Man hit with outrageous $132 fine for parking on his OWN property – you won't believe the public's reaction!

Navigating the ever-tightening labyrinth of parking regulations can be a real headache for Australian drivers, especially in the densely populated suburbs where the battle for a parking spot can feel like a competitive sport. But what happens when the sanctuary of your own driveway becomes a battleground for fines and public debate?

This was the reality for one Canberra resident who was slapped with a $132 fine for parking in his own driveway – a move that sparked a surprising mix of outrage and support from the public.

The incident unfolded when the man, hailing from the suburb of Conder, parked his Nissan Patrol Warrior in his driveway, only to find that the rear of his vehicle was extending over the boundary line, encroaching onto the footpath. Unbeknownst to him, this section of the driveway is considered public property, and by law, his parking job was deemed illegal for 'stopping on a path/strip in a built-up area.'

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The car blocked the footpath, which is illegal in Australia. Credit: Facebook

Taking to social media to vent his frustration, the man criticized the ACT Government for what he saw as an excessive penalty for a seemingly minor infraction. 'Is the ACT Government really that hard up for money that they are trying to fine people $132 for parking in their own driveway for 'blocking the path',' he exclaimed, igniting a fiery debate among Australians.

The public's response was a mixed bag. Some sympathized with the man's plight, labeling the fine as 'unfair' and a form of 'revenue raising.' Others, however, were quick to point out the importance of keeping footpaths clear for pedestrians, particularly those with prams or wheelchairs, and supported the fine. 'Pretty entitled to assume that the path isn’t required by other users. Fine should be doubled,' one commenter argued.

The divide didn't end there. Some individuals found themselves on the fence, acknowledging the need for clear pathways while also noting that the vehicle didn't completely obstruct the footpath. 'Obstructing sure but not blocking it,' one person reasoned.

This Canberra case is not an isolated incident. Across Australia, similar parking rules are enforced with varying degrees of fines. In Queensland, the penalty can reach up to $200, while in Victoria, it's $109. Western Australia and Tasmania have fines of less than $100, but in New South Wales, the cost can skyrocket to a whopping $302.

Transport NSW has clarified that drivers are permitted to stop or park across a driveway only when actively dropping off or picking up passengers, provided they do not leave the vehicle unattended and resume driving within two minutes of stopping. The recommended alternatives are to park in a garage or find a legal spot on the street.

This tale of driveway woe serves as a reminder to all drivers to be mindful of where they park, even on their own property. It also raises questions about the balance between private property rights and public access, and how fines are implemented and perceived by the community.

Key Takeaways
  • A Canberra man received a $132 fine for parking on his driveway because his vehicle was blocking the footpath.
  • The parking violation occurred due to the vehicle overhanging the boundary line into public property.
  • The man's post about the fine on social media received mixed reactions, with some agreeing with the fine and others seeing it as unfair.
  • The article highlights that obstructing footpaths by parking in driveways is illegal across Australia, with fines varying by state and council.

So, dear members of the Seniors Discount Club, have you ever faced a similar situation? Do you think the fine was justified, or is it an overreach by the government? Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments below – we'd love to hear your take on this contentious issue. And remember, always check your local parking regulations to avoid any unwelcome surprises!
Sorry, but this person was NOT parked on “their own driveway”, they were parked across a public walkway. A measly $132.00 fine is not enough for this imbecile! And, just as an added point, parking on the street across your own driveway is also illegal. Just saying…! (Oh, and so is street parking facing in the opposite direction…)
"Unbeknownst to him, this section of the driveway is considered public property"
Seriously, SDC? Why do you persist in publishing this kind of BS? Anyone who has taken the trouble to learn the road rules prior to gaining their driver licence knows that any part of your vehicle protruding beyond the private property line is no longer on "Your own driveway", and is therefore liable to incur a fine for footpath/nature strip obstruction. I've only known about it 50+ years, and the rest of your readership probably for around the same time.
Is the offender a Millennial? I ask because I know the suburb of Conder fairly well; my Millennial daughter lives there (and even SHE knows better than this yoyo!)
When you park with the arse of the vehicle hanging out over the foot path, you will get a parking ticket and rightfully so. Suck it up princess, pay the fine and learn to be more considerate of pedestrians using the council owned foot path out the front of your house.
You don't own the area outside of the fence line, therefore he was parked across the footpath which is part of the road reserve and the Council is within their rights to issue infringement notices. By the photo, at least 95% of the vehicle is outside of his property.
You don't own the area outside of the fence line, therefore he was parked across the footpath which is part of the road reserve and the Council is within their rights to issue infringement notices. By the photo, at least 95% of the vehicle is outside of his property.
It just goes to show people have no idea what the laws are or some people and probably make that alot. About time they read up about it instead of complaining about it and apply some common sense. Oh sorry that is also sadly missing alot of the time
The problem here is that the home owner is the one who had to pay to have that driveway cemented, all the way to the road. In which case it is reasonable for them to assume they can use it.
So if we mow the pavement lawn which is Council property, but they never mow it, how come we receive fines if we park there? You can’t have it both ways. Either mow it or don’t.
Here in Canberra, because of a similar parking I broke my keg because the driveway had a steep incline and trying to walk around the protruding backend of the car, I slip and ended up with a corkscrew break. Very painful! Z.
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The law is not difficult to understand. That area is NOT your driveway. It only takes one complaint and you will be fined. Amazing how many people park on what they consider their nature strip. So many never get fined
Bloody don't like it when you tell them to come and mow their nature strip, different story then arseholes.
It just goes to show people have no idea what the laws are or some people and probably make that alot. About time they read up about it instead of complaining about it and apply some common sense. Oh sorry that is also sadly missing alot of the time
Common sense is not very common anymore.
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Maybe the vehicle owner/house hold owner, if he has paid for the extension of his concreted driveway to the gutterline, & then the cost of the cutaway section so he can drive onto his driveway then he should claim the costing of that concrete from the council. If they fail to payup, he then should take it on in a court scenario, then claim court costs as well. Go for it, man.

Just trying to think & which raises the question, should one get permission from the council before they concrete over their property to complete a driveway ? Hmmm!
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We all know that the footpath is so named for foot pedestrians, prams, wheelchairs and pedestrians vehicles(mobility scooters). I use a mobility scooter and, often have to use the road to get around cars parked on the footpath. I have at times left notes on the vehicle that is on the path. I’m lucky I have a mobility scooter, I feel for those in the wheelchair, going onto the verge can be very dangerous as the ground is very unbalanced. I’m so happy that people are getting fined, it means they are learning the hard way. Anyone who says they didn’t know about this rule should learn their rules again. I learnt whilst I was on my L plates this rule.
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Maybe the vehicle owner/house hold owner, if he has paid for the extension of his concreted driveway to the gutterline, & then the cost of the cutaway section so he can drive onto his driveway then he should claim the costing of that concrete from the council. If they fail to payup, he then should take it on in a court scenario, then claim court costs as well. Go for it, man.

Just trying to think & which raises the question, should one get permission from the council before they concrete over their property to complete a driveway ? Hmmm!
Learn the road rules. Footpaths are so named. Not car paths but foot.
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The problem here is that the home owner is the one who had to pay to have that driveway cemented, all the way to the road. In which case it is reasonable for them to assume they can use it.
When we had our driveway done from boundary to road the council paid.

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