Molly' Meldrum has been an iconic figure in the Australian music industry for over four decades, earning recognition and respect for his contributions and support for talented performers. However, recent events have sparked concern for his well-being and reputation.

A disturbing video has surfaced from a Rod Stewart concert, showing Meldrum urinating on the floor in front of a shocked audience.

A witness to the incident told the Daily Mail that they saw the 80-year-old Meldrum in action, and it was not a pretty sight. 'There were people everywhere. It was disgusting,' they said.

The incident has understandably raised concerns among those close to Molly, with one entertainment editor noting that it's starting to tarnish his otherwise stellar legacy. 'It's a bad look, and it's beginning to negate Molly's legacy, which is decades of great support to the Australian music industry,' they said.

View attachment 17862
Concerning footage has emerged of Ian 'Molly' Meldrum exposing himself at a Rod Stewart concert in Melbourne. Credit: Twitter.

It's worth noting that there may be more to Molly's behaviour than meets the eye. Apparently, he suffered a serious brain injury back in 2011 after taking a tumble off a ladder. Some are suggesting that this injury could be playing a role in his recent behaviour.

That being said, it's important for those caring for him to take proactive measures to ensure that no more public incidents occur. Ultimately, it's up to them to keep Molly and those around him safe and secure.

It seems that Molly is taking responsibility for his actions and has issued apologies to the public, but the full extent of the fallout from his scandal remains to be seen.

One person who is standing by him is his assistant, Alan Evers-Buckland. He defended Molly, saying that he's deeply embarrassed and sorry for what happened, and emphasised the many years of service and support that Molly’s given to the music industry.

Evers-Buckland added that despite the best efforts of Molly's dedicated team, some things are simply beyond their control. Nonetheless, it's clear that there are many people in the industry who care deeply for Molly and are hoping he can weather this storm.

At the end of the day, we can only hope that he finds the support and strength he needs to move forward and that his legacy will ultimately be remembered for the positive impact he's had on Australian music.

It seems like Molly has a bit of a history when it comes to pushing boundaries at public events. In fact, the recent incident we talked about earlier wasn't even his first offence!

Just a couple of months prior, he made headlines again at an Elton John concert, where he shocked fans by pulling down his pants and mooning the crowd during a performance of 'The B**ch Is Back'.

Unfortunately, this kind of behaviour seems to be something of a pattern for Molly. Back in 2017, he made waves at the 60th annual Logie Awards by snatching the microphone away from actor Samuel Johnson during his acceptance speech.

Johnson was dedicating his award to his charity and his sister, who was battling cancer at the time — definitely not the time or place for a publicity stunt.

All of this goes to show that while Molly may be a beloved figure in the Australian music world, he's not without his share of controversy and drama.

Key Takeaways

  • Ian 'Molly' Meldrum is a well-known figure in the Australian music industry, having supported and recognised talented performers for over four decades.
  • However, in recent years, he has made headlines for concerning incidents, including baring his backside on stage and allegedly urinating on the floor during a concert.
  • While some attribute these behaviours to a brain injury he suffered in 2011, his story serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking help and support as we age.

We all want to live our golden years with grace and dignity, but as we age, it can be easy to lose our independence and find ourselves struggling with everyday tasks. That's why it's important to be mindful of our own well-being and that of those around us.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a decline in independence and making mistakes, it's essential to consider getting help. Seeking assistance doesn't mean giving up your freedom; in fact, it can be quite the opposite. With a bit of support, you can continue to live independently for longer while enjoying a better quality of life.

The type of support needed will differ from person to person. It could involve assistance with daily activities such as shopping and cooking or help with personal care like bathing and dressing. It may even involve making modifications to your home to improve safety and mobility.

Whatever the case may be, getting a little extra help can make a world of difference in your life. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for assistance — it's a sign of strength, not weakness.

View attachment 17863
It can be difficult when we reach our older years, but that's all the more reason why we must be mindful of how we treat ourselves. Credit: Unsplash/National Cancer Institute.

The story of Molly Meldrum is a reminder that even those we admire can struggle with their own personal challenges. While his recent incidents have left many feeling concerned, it's important to remember that he is just one example of someone who may need extra support and care as they age.

We all know someone who could benefit from a little help, whether it's a family member, friend, or even ourselves.

Members, how does Molly's story make you feel? Has it made you more aware of the importance of reaching out for help or reminded you to check in on someone you know who may be struggling?

Whatever your thoughts, let's use this opportunity to start a conversation and encourage one another to prioritise our own well-being and that of those around us.

disgusting. not like he was on his own.
Love Molly and he has done a great service to the Australian music industry. But he is becoming more erratic with some of his behaviour. Which is incredibly sad, but with his brain injury & his advancing age things like this is going to happen more often. I don't 100% blame Molly, but I do believe that some, if not most blame should be on his handler's shoulders.
Remember if this was someone less known, they would have been fined on the spot.
Here is what the Australian Law states.

