Melbourne Redditor shares note from FRUSTRATED neighbour: ‘Have some respect’

We've all had that one neighbour who we just can't stand. Maybe they're too nosy, or they don't clean up after their pets, or maybe they just have a general air of unneighbourliness about them.

Whatever the case may be, it's always frustrating (to say the least!) when someone who's supposed to be part of your community doesn't play by the rules.

We understand how difficult it can be to deal with difficult neighbours – but luckily, there are usually ways to work things out so that everyone can live in peace.

However, some people take their dislike of certain neighbours a little too far – as was the case for one Aussie resident and Redditor who received a scathing note from a fellow gated community dweller recently.

The note, according to user u/regan201937 was written by a neighbour who was upset about their drop saw use in the middle of the day.

In all capital letters (perhaps THAT fed-up while writing?), the note read:

'Have some respect for your neighbours. This is not an industrial estate where power tools are used.'

The unsigned message added: ‘If the noise continues, we will report you to the Sandhurst board.’

A Melbournian’s neighbour left some choice words over their drop saw use. Credit: Reddit/u/regan201937

By way of explanation, the original poster (OP) wrote as the title of the post: ‘Moved in three months ago. Used my drop saw on the front lawn five times in the middle of the day.’

It is quite unclear if this means OP used his drop saw all in one day or for five separate occasions over the past three months since he moved. Either way, a neighbour with a short fuse will probably find both situations infuriating.

What is a drop saw, anyway?

Well, also known as mitre saws, drop saws are machines with circular, serrated blades used to make accurate crosscuts on wood.

To be fair to the neighbour, they are also noisy to use as is usual with power tools. Take a listen below!

Credit: YouTube/Some Sounds

As is standard in the court of public opinion on irate, passive-aggressive neighbours on Reddit, the comments section was chock full of snarky responses.

‘Write a letter back saying you’ve reported them to the butthurt board,’ read the top comment. (Another user amended: ‘Butthurst board.’ Funny!)

Some commenters were left needing more context as to why OP was using a drop saw on his front lawn in the first place, with one user asking: ‘You mow your front lawn with a drop saw? That’s f****** awesome.’

Others meanwhile took a more level-headed approach and explained why the neighbour might have had a good case to make.

‘Playing devil's advocate here,’ a user began in response. ‘If there are shift workers, or young families as immediate neighbours, using a drop saw during the day out in the front yard is not going to make you any friends.’

Surprisingly, OP agreed!

‘Absolutely and that was my response that if I knew who it was I would go and speak to them and I would work around them,’ they said.

‘I'm half tempted to write a note back and go and pop in everyone's post box to say I'm happy to work around them…,’ he added.

Interestingly enough, there are local residential ordinances regarding noise pollution that Melbourne residents should consider when using noisy tools.
According to Environment Protection Authority Victoria, electric power tools like drop saws should be used on Mondays to Fridays between 7 AM and 8 PM, and on weekends and public holidays between 9 AM and 8 PM or else risk an offence over unreasonable noise.

Who knew?

It’s not the first time we’ve covered people leaving angry notes for their neighbours to find. Check out this story about a garden-shaming note one bloke received, or this one left by a neighbour rating a bad parking job (the pettiness is admirable in this one, what effort and sass!).

What’s your opinion on this? Is he well within his rights to use power tools within reasonable hours? Or does the neighbour really have something to complain about?

Share your reactions below!
We've all had that one neighbour who we just can't stand. Maybe they're too nosy, or they don't clean up after their pets, or maybe they just have a general air of unneighbourliness about them.

Whatever the case may be, it's always frustrating (to say the least!) when someone who's supposed to be part of your community doesn't play by the rules.

We understand how difficult it can be to deal with difficult neighbours – but luckily, there are usually ways to work things out so that everyone can live in peace.

However, some people take their dislike of certain neighbours a little too far – as was the case for one Aussie resident and Redditor who received a scathing note from a fellow gated community dweller recently.

The note, according to user u/regan201937 was written by a neighbour who was upset about their drop saw use in the middle of the day.

