Made our hearts melt! Seven-year-old allowed by court to “adopt” his teddies
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This might just be the most adorable and heartwarming story you read today, members!
After writing a heartfelt letter requesting to adopt several of his teddies, a seven-year-old boy was surprised when he received a reply from the Western Australia Family Court.
The court has given its official seal of approval through an unofficial letter addressed to the toddler.
In reference to the made-up International Teddy Act of 1908, the contents of the signed letter read: “In the matter of Mr D, Baby D, Brown Bear, Bamboo, Special Teddy Jnr and Tiny,”
“Application having been made under the International Teddy Act 1908 for an adoption order in relation to a hug of teddies known as Mr Denham, Baby Denham, Brown Bear, Bamboo, Special Teddy Jnr and Tiny who reside in ... Western Australia.
“It is ordered that the said Mr Denham, Baby Denham, Brown Bear, Bamboo, Special Teddy Jnr and Tiny be adopted by (the boy) to be treated lovingly as child and teddies.”
A WA judge responded by saying he would be granted adoption of the six teddy bears. Credit: Twitter.
The court document was shared on social media by the boy’s uncle. “Not sure how many similar requests they get, but this seemed to go above & beyond. Thank you,” he wrote in the caption of his tweet.
Even though the post has now been deleted by the author as per the request of the boy, it managed to amass several positive reactions from people who saw the letter.
One person even wrote that the simple, yet touchingly beautiful gesture made him smile and shed a tear. “That is absolutely adorable, your nephew must be so happy!” they added.
What a cutie! We’re sure the boy will be a good parent to his teddies!