King Charles delights royal fan with heartfelt birthday surprise

In a heartwarming display of connection with the public, a prominent royal figure has made headlines for a recent unexpected gesture towards a devoted fan.

This thoughtful act has resonated widely, showcasing the enduring relationship between the royal family and its supporters.

As admiration for the monarchy continues, such moments serve to strengthen the bond between the royals and the people, reminding us of the personal touches that can have a lasting impact.

King Charles surprised a royal fan with an unforgettable moment on her 87th birthday when she encountered the monarch at Dumfries House last week.

The royal family and Dumfries House released a joint statement featuring a video of the king wishing Alice Ryce a happy birthday and shaking her hand—a gesture that Alice will undoubtedly cherish for years to come.

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King Charles greeted royal fan Alice Ryce on her 87th birthday at Dumfries House. Credit: Instagram / The Royal Family

The post stated that the King provided Ryce with ‘the surprise of her life’ when she ran into him on the grounds of Dumfries House last week, coinciding with her 87th birthday.

‘Whilst enjoying a visit to the estate, which is open to the public, Alice unexpectedly met His Majesty, who was delighted to share in her special day,’ the statement read.

King Charles was visiting Ayrshire to support the initiatives of The King's Foundation, which has its headquarters at the historic Dumfries House, a place of both beauty and philanthropy.

The Royal Family's social media channels also echoed the sentiment of the day with a simple yet heartfelt message: ‘Happy birthday, Alice!’

This personal acknowledgment serves as a reminder of the royal family's efforts to connect with the public on a more intimate level.

The estate, known for its stunning architecture and commitment to preserving heritage while fostering education and community development, provided the perfect backdrop for this royal surprise.

In addition to heartwarming interactions with fans, King Charles has also demonstrated his unwavering support for family members during challenging times.

Recently, he broke protocol to stand by Princess Catherine as she navigated her own health challenges.

This blend of personal connections and royal responsibilities showcases the King’s commitment not just to his duties but to the well-being of his loved ones, further endearing him to the public.
Key Takeaways
  • King Charles surprised royal fan Alice Ryce with a personal greeting on her 87th birthday at Dumfries House.
  • The unexpected meeting and birthday wishes were shared in a joint statement along with a video by the Dumfries House and the royal family.
  • Alice Ryce encountered the monarch whilst enjoying a visit to the estate, which is open to the public.
  • The King's appearance at Dumfries House was part of his support for the work of The King's Foundation.
We invite you to share your thoughts on this charming story. Have you ever had an unexpected meeting that turned an ordinary day into an extraordinary one? Or perhaps you've had a brush with royalty yourself?

Share your experiences in the comments below and join the conversation with fellow members who appreciate the magic of life's unexpected moments.
in case you did not know royalty is totaly different to you or I. his role is to the likes of you, myself and the rest of the commonwealth countries. Not volunteering. To bow and curtsie is to show respect for our King and Queen. If you took note you would respect them a tad more.
I guess you don't know history . Maybe you should dig a bit.
Is the Royal Family really that high .

Ah someone needs to earn my respect and I could name hundreds I respect and Charles is not on that list nor is Camilla , by the way she isn't actually Queen !!!! She is Queen Consort.

Would you like a history lesson ?
Last edited:
you truly are an embicile. How about just being nice. no black sheep in your family. pure as the virgin snow.
Seriously!!!! There is more than one black sheep in the Royal family.

If you are such a Royalist and love England so much why are you still in Australia and not in England .

Your calling Veg an embicile, you know that saying pot calling the kettle black !!!
Well said. @Jest only sees one way and with blinkers on
I am getting quite a giggle from some of your replies. No blinkers eyes wide open and can see through most of these remarks. it is quite funny how nasty some can be and they have no idea of the person they a degrading. ie the King of England . did i hit a nerve?
  • Haha
Reactions: DLHM

A little Modern history of the Royal Family .

Charles cheats on Diana with Camilla​

After meeting in the 1970s, Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles’ illicit affair resulted in the most infamous split of all time.
Princess Diana famously referred to Camilla as “the third person” in her marriage. While Charles and Camilla’s love affair was widely suspected, the extent of it was exposed when a 1989 recording of a private late-night phone conversation was leaked in 1993, in which Charles declared to Camilla that he wanted to “live inside your trousers”.

