Lawyer explains why you should AVOID using supermarket self-serve checkouts

A lot of shoppers aren’t too happy with the launch of self-serve checkouts in major supermarkets… But there are more little-known reasons why customers are better off steering clear of them.

A lawyer has warned shoppers to avoid using self-serve checkouts at supermarkets in a series of TikTok videos.

The criminal defence lawyer, Carrie Jernigan, said grimly: ‘I advise most people to steer clear of self-checkouts unless they are ready and willing to go to jail.’

Ms Jernigan detailed that self-serve checkouts are often targeted by shoplifters, which in turn makes retailers more sceptical – even if shoppers who are also using them don’t have any bad intentions.


Why you should avoid self-serve checkouts according to a lawyer. Source: Verdict

She said that there are three types of people being charged with theft after using self-checkout lanes.

The first is professional shoplifters followed by people who steal items ‘by mistake’. She went on to clarify that these are ‘the people that I genuinely think just forgot to scan an item’, such as forgetting to scan an item at the bottom of a trolley.

Even though the shopper is technically innocent, Ms Jernigan warned that these shoppers can still end up being charged as ‘stores aren’t going to spend their time and resources trying to figure out if you did it on purpose.’

The lawyer finished the video off with the last third group – the ones who are ‘truly innocent’.


The lawyer warned shoppers about the feature in a series of videos. Source: @carriejernigan1

She added that these cases rarely escalate at the time but they may still face charges later on after the store’s security department does an inventory count and realise they are missing something.

‘So they will begin watching hours of video to see the last person who checked out with the Mario Lego set because they’re short for an Xbox game. And, for some reason, they blame you and claim that you did it,’ she shared.

The lawyer also advised shoppers to refrain from paying with cash as it makes it harder to prove that you paid for something. Always pay with a card at self-checkouts and keep all your receipts as proof of the items you purchased.

Ms Jernigan’s series of TikTok videos accumulated more than a million views per clip, and many comments from customers who shared their thoughts.

One user shared their mum’s heartbreaking experience with a self-serve checkout, writing: ‘My mum accidentally left a tiny $3 lemon oil in her cart after buying $300 in groceries. She was charged with theft and forced to do community service.’

‘So they force us to do their job and then want to charge us when we were never trained… Perfect.’ another said sarcastically.

‘I just didn't use them because they put people out of work… I never thought about this angle!’ added a third, while a fourth joked: ‘If you just take the stuff and leave as normal no one would notice anymore! They are all watching over the self-checkout.’

One more suggested: ‘I always use self-serve checkouts even with a full cart. Make sure to keep your receipts. I always flash it to the greeter on the way out and never have a problem.’

What are your thoughts on this lawyer’s advice? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch Ms Jernigan’s full TikTok video below:

Source: @carriejernigan1
I hate using self checkout but when I only have a few items and lines are long at the other checkouts then I do use them. Funny the opposite has happened to me on a couple of occasions I got charged twice for the one item. I know I didn't double scan. Can I tell them they stole from me? Yes you have those that do steal but how many do make genuine mistakes after all we are human....hang on the computer's also make mistakes 😗
A lot of shoppers aren’t too happy with the launch of self-serve checkouts in major supermarkets… But there are more little-known reasons why customers are better off steering clear of them.

A lawyer has warned shoppers to avoid using self-serve checkouts at supermarkets in a series of TikTok videos.

The criminal defence lawyer, Carrie Jernigan, said grimly: ‘I advise most people to steer clear of self-checkouts unless they are ready and willing to go to jail.’

Ms Jernigan detailed that self-serve checkouts are often targeted by shoplifters, which in turn makes retailers more sceptical – even if shoppers who are also using them don’t have any bad intentions.


Why you should avoid self-serve checkouts according to a lawyer. Source: Verdict

She said that there are three types of people being charged with theft after using self-checkout lanes.

The first is professional shoplifters followed by people who steal items ‘by mistake’. She went on to clarify that these are ‘the people that I genuinely think just forgot to scan an item’, such as forgetting to scan an item at the bottom of a trolley.

Even though the shopper is technically innocent, Ms Jernigan warned that these shoppers can still end up being charged as ‘stores aren’t going to spend their time and resources trying to figure out if you did it on purpose.’

The lawyer finished the video off with the last third group – the ones who are ‘truly innocent’.


