Live Longer with This One Simple Secret: How Flexibility Could Be the Key to a Lengthy Life!

As we age, we often focus on maintaining our health through diet and regular exercise, but there's one aspect of fitness that might not get as much attention as it should: flexibility. It turns out that this often-overlooked component of physical fitness could be a secret ingredient to a longer life. A recent study has sparked interest in the connection between flexibility and longevity, and it's worth taking a closer look.

The study, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, analysed data from over 3,100 individuals across 28 years. Researchers assessed participants' flexibility using a 'Flexitest,' which measured their ability to perform 20 different joint movements. Based on their performance, each person was given a 'Flexindex' score ranging from zero to 80. The findings were quite revealing: those with higher flexibility scores had better survival rates for deaths from natural or non-COVID causes. Women, in particular, showed a significant correlation between flexibility and survival, with less flexible women having a 4.78 times higher risk of dying compared to their more flexible counterparts. For men, the risk was 1.87 times higher for those with lower flexibility scores.

But does being more flexible directly contribute to living longer? The study didn't establish flexibility as the sole cause of increased longevity. Instead, it suggested that flexibility might be an indicator of a more active lifestyle or greater health consciousness—both of which are known to contribute to a longer life. However, the link between flexibility and longevity is undeniable and warrants further investigation.

A new study suggested more flexibility might mean a longer life. Credit: Unsplash

Experts like Ryan Glatt, CPT, a personal trainer and senior brain health coach, and Albert Matheny, RD, CSCS, a co-founder of SoHo Strength Lab, agree that while the evidence isn't conclusive, there's no harm in working on flexibility. In fact, they advocate for incorporating flexibility exercises into workout routines, especially for older adults. As we age, our flexibility naturally decreases, so maintaining it can help prevent injuries and improve overall joint function.

Flexibility exercises, such as yoga, can be easily integrated into your fitness regimen. These activities not only enhance your range of motion but also support recovery, healing, and the proper functioning of your joints. If you're experiencing significant challenges with flexibility, consulting with a doctor or a physical therapist for targeted exercises might be beneficial.

So, dear members of the Seniors Discount Club, it's time to stretch your way to a potentially longer life. Whether it's through a morning yoga session, a post-walk stretch, or a dedicated flexibility class, making time for this simple yet vital aspect of fitness could pay dividends in the years to come. Remember, it's not just about adding years to your life, but life to your years—and staying flexible could help you enjoy each moment more fully.
Key Takeaways
  • A new study has found a correlation between flexibility and longevity, suggesting that more flexible individuals may live longer.
  • The study involved analysing data from over 3,100 people across 28 years, examining their flexibility and survival rates from natural or non-COVID causes.
  • While there is not yet conclusive evidence to indicate that flexibility directly causes a longer life, the study does suggest that flexibility might reflect overall better health.
  • Experts recommend incorporating flexibility exercises into fitness routines, as improved flexibility can be beneficial for injury prevention, healing, and joint function and is particularly important as flexibility decreases with age.
We'd love to hear from you! Have you noticed a difference in your health and well-being since incorporating more flexibility exercises into your routine? Share your experiences in the comments below, and let's inspire each other to keep stretching for longevity.
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I exercise every day now and I’m now able to touch the floor without bending my knees and it’s certainly helped my pain management I feel fab. Plus I do meditation now and yoga classes it’s really helped me and walk when the weathers good. I’m a happy little Vegemite.🤣
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Hey, "Liitleboy8", the way you're going, good work by yourself. You'll be able to come down to the beach with me in the wee hours of the morning, to wit, 1am or so, using my 14' rod loaded with 80lb braid, 8/0 hooks & using an 8oz lump of lead as a sinker to cast out, looking for what is called & referred to as the "Mythical Silver Ghost" of the sea, namely a mulloway or jewie. My best of the beach is 60lb. Don't worry, I've lost count on how many I've released back into the surf. e.g. one session just recently, with my son, he has a few disabilities, he caught 7 in 7 casts where we released the lot of them. I didn't even get a line in the water that session, he kept me busy, which was good. Would you believe, when we release them, they turn on their side, raise their side fin & give us a thank you wave. Ha Ha.