Let's not forget

The Queen vs Camilla​

Queen Elizabeth and her daughter-in-law have smoothed over their differences now, but for many years she refused to forgive Camilla for ruining Prince Charles’ marriage to Diana and dragging the monarchy’s good name through the mud.

According to Charles’ biographer Tom Bower, the Queen used to describe Camilla as “that wicked woman”.

Let's not forget

Prince Philip’s racist comments​

There’s a long list of headlines about Prince Philip’s inappropriate comments over the years.
In 2002, he asked an Indigenous Australian “do you still throw spears at each other?”, while in 1986 he warned a group of British students that if they stayed in China any longer “you’ll be all slitty-eyed”.

Let's not forget

Princess Michael’s racist brooch​

When Princess Michael of Kent met Meghan Markle, she didn’t make the best first impression.

The royal wore a racially insensitive brooch to the Queen’s Christmas lunch at Buckingham Palace in 2017. The piece of Blackamoor jewellery is considered offensive because it has connotations of slavery.

King Edward VIII abdicates​

In 1936, Queen Elizabeth’s path to the throne was forged when her uncle King Edward handed the crown to her dad King George VI.

Edward wanted to marry his American divorcee lover Wallis Simpson – a request which was forbidden by the Church of England, over which he presided. He chose love, put his younger brother in charge, and went on to live happily with Wallis until his death in 1972.


Prince Philip cheating on the Queen​

Unconfirmed reports allege Prince Philip had an affair with stunning British showgirl Pat Kirkwood while the Queen was eight months pregnant with Prince Charles.
Some insiders claimed at the time the Duke of Edinburgh had even gifted his mistress with a Rolls-Royce. The Queen “allowed Prince Philip a lot of leeway”.

Mike cheats on Zara​

When the Queen’s favourite granddaughter Zara shacked up with British rugby star Mike Tindall, royal insiders predicted trouble would follow – and it did.

During a New Zealand tour, Mike and a blonde woman were caught on video behaving like a “smooching teenage couple”. She turned out to be his ex.

. Margaret’s many affairs

It’s no wonder Margaret’s marriage fell apart, thanks to several reported affairs.

Her first dalliance was said to be with her daughter Sarah’s godfather, wine producer Anthony Barton, in 1966. A year later she had a fling with Robin Douglas-Home, a jazz pianist who took his life 18 months after they split, suffering from depression. Margaret also had an eight-year affair with Roddy Llewellyn, causing British MPs to label her a “floozy” and a “royal parasite”.

Royal ties with Nazis​

Edward and Wallis, who were begrudgingly bestowed with the title of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor when they married, were widely reported to be “Nazi sympathisers” and personal friends of murderous Adolf Hitler.

A video, believed to have been shot in 1934, was obtained by The Sun, in which it appears Edward is teaching a young Princess Elizabeth to do the Nazi salute. The Queen’s husband Prince Philip went to school in Nazi Germany, while his sister was an outspoken follower of the anti-Semitic regime that resulted in the Holocaust.

Mark Phillips’ love child​

Princess Anne’s husband Captain Mark Phillips conceived a love child – a daughter named Felicity – during a one-night stand with New Zealander Heather Tonkin in 1984.

It is not known whether he – or his children with Anne, Zara and Peter – have ever acknowledged their relative Down Under. Zara and Felicity, who look strikingly similar, also share a love of horses.

Princess Diana’s death​

Mystery still surrounds Diana’s tragic passing at the age of 36 in a Paris car crash in 1997, which also killed her lover Dodi Fayed. Some believed they were killed ,organised by the crown.

There is still more stories but let's look at the older British Royal Family

Elizabeth 1 of England never married, though she did have a favorite at court: Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, her Master of Horse... and a married man. “Robert Dudley’s fame in Europe rested on his power and influence with the Queen of England,” says Christine Hartweg, author of Amy Robsart: A Life and its End.

Rumors of their alleged affair intensified when Dudley’s wife, Amy Robsart, was found dead on September 8, 1560 at the foot of the stairs in her mansion with a broken neck. She was just 28 years old. The coroner’s report ruled her cause of death to be “misadventure.” Dudley did not attend his wife’s funeral, fanning speculation of foul play, especially after the Spanish ambassador to the English court claimed that in a conversation just months before his wife’s death, Dudley had said he would be “in a new position” in a year—a claim that seemed to substantiate rumors that he killed his wife to free himself to marry Queen Elizabeth. If this was his plan, it backfired. “It is often argued that the scandal surrounding Amy's death prevented Elizabeth from marrying Robert Dudley,” says Hartweg. “Dudley himself seems to have hoped for many, many years that she would eventually marry him.”