The lawyer warned shoppers about the feature in a series of videos. Source: @carriejernigan1

She added that these cases rarely escalate at the time but they may still face charges later on after the store’s security department does an inventory count and realise they are missing something.

‘So they will begin watching hours of video to see the last person who checked out with the Mario Lego set because they’re short for an Xbox game. And, for some reason, they blame you and claim that you did it,’ she shared.

The lawyer also advised shoppers to refrain from paying with cash as it makes it harder to prove that you paid for something. Always pay with a card at self-checkouts and keep all your receipts as proof of the items you purchased.

Ms Jernigan’s series of TikTok videos accumulated more than a million views per clip, and many comments from customers who shared their thoughts.

One user shared their mum’s heartbreaking experience with a self-serve checkout, writing: ‘My mum accidentally left a tiny $3 lemon oil in her cart after buying $300 in groceries. She was charged with theft and forced to do community service.’

‘So they force us to do their job and then want to charge us when we were never trained… Perfect.’ another said sarcastically.

‘I just didn't use them because they put people out of work… I never thought about this angle!’ added a third, while a fourth joked: ‘If you just take the stuff and leave as normal no one would notice anymore! They are all watching over the self-checkout.’

One more suggested: ‘I always use self-serve checkouts even with a full cart. Make sure to keep your receipts. I always flash it to the greeter on the way out and never have a problem.’

What are your thoughts on this lawyer’s advice? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch Ms Jernigan’s full TikTok video below:

Source: @carriejernigan1

They are simply difficult to use, and needs assistance from an employee, to complete the purchase.
For instance, as soon as you have scanned an item, it tells you to "Pay Now", but it will not accept any credit card.
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What about when you get home after using the person checkout and find you have been charged twice for the same item or full price for something marked half price. That is them stealing from us. I rarely use self serve because I come to the store for a service not a bloody job. Even now I am lucky to get from the car to the kitchen without breaking those useless bags they SELL you. Now spying on you as you shop, why not use the spies to man checkouts.
A lot of shoppers aren’t too happy with the launch of self-serve checkouts in major supermarkets… But there are more little-known reasons why customers are better off steering clear of them.

A lawyer has warned shoppers to avoid using self-serve checkouts at supermarkets in a series of TikTok videos.

The criminal defence lawyer, Carrie Jernigan, said grimly: ‘I advise most people to steer clear of self-checkouts unless they are ready and willing to go to jail.’

Ms Jernigan detailed that self-serve checkouts are often targeted by shoplifters, which in turn makes retailers more sceptical – even if shoppers who are also using them don’t have any bad intentions.


Why you should avoid self-serve checkouts according to a lawyer. Source: Verdict

She said that there are three types of people being charged with theft after using self-checkout lanes.

The first is professional shoplifters followed by people who steal items ‘by mistake’. She went on to clarify that these are ‘the people that I genuinely think just forgot to scan an item’, such as forgetting to scan an item at the bottom of a trolley.

Even though the shopper is technically innocent, Ms Jernigan warned that these shoppers can still end up being charged as ‘stores aren’t going to spend their time and resources trying to figure out if you did it on purpose.’

The lawyer finished the video off with the last third group – the ones who are ‘truly innocent’.


The lawyer warned shoppers about the feature in a series of videos. Source: @carriejernigan1

She added that these cases rarely escalate at the time but they may still face charges later on after the store’s security department does an inventory count and realise they are missing something.

‘So they will begin watching hours of video to see the last person who checked out with the Mario Lego set because they’re short for an Xbox game. And, for some reason, they blame you and claim that you did it,’ she shared.

The lawyer also advised shoppers to refrain from paying with cash as it makes it harder to prove that you paid for something. Always pay with a card at self-checkouts and keep all your receipts as proof of the items you purchased.

Ms Jernigan’s series of TikTok videos accumulated more than a million views per clip, and many comments from customers who shared their thoughts.

One user shared their mum’s heartbreaking experience with a self-serve checkout, writing: ‘My mum accidentally left a tiny $3 lemon oil in her cart after buying $300 in groceries. She was charged with theft and forced to do community service.’

‘So they force us to do their job and then want to charge us when we were never trained… Perfect.’ another said sarcastically.