Although specific laws against public urination exist in Queensland, South Australia and the ACT, there is no such discrete offence in New South Wales.

Rather, such acts may amount to “offensive conduct”, which is a crime under section 4 of the Summary Offences Act 1988 (NSW).

To establish the offence, the prosecution is required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant conduct himself or herself in an “offensive manner” in or near, or within view or hearing from, a public place or a school.

The maximum penalty for the offence is a fine of 6 penalty units (currently $660) or imprisonment for three months.

Alternatively, police have discretion to issue a criminal infringement notice (a fine) for the offence in the sum of $500, rather than sending a person to court.

Paying a criminal infringement notice does not lead to a criminal record, and a person can challenge the notice and seek to defend the charge in court if he or she wishes to do so.
As a retired Lawyer, I love it when someone sites Statutes and/or gives the facts as you have. Well done. 👍
Ian 'Molly' Meldrum has been an iconic figure in the Australian music industry for over four decades, earning recognition and respect for his contributions and support for talented performers. However, recent events have sparked concern for his well-being and reputation.

A disturbing video has surfaced from a Rod Stewart concert, showing Meldrum urinating on the floor in front of a shocked audience.

A witness to the incident told the Daily Mail that they saw the 80-year-old Meldrum in action, and it was not a pretty sight. 'There were people everywhere. It was disgusting,' they said.

The incident has understandably raised concerns among those close to Molly, with one entertainment editor noting that it's starting to tarnish his otherwise stellar legacy. 'It's a bad look, and it's beginning to negate Molly's legacy, which is decades of great support to the Australian music industry,' they said.

View attachment 17862
Concerning footage has emerged of Ian 'Molly' Meldrum exposing himself at a Rod Stewart concert in Melbourne. Credit: Twitter.

It's worth noting that there may be more to Molly's behaviour than meets the eye. Apparently, he suffered a serious brain injury back in 2011 after taking a tumble off a ladder. Some are suggesting that this injury could be playing a role in his recent behaviour.

That being said, it's important for those caring for him to take proactive measures to ensure that no more public incidents occur. Ultimately, it's up to them to keep Molly and those around him safe and secure.

It seems that Molly is taking responsibility for his actions and has issued apologies to the public, but the full extent of the fallout from his scandal remains to be seen.

One person who is standing by him is his assistant, Alan Evers-Buckland. He defended Molly, saying that he's deeply embarrassed and sorry for what happened, and emphasised the many years of service and support that Molly’s given to the music industry.

Evers-Buckland added that despite the best efforts of Molly's dedicated team, some things are simply beyond their control. Nonetheless, it's clear that there are many people in the industry who care deeply for Molly and are hoping he can weather this storm.

At the end of the day, we can only hope that he finds the support and strength he needs to move forward and that his legacy will ultimately be remembered for the positive impact he's had on Australian music.

It seems like Molly has a bit of a history when it comes to pushing boundaries at public events. In fact, the recent incident we talked about earlier wasn't even his first offence!

Just a couple of months prior, he made headlines again at an Elton John concert, where he shocked fans by pulling down his pants and mooning the crowd during a performance of 'The B**ch Is Back'.

Unfortunately, this kind of behaviour seems to be something of a pattern for Molly. Back in 2017, he made waves at the 60th annual Logie Awards by snatching the microphone away from actor Samuel Johnson during his acceptance speech.

Johnson was dedicating his award to his charity and his sister, who was battling cancer at the time — definitely not the time or place for a publicity stunt.

All of this goes to show that while Molly may be a beloved figure in the Australian music world, he's not without his share of controversy and drama.

Key Takeaways

  • Ian 'Molly' Meldrum is a well-known figure in the Australian music industry, having supported and recognised talented performers for over four decades.
  • However, in recent years, he has made headlines for concerning incidents, including baring his backside on stage and allegedly urinating on the floor during a concert.
  • While some attribute these behaviours to a brain injury he suffered in 2011, his story serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking help and support as we age.

We all want to live our golden years with grace and dignity, but as we age, it can be easy to lose our independence and find ourselves struggling with everyday tasks. That's why it's important to be mindful of our own well-being and that of those around us.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a decline in independence and making mistakes, it's essential to consider getting help. Seeking assistance doesn't mean giving up your freedom; in fact, it can be quite the opposite. With a bit of support, you can continue to live independently for longer while enjoying a better quality of life.

The type of support needed will differ from person to person. It could involve assistance with daily activities such as shopping and cooking or help with personal care like bathing and dressing. It may even involve making modifications to your home to improve safety and mobility.

Whatever the case may be, getting a little extra help can make a world of difference in your life. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for assistance — it's a sign of strength, not weakness.