Count Philipp Christoph von Königsmark Disappears After Royal Affair, 1694​

Princess Sophia Dorothea of Celle married her cousin, King George I of England, in 1682. Their marriage was not a happy one, and she soon ran afoul of her powerful mother-in-law and husband. Princess Sophia took a lover, Swedish Count Philipp Christoph von Königsmark, and made plans to run away with him. But on the scheduled day, the count disappeared and was never seen again. George divorced Sophia and she lived out the rest of her days in prison. The count’s body was never found and rumors persist that King George had his wife’s lover executed.

Charles II fathered at least 20 illegitimate children, of whom he acknowledged 14.

The Windsors Are Descendants Of A Real Vampire

Well, they’re descendants of a man who was as much of a vampire as anyone can be. Vlad III, known endearingly as Vlad the Impaler, is said to be the inspiration behind the story of the vampire, and Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

The tyrant was fond of torturing his subjects and used to dip his bread in their blood. The current Royals are related to him through Princess Mary of Teck, Queen Elizabeth’s grandmother. She was a descendant of two of Vlad’s sons, which makes Prince Charles a great-grandson, 16 times removed, to Vlad. While the Queen might not want to remind people of this, Prince Charles has happily commented that he has Transylvania in his blood, and has even bought a farmhouse in a rural Romanian village, near the location of Vlad’s old castle.

And we haven't even looked at Historical Kings like Henry The 8th

And I thought my family had history
I am getting quite a giggle from some of your replies. No blinkers eyes wide open and can see through most of these remarks. it is quite funny how nasty some can be and they have no idea of the person they a degrading. ie the King of England . did i hit a nerve?
So your laughing at yourself.

I'm trying to work out if you are man or woman .
in case you did not know royalty is totaly different to you or I. his role is to the likes of you, myself and the rest of the commonwealth countries. Not volunteering. To bow and curtsie is to show respect for our King and Queen. If you took note you would respect them a tad more.
Sorry I have no respect for those adulterers ! Nor for people who mistreat their families.
OhDear! my hands have been smacked. Like veggiepatch I speak, write what i feel and think. if you do not like it well!! TOO BAD.
I’m simply stating a fact, you are a hypocrite. And now you compare yourself to Veggiepatch. Wishful thinking on your part. But he is not a hypocrite.

I think you just like the attention. There have been one or two comments you’ve made over time that I’ve actually agreed with, but that’s about all. Really, it doesn’t matter.
I’m simply stating a fact, you are a hypocrite. And now you compare yourself to Veggiepatch. Wishful thinking on your part. But he is not a hypocrite.

I think you just like the attention. There have been one or two comments you’ve made over time that I’ve actually agreed with, but that’s about all. Really, it doesn’t matter.
I think he / she started off this post with a bite , trying to get attention .
  • Like
Reactions: magpie1 and DLHM

A little Modern history of the Royal Family .

Charles cheats on Diana with Camilla​

After meeting in the 1970s, Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles’ illicit affair resulted in the most infamous split of all time.
Princess Diana famously referred to Camilla as “the third person” in her marriage. While Charles and Camilla’s love affair was widely suspected, the extent of it was exposed when a 1989 recording of a private late-night phone conversation was leaked in 1993, in which Charles declared to Camilla that he wanted to “live inside your trousers”.

Let's not forget

The Queen vs Camilla​

Queen Elizabeth and her daughter-in-law have smoothed over their differences now, but for many years she refused to forgive Camilla for ruining Prince Charles’ marriage to Diana and dragging the monarchy’s good name through the mud.

According to Charles’ biographer Tom Bower, the Queen used to describe Camilla as “that wicked woman”.

Let's not forget

Prince Philip’s racist comments​

There’s a long list of headlines about Prince Philip’s inappropriate comments over the years.
In 2002, he asked an Indigenous Australian “do you still throw spears at each other?”, while in 1986 he warned a group of British students that if they stayed in China any longer “you’ll be all slitty-eyed”.