In all capital letters (perhaps THAT fed-up while writing?), the note read:

'Have some respect for your neighbours. This is not an industrial estate where power tools are used.'

The unsigned message added: ‘If the noise continues, we will report you to the Sandhurst board.’

View attachment 7217
A Melbournian’s neighbour left some choice words over their drop saw use. Credit: Reddit/u/regan201937

By way of explanation, the original poster (OP) wrote as the title of the post: ‘Moved in three months ago. Used my drop saw on the front lawn five times in the middle of the day.’

It is quite unclear if this means OP used his drop saw all in one day or for five separate occasions over the past three months since he moved. Either way, a neighbour with a short fuse will probably find both situations infuriating.

What is a drop saw, anyway?

Well, also known as mitre saws, drop saws are machines with circular, serrated blades used to make accurate crosscuts on wood.

To be fair to the neighbour, they are also noisy to use as is usual with power tools. Take a listen below!

Credit: YouTube/Some Sounds

As is standard in the court of public opinion on irate, passive-aggressive neighbours on Reddit, the comments section was chock full of snarky responses.

‘Write a letter back saying you’ve reported them to the butthurt board,’ read the top comment. (Another user amended: ‘Butthurst board.’ Funny!)

Some commenters were left needing more context as to why OP was using a drop saw on his front lawn in the first place, with one user asking: ‘You mow your front lawn with a drop saw? That’s f****** awesome.’

Others meanwhile took a more level-headed approach and explained why the neighbour might have had a good case to make.

‘Playing devil's advocate here,’ a user began in response. ‘If there are shift workers, or young families as immediate neighbours, using a drop saw during the day out in the front yard is not going to make you any friends.’

Surprisingly, OP agreed!

‘Absolutely and that was my response that if I knew who it was I would go and speak to them and I would work around them,’ they said.

‘I'm half tempted to write a note back and go and pop in everyone's post box to say I'm happy to work around them…,’ he added.

Interestingly enough, there are local residential ordinances regarding noise pollution that Melbourne residents should consider when using noisy tools.
According to Environment Protection Authority Victoria, electric power tools like drop saws should be used on Mondays to Fridays between 7 AM and 8 PM, and on weekends and public holidays between 9 AM and 8 PM or else risk an offence over unreasonable noise.

Who knew?

It’s not the first time we’ve covered people leaving angry notes for their neighbours to find. Check out this story about a garden-shaming note one bloke received, or this one left by a neighbour rating a bad parking job (the pettiness is admirable in this one, what effort and sass!).

What’s your opinion on this? Is he well within his rights to use power tools within reasonable hours? Or does the neighbour really have something to complain about?

Share your reactions below!

He is fully entitled to use his saw anytime during the working day, times vary from state to state but usually from 7am to 6pm.
We've all had that one neighbour who we just can't stand. Maybe they're too nosy, or they don't clean up after their pets, or maybe they just have a general air of unneighbourliness about them.

Whatever the case may be, it's always frustrating (to say the least!) when someone who's supposed to be part of your community doesn't play by the rules.

We understand how difficult it can be to deal with difficult neighbours – but luckily, there are usually ways to work things out so that everyone can live in peace.

However, some people take their dislike of certain neighbours a little too far – as was the case for one Aussie resident and Redditor who received a scathing note from a fellow gated community dweller recently.

The note, according to user u/regan201937 was written by a neighbour who was upset about their drop saw use in the middle of the day.

In all capital letters (perhaps THAT fed-up while writing?), the note read:

'Have some respect for your neighbours. This is not an industrial estate where power tools are used.'

The unsigned message added: ‘If the noise continues, we will report you to the Sandhurst board.’

View attachment 7217
A Melbournian’s neighbour left some choice words over their drop saw use. Credit: Reddit/u/regan201937

By way of explanation, the original poster (OP) wrote as the title of the post: ‘Moved in three months ago. Used my drop saw on the front lawn five times in the middle of the day.’

It is quite unclear if this means OP used his drop saw all in one day or for five separate occasions over the past three months since he moved. Either way, a neighbour with a short fuse will probably find both situations infuriating.

What is a drop saw, anyway?