View attachment 17863
It can be difficult when we reach our older years, but that's all the more reason why we must be mindful of how we treat ourselves. Credit: Unsplash/National Cancer Institute.

The story of Molly Meldrum is a reminder that even those we admire can struggle with their own personal challenges. While his recent incidents have left many feeling concerned, it's important to remember that he is just one example of someone who may need extra support and care as they age.

We all know someone who could benefit from a little help, whether it's a family member, friend, or even ourselves.

Members, how does Molly's story make you feel? Has it made you more aware of the importance of reaching out for help or reminded you to check in on someone you know who may be struggling?

Whatever your thoughts, let's use this opportunity to start a conversation and encourage one another to prioritise our own well-being and that of those around us.

It really was disgusting and not the first time if he can’t be looked after
Ian 'Molly' Meldrum has been an iconic figure in the Australian music industry for over four decades, earning recognition and respect for his contributions and support for talented performers. However, recent events have sparked concern for his well-being and reputation.

A disturbing video has surfaced from a Rod Stewart concert, showing Meldrum urinating on the floor in front of a shocked audience.

A witness to the incident told the Daily Mail that they saw the 80-year-old Meldrum in action, and it was not a pretty sight. 'There were people everywhere. It was disgusting,' they said.

The incident has understandably raised concerns among those close to Molly, with one entertainment editor noting that it's starting to tarnish his otherwise stellar legacy. 'It's a bad look, and it's beginning to negate Molly's legacy, which is decades of great support to the Australian music industry,' they said.

View attachment 17862
Concerning footage has emerged of Ian 'Molly' Meldrum exposing himself at a Rod Stewart concert in Melbourne. Credit: Twitter.

It's worth noting that there may be more to Molly's behaviour than meets the eye. Apparently, he suffered a serious brain injury back in 2011 after taking a tumble off a ladder. Some are suggesting that this injury could be playing a role in his recent behaviour.

That being said, it's important for those caring for him to take proactive measures to ensure that no more public incidents occur. Ultimately, it's up to them to keep Molly and those around him safe and secure.

It seems that Molly is taking responsibility for his actions and has issued apologies to the public, but the full extent of the fallout from his scandal remains to be seen.

One person who is standing by him is his assistant, Alan Evers-Buckland. He defended Molly, saying that he's deeply embarrassed and sorry for what happened, and emphasised the many years of service and support that Molly’s given to the music industry.

Evers-Buckland added that despite the best efforts of Molly's dedicated team, some things are simply beyond their control. Nonetheless, it's clear that there are many people in the industry who care deeply for Molly and are hoping he can weather this storm.

At the end of the day, we can only hope that he finds the support and strength he needs to move forward and that his legacy will ultimately be remembered for the positive impact he's had on Australian music.

It seems like Molly has a bit of a history when it comes to pushing boundaries at public events. In fact, the recent incident we talked about earlier wasn't even his first offence!

Just a couple of months prior, he made headlines again at an Elton John concert, where he shocked fans by pulling down his pants and mooning the crowd during a performance of 'The B**ch Is Back'.

Unfortunately, this kind of behaviour seems to be something of a pattern for Molly. Back in 2017, he made waves at the 60th annual Logie Awards by snatching the microphone away from actor Samuel Johnson during his acceptance speech.

Johnson was dedicating his award to his charity and his sister, who was battling cancer at the time — definitely not the time or place for a publicity stunt.

All of this goes to show that while Molly may be a beloved figure in the Australian music world, he's not without his share of controversy and drama.

Key Takeaways

  • Ian 'Molly' Meldrum is a well-known figure in the Australian music industry, having supported and recognised talented performers for over four decades.
  • However, in recent years, he has made headlines for concerning incidents, including baring his backside on stage and allegedly urinating on the floor during a concert.
  • While some attribute these behaviours to a brain injury he suffered in 2011, his story serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking help and support as we age.

We all want to live our golden years with grace and dignity, but as we age, it can be easy to lose our independence and find ourselves struggling with everyday tasks. That's why it's important to be mindful of our own well-being and that of those around us.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a decline in independence and making mistakes, it's essential to consider getting help. Seeking assistance doesn't mean giving up your freedom; in fact, it can be quite the opposite. With a bit of support, you can continue to live independently for longer while enjoying a better quality of life.

The type of support needed will differ from person to person. It could involve assistance with daily activities such as shopping and cooking or help with personal care like bathing and dressing. It may even involve making modifications to your home to improve safety and mobility.

Whatever the case may be, getting a little extra help can make a world of difference in your life. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for assistance — it's a sign of strength, not weakness.

View attachment 17863
It can be difficult when we reach our older years, but that's all the more reason why we must be mindful of how we treat ourselves. Credit: Unsplash/National Cancer Institute.