Let's not forget

Princess Michael’s racist brooch​

When Princess Michael of Kent met Meghan Markle, she didn’t make the best first impression.

The royal wore a racially insensitive brooch to the Queen’s Christmas lunch at Buckingham Palace in 2017. The piece of Blackamoor jewellery is considered offensive because it has connotations of slavery.

King Edward VIII abdicates​

In 1936, Queen Elizabeth’s path to the throne was forged when her uncle King Edward handed the crown to her dad King George VI.

Edward wanted to marry his American divorcee lover Wallis Simpson – a request which was forbidden by the Church of England, over which he presided. He chose love, put his younger brother in charge, and went on to live happily with Wallis until his death in 1972.


Prince Philip cheating on the Queen​

Unconfirmed reports allege Prince Philip had an affair with stunning British showgirl Pat Kirkwood while the Queen was eight months pregnant with Prince Charles.
Some insiders claimed at the time the Duke of Edinburgh had even gifted his mistress with a Rolls-Royce. The Queen “allowed Prince Philip a lot of leeway”.

Mike cheats on Zara​

When the Queen’s favourite granddaughter Zara shacked up with British rugby star Mike Tindall, royal insiders predicted trouble would follow – and it did.

During a New Zealand tour, Mike and a blonde woman were caught on video behaving like a “smooching teenage couple”. She turned out to be his ex.

. Margaret’s many affairs

It’s no wonder Margaret’s marriage fell apart, thanks to several reported affairs.

Her first dalliance was said to be with her daughter Sarah’s godfather, wine producer Anthony Barton, in 1966. A year later she had a fling with Robin Douglas-Home, a jazz pianist who took his life 18 months after they split, suffering from depression. Margaret also had an eight-year affair with Roddy Llewellyn, causing British MPs to label her a “floozy” and a “royal parasite”.

Royal ties with Nazis​

Edward and Wallis, who were begrudgingly bestowed with the title of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor when they married, were widely reported to be “Nazi sympathisers” and personal friends of murderous Adolf Hitler.

A video, believed to have been shot in 1934, was obtained by The Sun, in which it appears Edward is teaching a young Princess Elizabeth to do the Nazi salute. The Queen’s husband Prince Philip went to school in Nazi Germany, while his sister was an outspoken follower of the anti-Semitic regime that resulted in the Holocaust.

Mark Phillips’ love child​

Princess Anne’s husband Captain Mark Phillips conceived a love child – a daughter named Felicity – during a one-night stand with New Zealander Heather Tonkin in 1984.

It is not known whether he – or his children with Anne, Zara and Peter – have ever acknowledged their relative Down Under. Zara and Felicity, who look strikingly similar, also share a love of horses.

Princess Diana’s death​

Mystery still surrounds Diana’s tragic passing at the age of 36 in a Paris car crash in 1997, which also killed her lover Dodi Fayed. Some believed they were killed ,organised by the crown.

There is still more stories but let's look at the older British Royal Family

Elizabeth 1 of England never married, though she did have a favorite at court: Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, her Master of Horse... and a married man. “Robert Dudley’s fame in Europe rested on his power and influence with the Queen of England,” says Christine Hartweg, author of Amy Robsart: A Life and its End.

Rumors of their alleged affair intensified when Dudley’s wife, Amy Robsart, was found dead on September 8, 1560 at the foot of the stairs in her mansion with a broken neck. She was just 28 years old. The coroner’s report ruled her cause of death to be “misadventure.” Dudley did not attend his wife’s funeral, fanning speculation of foul play, especially after the Spanish ambassador to the English court claimed that in a conversation just months before his wife’s death, Dudley had said he would be “in a new position” in a year—a claim that seemed to substantiate rumors that he killed his wife to free himself to marry Queen Elizabeth. If this was his plan, it backfired. “It is often argued that the scandal surrounding Amy's death prevented Elizabeth from marrying Robert Dudley,” says Hartweg. “Dudley himself seems to have hoped for many, many years that she would eventually marry him.”