Well, also known as mitre saws, drop saws are machines with circular, serrated blades used to make accurate crosscuts on wood.

To be fair to the neighbour, they are also noisy to use as is usual with power tools. Take a listen below!

Credit: YouTube/Some Sounds

As is standard in the court of public opinion on irate, passive-aggressive neighbours on Reddit, the comments section was chock full of snarky responses.

‘Write a letter back saying you’ve reported them to the butthurt board,’ read the top comment. (Another user amended: ‘Butthurst board.’ Funny!)

Some commenters were left needing more context as to why OP was using a drop saw on his front lawn in the first place, with one user asking: ‘You mow your front lawn with a drop saw? That’s f****** awesome.’

Others meanwhile took a more level-headed approach and explained why the neighbour might have had a good case to make.

‘Playing devil's advocate here,’ a user began in response. ‘If there are shift workers, or young families as immediate neighbours, using a drop saw during the day out in the front yard is not going to make you any friends.’

Surprisingly, OP agreed!

‘Absolutely and that was my response that if I knew who it was I would go and speak to them and I would work around them,’ they said.

‘I'm half tempted to write a note back and go and pop in everyone's post box to say I'm happy to work around them…,’ he added.

Interestingly enough, there are local residential ordinances regarding noise pollution that Melbourne residents should consider when using noisy tools.
According to Environment Protection Authority Victoria, electric power tools like drop saws should be used on Mondays to Fridays between 7 AM and 8 PM, and on weekends and public holidays between 9 AM and 8 PM or else risk an offence over unreasonable noise.

Who knew?

It’s not the first time we’ve covered people leaving angry notes for their neighbours to find. Check out this story about a garden-shaming note one bloke received, or this one left by a neighbour rating a bad parking job (the pettiness is admirable in this one, what effort and sass!).

What’s your opinion on this? Is he well within his rights to use power tools within reasonable hours? Or does the neighbour really have something to complain about?

Share your reactions below!

Sorry to say but I'm in favour of the person with the drop saw. He has used his tools within the correct legal times. And remember people the laws are not something new they have been around for donkey years. And all I can say to the neighbour is to buy some earplugs for you and remember babies can sleep through anything if they are allowed to.
It amazes me that the whinger always seems to win.
I will explain. In the early days, timber towns were popping up in remote areas where timber was available. Firstly, a timber mill would be built and people would come from a nearby town to work there.
THEN those same people would eventually want to live nearer to work so now a very small town is starting to grow. Soon enough more and more houses and because of the railway, a railway siding was built then a post office and shop etc etc ... Finally, approximately 500 people were living near the Timber Mill and Raiway Siding.
First they whinged about the diesel locomotives waiting for the line to clear all hours day and night. Finally, they whinged about the Noise of the Saws at the mill. The council insisted on the Mill doing a noise test and they had to pay for it. In 1998 that would cost the Mill $2000 each time someone complained. Well, the Mill was shutdown.. THEN THE WHINGERS COMPLAINED about not having a job and income to support their family etc.... Eudlo population starts to drop and I can see the town will eventually become a ghost town.
SO GO AHEAD.. Complain about the neighbour doing renovations or a hobby job ...He will sell out and a corporate body will buy up the block and build a large multiple story unit then things really get worse and you will be whingeing about street gangs, stolen cars and drug use in the area and eventually you will need to move out...
This neighbour appears to be very willing to talk with you all and work around your problem times ...WAKE UP THIS IS LIFE.
We've all had that one neighbour who we just can't stand. Maybe they're too nosy, or they don't clean up after their pets, or maybe they just have a general air of unneighbourliness about them.

Whatever the case may be, it's always frustrating (to say the least!) when someone who's supposed to be part of your community doesn't play by the rules.

We understand how difficult it can be to deal with difficult neighbours – but luckily, there are usually ways to work things out so that everyone can live in peace.

However, some people take their dislike of certain neighbours a little too far – as was the case for one Aussie resident and Redditor who received a scathing note from a fellow gated community dweller recently.

The note, according to user u/regan201937 was written by a neighbour who was upset about their drop saw use in the middle of the day.