‘I just didn't use them because they put people out of work… I never thought about this angle!’ added a third, while a fourth joked: ‘If you just take the stuff and leave as normal no one would notice anymore! They are all watching over the self-checkout.’

One more suggested: ‘I always use self-serve checkouts even with a full cart. Make sure to keep your receipts. I always flash it to the greeter on the way out and never have a problem.’

What are your thoughts on this lawyer’s advice? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch Ms Jernigan’s full TikTok video below:

Source: @carriejernigan1

I HATE self service checkouts. Aldi is a discount supermarket, and even they scan your groceries. I only use self serve when I absolutely have too. (When there are no staffed checkouts.) Even then I need the person watching them to help me as I can't get the touch screens to work.
I HATE self service checkouts. Aldi is a discount supermarket, and even they scan your groceries. I only use self serve when I absolutely have too. (When there are no staffed checkouts.) Even then I need the person watching them to help me as I can't get the touch screens to work.
A couple of times when Big W don't have a staffed checkout open I have asked someone to put it through for me or open a register for me. I did my years at woollies serving other people. I am no longer being paid to have to serve myself. SERVICE PLEASE !!
What a load of garbage! If you want your items packed safely, SCAN AND PACK THEM YOURSELF! Be a grownup and do it properly.
First that stupid "lawyer" says "stores aren’t going to spend their time and resources trying to figure out if you did it on purpose" then she claims they will "begin watching hours of video to see the last person who checked out with the Mario Lego set because they’re short for an Xbox game". Nonsense!

I never use self service checkouts .I am not employed by the supermarket or store i am shopping at . I think self service is enabling stores to employ less people , if everyone went to check outs they would have to open more checkouts. I always refuse when told to go to self serve.
I never use self service checkouts .I am not employed by the supermarket or store i am shopping at . I think self service is enabling stores to employ less people , if everyone went to check outs they would have to open more checkouts. I always refuse when told to go to self serve.
Me too 😀
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I avoid using them at all costs, I like to chat with the person that is scanning my goods.
I never use these as I prefer people rather than machines to have a job. Besides which, the machine can't say "good morning" and ask me how my day is!
I rather like the way the machines greet you. They ask if you'd like a receipt, inform you your reward card has been added, thank you for shopping when you finish you purchase.

When people chat back to the self-serve machine then we're in trouble ...
I only use a self service check-out if there is not a manned check-out open, though I have never used one at the supermarket. I am happy to wait in a queue for my turn.
At other stores, such as KMart or Target, I always ask the assistant to help me, pretending that I don't know how to do it myself, because I don't want to be accused of doing anything wrong.
Locally we have a significant problem with a certain ethnic group brazenly taking what they want from the supermarket and walking out with it with no attempt at subterfuge. An employee of the supermarket told me that the staff had been instructed to just let them go for it as it wasn't worth the legal ramifications of apprehending them. It's a shame that the law is apparently only being applied to honest people and that the rest of us are paying higher prices to make up the difference because the supermarket management is too lazy/intimidated to take a stand against theft and too money-hungry to employ enough checkout operators to monitor the situation and act as a deterrent. At the very least they could place a security guard who has been trained in legally dealing with situations of shoplifting in each store. I am sure that a security guard would pay for themselves in the long-run.
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Locally we have a significant problem with a certain ethnic group brazenly taking what they want from the supermarket and walking out with it with no attempt at subterfuge. An employee of the supermarket told me that the staff had been instructed to just let them go as it wasn't worth the legal ramifications of apprehending them. It's a shame that the law is apparently only being applied to honest people and that the rest of us are paying higher prices to make up the difference because the supermarket management is too lazy/intimidated to take a stand against theft and too money-hungry to employ enough checkout operators to monitor the situation and act as a deterrent. At the very least they could place a security guard who has been trained in legally dealing with situations of shoplifting in each store. I am sure that a security guard would pay for themselves in the long-run.
If you're going to make broad racist generalisations, you should at least have the courage to specify which "ethnic group" you want to denigrate.
If you're going to make broad racist generalisations, you should at least have the courage to specify which "ethnic group" you want to denigrate.
According to the dictionary, denigrate means "to criticise unfairly". My criticism is not unfair - it is based on fact. It's not just the shoplifting we have to put up with. It's the home burglaries, the vandalism, the verbal abuse, you name it! I was the victim of an attempted mugging at the local shopping centre. You should try living with it.
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