Count Philipp Christoph von Königsmark Disappears After Royal Affair, 1694​

Princess Sophia Dorothea of Celle married her cousin, King George I of England, in 1682. Their marriage was not a happy one, and she soon ran afoul of her powerful mother-in-law and husband. Princess Sophia took a lover, Swedish Count Philipp Christoph von Königsmark, and made plans to run away with him. But on the scheduled day, the count disappeared and was never seen again. George divorced Sophia and she lived out the rest of her days in prison. The count’s body was never found and rumors persist that King George had his wife’s lover executed.

Charles II fathered at least 20 illegitimate children, of whom he acknowledged 14.

The Windsors Are Descendants Of A Real Vampire

Well, they’re descendants of a man who was as much of a vampire as anyone can be. Vlad III, known endearingly as Vlad the Impaler, is said to be the inspiration behind the story of the vampire, and Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

The tyrant was fond of torturing his subjects and used to dip his bread in their blood. The current Royals are related to him through Princess Mary of Teck, Queen Elizabeth’s grandmother. She was a descendant of two of Vlad’s sons, which makes Prince Charles a great-grandson, 16 times removed, to Vlad. While the Queen might not want to remind people of this, Prince Charles has happily commented that he has Transylvania in his blood, and has even bought a farmhouse in a rural Romanian village, near the location of Vlad’s old castle.

And we haven't even looked at Historical Kings like Henry The 8th

And I thought my family had history
ho hum. at 85 i am very aware of history as i am a royalist. thank you for the history lesson. in my book diana was a whore. note MY BOOK MY OPINION.

A little Modern history of the Royal Family .

Charles cheats on Diana with Camilla​

After meeting in the 1970s, Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles’ illicit affair resulted in the most infamous split of all time.
Princess Diana famously referred to Camilla as “the third person” in her marriage. While Charles and Camilla’s love affair was widely suspected, the extent of it was exposed when a 1989 recording of a private late-night phone conversation was leaked in 1993, in which Charles declared to Camilla that he wanted to “live inside your trousers”.

Let's not forget

The Queen vs Camilla​

Queen Elizabeth and her daughter-in-law have smoothed over their differences now, but for many years she refused to forgive Camilla for ruining Prince Charles’ marriage to Diana and dragging the monarchy’s good name through the mud.

According to Charles’ biographer Tom Bower, the Queen used to describe Camilla as “that wicked woman”.

Let's not forget

Prince Philip’s racist comments​

There’s a long list of headlines about Prince Philip’s inappropriate comments over the years.
In 2002, he asked an Indigenous Australian “do you still throw spears at each other?”, while in 1986 he warned a group of British students that if they stayed in China any longer “you’ll be all slitty-eyed”.

Let's not forget

Princess Michael’s racist brooch​

When Princess Michael of Kent met Meghan Markle, she didn’t make the best first impression.

The royal wore a racially insensitive brooch to the Queen’s Christmas lunch at Buckingham Palace in 2017. The piece of Blackamoor jewellery is considered offensive because it has connotations of slavery.

King Edward VIII abdicates​

In 1936, Queen Elizabeth’s path to the throne was forged when her uncle King Edward handed the crown to her dad King George VI.

Edward wanted to marry his American divorcee lover Wallis Simpson – a request which was forbidden by the Church of England, over which he presided. He chose love, put his younger brother in charge, and went on to live happily with Wallis until his death in 1972.


Prince Philip cheating on the Queen​

Unconfirmed reports allege Prince Philip had an affair with stunning British showgirl Pat Kirkwood while the Queen was eight months pregnant with Prince Charles.
Some insiders claimed at the time the Duke of Edinburgh had even gifted his mistress with a Rolls-Royce. The Queen “allowed Prince Philip a lot of leeway”.

Mike cheats on Zara​

When the Queen’s favourite granddaughter Zara shacked up with British rugby star Mike Tindall, royal insiders predicted trouble would follow – and it did.

During a New Zealand tour, Mike and a blonde woman were caught on video behaving like a “smooching teenage couple”. She turned out to be his ex.

. Margaret’s many affairs

It’s no wonder Margaret’s marriage fell apart, thanks to several reported affairs.

Her first dalliance was said to be with her daughter Sarah’s godfather, wine producer Anthony Barton, in 1966. A year later she had a fling with Robin Douglas-Home, a jazz pianist who took his life 18 months after they split, suffering from depression. Margaret also had an eight-year affair with Roddy Llewellyn, causing British MPs to label her a “floozy” and a “royal parasite”.