In all capital letters (perhaps THAT fed-up while writing?), the note read:

'Have some respect for your neighbours. This is not an industrial estate where power tools are used.'

The unsigned message added: ‘If the noise continues, we will report you to the Sandhurst board.’

View attachment 7217
A Melbournian’s neighbour left some choice words over their drop saw use. Credit: Reddit/u/regan201937

By way of explanation, the original poster (OP) wrote as the title of the post: ‘Moved in three months ago. Used my drop saw on the front lawn five times in the middle of the day.’

It is quite unclear if this means OP used his drop saw all in one day or for five separate occasions over the past three months since he moved. Either way, a neighbour with a short fuse will probably find both situations infuriating.

What is a drop saw, anyway?

Well, also known as mitre saws, drop saws are machines with circular, serrated blades used to make accurate crosscuts on wood.

To be fair to the neighbour, they are also noisy to use as is usual with power tools. Take a listen below!

Credit: YouTube/Some Sounds

As is standard in the court of public opinion on irate, passive-aggressive neighbours on Reddit, the comments section was chock full of snarky responses.

‘Write a letter back saying you’ve reported them to the butthurt board,’ read the top comment. (Another user amended: ‘Butthurst board.’ Funny!)

Some commenters were left needing more context as to why OP was using a drop saw on his front lawn in the first place, with one user asking: ‘You mow your front lawn with a drop saw? That’s f****** awesome.’

Others meanwhile took a more level-headed approach and explained why the neighbour might have had a good case to make.

‘Playing devil's advocate here,’ a user began in response. ‘If there are shift workers, or young families as immediate neighbours, using a drop saw during the day out in the front yard is not going to make you any friends.’

Surprisingly, OP agreed!

‘Absolutely and that was my response that if I knew who it was I would go and speak to them and I would work around them,’ they said.

‘I'm half tempted to write a note back and go and pop in everyone's post box to say I'm happy to work around them…,’ he added.

Interestingly enough, there are local residential ordinances regarding noise pollution that Melbourne residents should consider when using noisy tools.
According to Environment Protection Authority Victoria, electric power tools like drop saws should be used on Mondays to Fridays between 7 AM and 8 PM, and on weekends and public holidays between 9 AM and 8 PM or else risk an offence over unreasonable noise.

Who knew?

It’s not the first time we’ve covered people leaving angry notes for their neighbours to find. Check out this story about a garden-shaming note one bloke received, or this one left by a neighbour rating a bad parking job (the pettiness is admirable in this one, what effort and sass!).

What’s your opinion on this? Is he well within his rights to use power tools within reasonable hours? Or does the neighbour really have something to complain about?

Share your reactions below!

The neighbour needs to get a life! If the resident has a DIY project on, then his neighbours need to be a bit tolerant. He wasn’t operating the drop sa It would be different if he was running a carpentry business out of his home, but this is clearly not the case. The neighbour could perhaps have even offered his assistance, in the spirit of friendliness and neighbourliness (is that a word???).
The neighbour needs to get a life! If the resident has a DIY project on, then his neighbours need to be a bit tolerant. He wasn’t operating the drop saw out of hours or breaking any laws. It would be different if he was running a carpentry business out of his home, but this is clearly not the case. The neighbour could perhaps have even offered his assistance, in the spirit of friendliness and neighbourliness (is that a word???).
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We've all had that one neighbour who we just can't stand. Maybe they're too nosy, or they don't clean up after their pets, or maybe they just have a general air of unneighbourliness about them.

Whatever the case may be, it's always frustrating (to say the least!) when someone who's supposed to be part of your community doesn't play by the rules.

We understand how difficult it can be to deal with difficult neighbours – but luckily, there are usually ways to work things out so that everyone can live in peace.

However, some people take their dislike of certain neighbours a little too far – as was the case for one Aussie resident and Redditor who received a scathing note from a fellow gated community dweller recently.

The note, according to user u/regan201937 was written by a neighbour who was upset about their drop saw use in the middle of the day.

In all capital letters (perhaps THAT fed-up while writing?), the note read:

'Have some respect for your neighbours. This is not an industrial estate where power tools are used.'