I could tell many a story of experiences down there at all hours of the night etc. All good.

I'm down there when the right situations present themselves. It's great doing it. It keeps you fit with the exercise.
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I exercise every day now and I’m now able to touch the floor without bending my knees and it’s certainly helped my pain management I feel fab. Plus I do meditation now and yoga classes it’s really helped me and walk when the weathers good. I’m a happy little Vegemite.🤣
That’s great! Well done! I need to work on my balance; flexibility isn’t a huge issue with me but balance is. It’s a bit of a worry. I have exercises to do that the physio has given me, but I’m lazy so it’s my own fault. 😏
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That’s great! Well done! I need to work on my balance; flexibility isn’t a huge issue with me but balance is. It’s a bit of a worry. I have exercises to do that the physio has given me, but I’m lazy so it’s my own fault. 😏
Do them it will help with your balance as well I was actually losing my balance also when I walked. I’d fall against the wall in the hallway it was so annoying but not anymore. I actually took all my high ornaments from the top of my book cases in case I knocked them and they bonked me on the head and either killed me or knocked me out that’s how bad I was. Scary stuff.🧐every little bit helps right.😊
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Hey, "Liitleboy8", the way you're going, good work by yourself. You'll be able to come down to the beach with me in the wee hours of the morning, to wit, 1am or so, using my 14' rod loaded with 80lb braid, 8/0 hooks & using an 8oz lump of lead as a sinker to cast out, looking for what is called & referred to as the "Mythical Silver Ghost" of the sea, namely a mulloway or jewie. My best of the beach is 60lb. Don't worry, I've lost count on how many I've released back into the surf. e.g. one session just recently, with my son, he has a few disabilities, he caught 7 in 7 casts where we released the lot of them. I didn't even get a line in the water that session, he kept me busy, which was good. Would you believe, when we release them, they turn on their side, raise their side fin & give us a thank you wave. Ha Ha.

I could tell many a story of experiences down there at all hours of the night etc. All good.

I'm down there when the right situations present themselves. It's great doing it. It keeps you fit with the exercise.
If you live in victoria near me I’m in I love fishing used to fish in tassie great fun and I reckon you’d be fun to fish with but I don’t do the gut thing.🤢🤣
Hi again "Littleboy8",
Any time my friend. You'd love it. Only prob., is, we live at Laurieton, 360k's north of Sydney. Beaches abound plus the national park just a "K' or 2 south of us with great beaches as well. Many a good time I've had with many more to come. Would you believe, I've kept company with roos, dingo's, half bred dingo/wild dogs, fox's echindas & goannas down on the beaches, &, koalas, pheasants& quails whilst I've driven along the dirt track through the park.

Another tail of "Woe", funny, down there in the middle of the night, caught a reasonable salmon abt 2-3 kgs, tossed it up to the back of my gear. I left it there for a short time, then thought that I'd better retrieve it. Couldn't find it, no wonder their were paw prints down to where I was & off again. No doubt it fed either a family of dingoes or fox's. Oh well not to worry. Great, & it's a great life we have.

Enjoy whilst we can. We aint getting any younger.
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Hi again "Littleboy8",
Any time my friend. You'd love it. Only prob., is, we live at Laurieton, 360k's north of Sydney. Beaches abound plus the national park just a "K' or 2 south of us with great beaches as well. Many a good time I've had with many more to come. Would you believe, I've kept company with roos, dingo's, half bred dingo/wild dogs, fox's echindas & goannas down on the beaches, &, koalas, pheasants& quails whilst I've driven along the dirt track through the park.

Another tail of "Woe", funny, down there in the middle of the night, caught a reasonable salmon abt 2-3 kgs, tossed it up to the back of my gear. I left it there for a short time, then thought that I'd better retrieve it. Couldn't find it, no wonder their were paw prints down to where I was & off again. No doubt it fed either a family of dingoes or fox's. Oh well not to worry. Great, & it's a great life we have.

Enjoy whilst we can. We aint getting any younger.
Ain’t that the truth.🧐

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