Royal ties with Nazis​

Edward and Wallis, who were begrudgingly bestowed with the title of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor when they married, were widely reported to be “Nazi sympathisers” and personal friends of murderous Adolf Hitler.

A video, believed to have been shot in 1934, was obtained by The Sun, in which it appears Edward is teaching a young Princess Elizabeth to do the Nazi salute. The Queen’s husband Prince Philip went to school in Nazi Germany, while his sister was an outspoken follower of the anti-Semitic regime that resulted in the Holocaust.

Mark Phillips’ love child​

Princess Anne’s husband Captain Mark Phillips conceived a love child – a daughter named Felicity – during a one-night stand with New Zealander Heather Tonkin in 1984.

It is not known whether he – or his children with Anne, Zara and Peter – have ever acknowledged their relative Down Under. Zara and Felicity, who look strikingly similar, also share a love of horses.

Princess Diana’s death​

Mystery still surrounds Diana’s tragic passing at the age of 36 in a Paris car crash in 1997, which also killed her lover Dodi Fayed. Some believed they were killed ,organised by the crown.

There is still more stories but let's look at the older British Royal Family

Elizabeth 1 of England never married, though she did have a favorite at court: Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, her Master of Horse... and a married man. “Robert Dudley’s fame in Europe rested on his power and influence with the Queen of England,” says Christine Hartweg, author of Amy Robsart: A Life and its End.

Rumors of their alleged affair intensified when Dudley’s wife, Amy Robsart, was found dead on September 8, 1560 at the foot of the stairs in her mansion with a broken neck. She was just 28 years old. The coroner’s report ruled her cause of death to be “misadventure.” Dudley did not attend his wife’s funeral, fanning speculation of foul play, especially after the Spanish ambassador to the English court claimed that in a conversation just months before his wife’s death, Dudley had said he would be “in a new position” in a year—a claim that seemed to substantiate rumors that he killed his wife to free himself to marry Queen Elizabeth. If this was his plan, it backfired. “It is often argued that the scandal surrounding Amy's death prevented Elizabeth from marrying Robert Dudley,” says Hartweg. “Dudley himself seems to have hoped for many, many years that she would eventually marry him.”

Count Philipp Christoph von Königsmark Disappears After Royal Affair, 1694​

Princess Sophia Dorothea of Celle married her cousin, King George I of England, in 1682. Their marriage was not a happy one, and she soon ran afoul of her powerful mother-in-law and husband. Princess Sophia took a lover, Swedish Count Philipp Christoph von Königsmark, and made plans to run away with him. But on the scheduled day, the count disappeared and was never seen again. George divorced Sophia and she lived out the rest of her days in prison. The count’s body was never found and rumors persist that King George had his wife’s lover executed.

Charles II fathered at least 20 illegitimate children, of whom he acknowledged 14.

The Windsors Are Descendants Of A Real Vampire

Well, they’re descendants of a man who was as much of a vampire as anyone can be. Vlad III, known endearingly as Vlad the Impaler, is said to be the inspiration behind the story of the vampire, and Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

The tyrant was fond of torturing his subjects and used to dip his bread in their blood. The current Royals are related to him through Princess Mary of Teck, Queen Elizabeth’s grandmother. She was a descendant of two of Vlad’s sons, which makes Prince Charles a great-grandson, 16 times removed, to Vlad. While the Queen might not want to remind people of this, Prince Charles has happily commented that he has Transylvania in his blood, and has even bought a farmhouse in a rural Romanian village, near the location of Vlad’s old castle.

And we haven't even looked at Historical Kings like Henry The 8th

And I thought my family had history
Thanks for taking the time to print all this info.
Just goes to show we are not all perfect and we all have skeletons in our cupboard.l for one am sick of all the gossip.
ho hum. at 85 i am very aware of history as i am a royalist. thank you for the history lesson. in my book diana was a whore. note MY BOOK MY OPINION.
Now calling Diana a whore is actually the most disrespectful thing that you could say !!!

She was the people's Princess 👸
The one who rolled her sleeves up and helped the common people.

Seriously after years of Charlie's cheating she found comfort in others arms. How is this being a whore ??

Shame on you . Maybe we should feel sorry for how you think 🤔

I now know you are female with a huge crush on Charlie and probably have been since you were a young girl 👧
  • Haha
Reactions: magpie1 and DLHM

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