The unsigned message added: ‘If the noise continues, we will report you to the Sandhurst board.’

View attachment 7217
A Melbournian’s neighbour left some choice words over their drop saw use. Credit: Reddit/u/regan201937

By way of explanation, the original poster (OP) wrote as the title of the post: ‘Moved in three months ago. Used my drop saw on the front lawn five times in the middle of the day.’

It is quite unclear if this means OP used his drop saw all in one day or for five separate occasions over the past three months since he moved. Either way, a neighbour with a short fuse will probably find both situations infuriating.

What is a drop saw, anyway?

Well, also known as mitre saws, drop saws are machines with circular, serrated blades used to make accurate crosscuts on wood.

To be fair to the neighbour, they are also noisy to use as is usual with power tools. Take a listen below!

Credit: YouTube/Some Sounds

As is standard in the court of public opinion on irate, passive-aggressive neighbours on Reddit, the comments section was chock full of snarky responses.

‘Write a letter back saying you’ve reported them to the butthurt board,’ read the top comment. (Another user amended: ‘Butthurst board.’ Funny!)

Some commenters were left needing more context as to why OP was using a drop saw on his front lawn in the first place, with one user asking: ‘You mow your front lawn with a drop saw? That’s f****** awesome.’

Others meanwhile took a more level-headed approach and explained why the neighbour might have had a good case to make.

‘Playing devil's advocate here,’ a user began in response. ‘If there are shift workers, or young families as immediate neighbours, using a drop saw during the day out in the front yard is not going to make you any friends.’

Surprisingly, OP agreed!

‘Absolutely and that was my response that if I knew who it was I would go and speak to them and I would work around them,’ they said.

‘I'm half tempted to write a note back and go and pop in everyone's post box to say I'm happy to work around them…,’ he added.

Interestingly enough, there are local residential ordinances regarding noise pollution that Melbourne residents should consider when using noisy tools.
According to Environment Protection Authority Victoria, electric power tools like drop saws should be used on Mondays to Fridays between 7 AM and 8 PM, and on weekends and public holidays between 9 AM and 8 PM or else risk an offence over unreasonable noise.

Who knew?

It’s not the first time we’ve covered people leaving angry notes for their neighbours to find. Check out this story about a garden-shaming note one bloke received, or this one left by a neighbour rating a bad parking job (the pettiness is admirable in this one, what effort and sass!).

What’s your opinion on this? Is he well within his rights to use power tools within reasonable hours? Or does the neighbour really have something to complain about?

Share your reactions below!

Frankly, I think people are becoming too intolerant. I currently live in a retirement village, but have lived in a lifestyle village on the north coast of NSW, and a gated community in Newcastle. Having lived for 34 years previously in a normal street since marrying my husband, I understand how differently people behave in gated communities, be they lifestyle or retirement villages.

It seems to me that many, many people in a village, consider not only their home as their property, but the entire village, and the longer they’ve lived there, the more right they have to tell others what to do.

I’m really noise intolerant, but I also know that others have a right to live as they wish. Within the rules of course. As far as this particular noise is concerned, my attitude is and has always been that when our house was being built, that noise was probably annoying someone as well. A lot more actually, because builders work eight hours a day every day - not sporadically like the man in this story. He’s working within the village rules, so the whingers just need to pull their heads in.
We've all had that one neighbour who we just can't stand. Maybe they're too nosy, or they don't clean up after their pets, or maybe they just have a general air of unneighbourliness about them.

Whatever the case may be, it's always frustrating (to say the least!) when someone who's supposed to be part of your community doesn't play by the rules.

We understand how difficult it can be to deal with difficult neighbours – but luckily, there are usually ways to work things out so that everyone can live in peace.

However, some people take their dislike of certain neighbours a little too far – as was the case for one Aussie resident and Redditor who received a scathing note from a fellow gated community dweller recently.

The note, according to user u/regan201937 was written by a neighbour who was upset about their drop saw use in the middle of the day.

In all capital letters (perhaps THAT fed-up while writing?), the note read:

'Have some respect for your neighbours. This is not an industrial estate where power tools are used.'