The story of Molly Meldrum is a reminder that even those we admire can struggle with their own personal challenges. While his recent incidents have left many feeling concerned, it's important to remember that he is just one example of someone who may need extra support and care as they age.

We all know someone who could benefit from a little help, whether it's a family member, friend, or even ourselves.

Members, how does Molly's story make you feel? Has it made you more aware of the importance of reaching out for help or reminded you to check in on someone you know who may be struggling?

Whatever your thoughts, let's use this opportunity to start a conversation and encourage one another to prioritise our own well-being and that of those around us.

it really was disgusting and not the first time I think he is missing the limelight and it’s time if his minders can’t keep him in control time to stay home his time being famous has gone
His current behaviour is what he will become known for. He has done so much for the Australian music industry and it would be so sad to see it all dissolve because he, or those around him, cant control his actions. There would be signs from him that those close to him should pick up on when he is about to do something disturbing. Keep him safe and happy but dont let his reputation get ruined.
The man is disgusting and vile. He is totally aware of what he is doing, just trying to grab a last bit of fame by being gross and vile. If it were any other ordinary person exposing themselves and urinating in public they would be charged with indecent exposure at the least! I am sure any ordinary elderly or disabled male doing this in public would not be let off Scott free. If it is because of his mental state then his minders are not doing their job, if he was able to walk on stage at a concert and if when sitting beside him at another concert he was able to undo his fly, whip it out and urinate in his seat then they are not keeping an eye on him. Also if this is the norm for him why only do it at 2 concerts and nowhere else? The public laughing and saying good old Molly is not good enough. Maybe we should all run out in the streets and do the same , would be interesting to see what would happen? After all if good old Molly can, why not everybody else too.
You have to understand the results of a Brain Injury, unfortunately they more often than not result in things to do with sexual misbehaviour, wether it be urinating in Public or demonstrating sexual acts. It is a great shame that his carer are not more responsible. The behaviour cannot be helped it just happens.
I’ve always considered Meldrum to be an oaf and a boor but that said,he has done wonders for the australian musical industry. I was shocked and disgusted by his tactless behaviour at the Logies when he upstaged Sam Johnson and my skin crawls over his latest stupidities but it must be recognised that the man has a significant brain injury and his minders need to step up and take responsibilty. Clearly,going out in public needs to be planned….maybe even curtailed altogether.
It is a shame all round.He has behaviour,which is sad,of somebody with Dementia or Alzeimers.Not necessarily anything to do with the fall as such.He was putting up Christmas Lights @ the time.My husband has Dementia,had it now for 4yrs,I am his Carer.In the last month he has gone down hill.Short Term memory,went two years ago.Bottom line,he probably wouldn’t even remember doing the above.It is not easy being a Carer.Especially if your a Wife,or a close friend.I am sure the Carer,would be on to it now,and get some assistance.All the best to Molly & the Carer.
He was a legend in his own right but enough is enough.

When I saw what he did to Sam Johnson when he was receiving his award I thought how bad it was. Not only did he take over and took away Sams glory , I found out later , with Molly taking over it also took away how Sam was going to use this time to raise money for Cancer.

Of course Molly's assistant would stick up for him ...he is being paid by Molly.

Imagine being at a concert and someone urinating in front of you. If this was someone else they would have been arrested.

Molly I think if you can't keep it in your pants then keep it at home.

Molly has alot more support and money than the average person .

I know brain damage is awful but I also think it's the alcohol and drugs
If they are putting all his brain damage down to all his behaviour. Then these so called minders are grossly overpaid as they are failing in their ability to care for him. they are letting do whatever, so they should be sacked and he should be put into care, where properly trained carers can do the right thing by him. Embarrassing, vulgar and disgusting behaviour is not acceptable especially when it is interfering with another artists event. He may have sustained brain damage from his fall but long term use of alcohol and drugs accentuates this. Though it is itself extremely sad .
His fall and subsequent brain injury has a huge amount to do with his behaviour, BUT that does not excuse his people who are suppose to be looking after him they should be doing more to try and get him away from these events, these places are what triggers this sort of behaviour. Shame on the minders they are just getting paid and NOT doing the job. Molly deserves a lot more than this, his reputation is going down the drain because of these lazy people.
Totally agree with you. Yes a fall to the head causes a person to have a different personality, as my partner working as a Security Guard mainly in hospitals, during COVID was king hit from behind to the temple of head. He is 96% fine, but its a form of severe concussion . Molly has many minders with him going with him to concerts ect. so it should not be too hard to keep him in check. He is not exactly the biggest man in the room. I would love to know their paypacket, is Molly looking after his finances as he has no immediate family members? Hopefully someone close and honest to Molly is helping, but change his minders, please. He is such a great icon to our music history and needs to be respected as one.

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