The unsigned message added: ‘If the noise continues, we will report you to the Sandhurst board.’

View attachment 7217
A Melbournian’s neighbour left some choice words over their drop saw use. Credit: Reddit/u/regan201937

By way of explanation, the original poster (OP) wrote as the title of the post: ‘Moved in three months ago. Used my drop saw on the front lawn five times in the middle of the day.’

It is quite unclear if this means OP used his drop saw all in one day or for five separate occasions over the past three months since he moved. Either way, a neighbour with a short fuse will probably find both situations infuriating.

What is a drop saw, anyway?

Well, also known as mitre saws, drop saws are machines with circular, serrated blades used to make accurate crosscuts on wood.

To be fair to the neighbour, they are also noisy to use as is usual with power tools. Take a listen below!

Credit: YouTube/Some Sounds

As is standard in the court of public opinion on irate, passive-aggressive neighbours on Reddit, the comments section was chock full of snarky responses.

‘Write a letter back saying you’ve reported them to the butthurt board,’ read the top comment. (Another user amended: ‘Butthurst board.’ Funny!)

Some commenters were left needing more context as to why OP was using a drop saw on his front lawn in the first place, with one user asking: ‘You mow your front lawn with a drop saw? That’s f****** awesome.’

Others meanwhile took a more level-headed approach and explained why the neighbour might have had a good case to make.

‘Playing devil's advocate here,’ a user began in response. ‘If there are shift workers, or young families as immediate neighbours, using a drop saw during the day out in the front yard is not going to make you any friends.’

Surprisingly, OP agreed!

‘Absolutely and that was my response that if I knew who it was I would go and speak to them and I would work around them,’ they said.

‘I'm half tempted to write a note back and go and pop in everyone's post box to say I'm happy to work around them…,’ he added.

Interestingly enough, there are local residential ordinances regarding noise pollution that Melbourne residents should consider when using noisy tools.
According to Environment Protection Authority Victoria, electric power tools like drop saws should be used on Mondays to Fridays between 7 AM and 8 PM, and on weekends and public holidays between 9 AM and 8 PM or else risk an offence over unreasonable noise.

Who knew?

It’s not the first time we’ve covered people leaving angry notes for their neighbours to find. Check out this story about a garden-shaming note one bloke received, or this one left by a neighbour rating a bad parking job (the pettiness is admirable in this one, what effort and sass!).

What’s your opinion on this? Is he well within his rights to use power tools within reasonable hours? Or does the neighbour really have something to complain about?

Share your reactions below!
If it was done during the approved hours he's justified using it. Doesn't matter how often that happens. Would the angry neighbour prefer he use it at midnight? Sounds like a grinch (Richardhead).
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If this guy is willing to work with neighbors regarding times then how often is he going to be using the dropsaw and for what purpose. Does he run a woodworking business from his home?
It could be a hobby I have every woodwork tool it's my hobby but I also live in 7acres and my shed is in the middle I don't think I would do what I do on a residential block I would definately be too noisy
It could be a hobby I have every woodwork tool it's my hobby but I also live in 7acres and my shed is in the middle I don't think I would do what I do on a residential block I would definately be too noisy
Get a life, you useless prat, If it wasn't because of health reasons I'd be using power tools daily. I'm now governed by health, not ability.
  • Wow
Reactions: TheBear
It amazes me that the whinger always seems to win.
I will explain. In the early days, timber towns were popping up in remote areas where timber was available. Firstly, a timber mill would be built and people would come from a nearby town to work there.
THEN those same people would eventually want to live nearer to work so now a very small town is starting to grow. Soon enough more and more houses and because of the railway, a railway siding was built then a post office and shop etc etc ... Finally, approximately 500 people were living near the Timber Mill and Raiway Siding.
First they whinged about the diesel locomotives waiting for the line to clear all hours day and night. Finally, they whinged about the Noise of the Saws at the mill. The council insisted on the Mill doing a noise test and they had to pay for it. In 1998 that would cost the Mill $2000 each time someone complained. Well, the Mill was shutdown.. THEN THE WHINGERS COMPLAINED about not having a job and income to support their family etc.... Eudlo population starts to drop and I can see the town will eventually become a ghost town.
SO GO AHEAD.. Complain about the neighbour doing renovations or a hobby job ...He will sell out and a corporate body will buy up the block and build a large multiple story unit then things really get worse and you will be whingeing about street gangs, stolen cars and drug use in the area and eventually you will need to move out...
This neighbour appears to be very willing to talk with you all and work around your problem times ...WAKE UP THIS IS LIFE.
Reminds me of people in Sydney suburbs near the mascot airport, recently bought homes under the flight path, THEN complain to all and sundry, about the noise of the aeroplanes.
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  • Haha
Reactions: TheBear and Vet543
We've all had that one neighbour who we just can't stand. Maybe they're too nosy, or they don't clean up after their pets, or maybe they just have a general air of unneighbourliness about them.

Whatever the case may be, it's always frustrating (to say the least!) when someone who's supposed to be part of your community doesn't play by the rules.

We understand how difficult it can be to deal with difficult neighbours – but luckily, there are usually ways to work things out so that everyone can live in peace.

However, some people take their dislike of certain neighbours a little too far – as was the case for one Aussie resident and Redditor who received a scathing note from a fellow gated community dweller recently.

The note, according to user u/regan201937 was written by a neighbour who was upset about their drop saw use in the middle of the day.

In all capital letters (perhaps THAT fed-up while writing?), the note read:

'Have some respect for your neighbours. This is not an industrial estate where power tools are used.'

The unsigned message added: ‘If the noise continues, we will report you to the Sandhurst board.’

View attachment 7217
A Melbournian’s neighbour left some choice words over their drop saw use. Credit: Reddit/u/regan201937

By way of explanation, the original poster (OP) wrote as the title of the post: ‘Moved in three months ago. Used my drop saw on the front lawn five times in the middle of the day.’

It is quite unclear if this means OP used his drop saw all in one day or for five separate occasions over the past three months since he moved. Either way, a neighbour with a short fuse will probably find both situations infuriating.

What is a drop saw, anyway?

Well, also known as mitre saws, drop saws are machines with circular, serrated blades used to make accurate crosscuts on wood.

To be fair to the neighbour, they are also noisy to use as is usual with power tools. Take a listen below!

Credit: YouTube/Some Sounds

As is standard in the court of public opinion on irate, passive-aggressive neighbours on Reddit, the comments section was chock full of snarky responses.

‘Write a letter back saying you’ve reported them to the butthurt board,’ read the top comment. (Another user amended: ‘Butthurst board.’ Funny!)

Some commenters were left needing more context as to why OP was using a drop saw on his front lawn in the first place, with one user asking: ‘You mow your front lawn with a drop saw? That’s f****** awesome.’

Others meanwhile took a more level-headed approach and explained why the neighbour might have had a good case to make.

‘Playing devil's advocate here,’ a user began in response. ‘If there are shift workers, or young families as immediate neighbours, using a drop saw during the day out in the front yard is not going to make you any friends.’

Surprisingly, OP agreed!

‘Absolutely and that was my response that if I knew who it was I would go and speak to them and I would work around them,’ they said.

‘I'm half tempted to write a note back and go and pop in everyone's post box to say I'm happy to work around them…,’ he added.

Interestingly enough, there are local residential ordinances regarding noise pollution that Melbourne residents should consider when using noisy tools.
According to Environment Protection Authority Victoria, electric power tools like drop saws should be used on Mondays to Fridays between 7 AM and 8 PM, and on weekends and public holidays between 9 AM and 8 PM or else risk an offence over unreasonable noise.

Who knew?

It’s not the first time we’ve covered people leaving angry notes for their neighbours to find. Check out this story about a garden-shaming note one bloke received, or this one left by a neighbour rating a bad parking job (the pettiness is admirable in this one, what effort and sass!).

What’s your opinion on this? Is he well within his rights to use power tools within reasonable hours? Or does the neighbour really have something to complain about?

Share your reactions below!

Tell the arrogant prick to get stuffed, and how would you like it if used int in the middle of the night
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