King Charles’ portrait reigns over social media for a ‘creepy’ reason

In the ever-evolving landscape of public opinion, images of public figures often spark widespread discussion and debate.

Recently, a portrait of a prominent figure has captivated social media, stirring both admiration and controversy.

This portrait has ignited a heated conversation, with many expressing strong reactions to its depiction.

The unveiling of King Charles' first official portrait since his coronation sparked a whirlwind of reactions across social media, with many users finding the depiction unsettling and 'disturbing'.

The artwork, crafted by renowned artist Jonathan Yeo, breaks away from conventional royal portraiture.

It presents the monarch amidst a vivid backdrop of red and orange hues, accompanied by a butterfly perched on his shoulder.

King Charles unveiled his first official portrait post-coronation, painted by Jonathan Yeo. Credits: Instagram / @jonathanyeo

The portrait, which was originally commissioned in 2020 to commemorate King Charles' 50 years of service to The Drapers’ Company, a charitable institution, was revealed at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, May 14, and will be etched in the annals of royal history.

Yeo had the honour of four sittings with the King, the first of which occurred while he was still the Prince of Wales, with the final sitting taking place in November 2023 at Clarence House.

Dressed in the uniform of the Welsh Guards, a division he has been associated with since 1975 when he was appointed Regimental Colonel, the portrait captured a significant moment in time for the King.

‘It was a privilege and pleasure to have been commissioned by The Drapers’ Company to paint this portrait of His Majesty the King, the first to be unveiled since his coronation,’ Yeo stated.

‘When I started this project, His Majesty…was still His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and, much like the butterfly I’ve painted hovering over his shoulder, this portrait has evolved as the subject’s role in our public life has transformed.’

‘I do my best to capture the life experiences etched into any individual sitter’s face. In this case, my aim was also to make reference to the traditions of royal portraiture but in a way that reflects a 21st-century monarchy and, above all else, to communicate the subject’s deep humanity.’

‘I’m unimaginably grateful for the opportunity to capture such an extraordinary and unique person, especially at the historic moment of becoming King,’ he added.

Despite the artist's noble intentions, the portrait's reception on social media was mixed, with some users finding the colour palette particularly ‘creepy’.

Someone commented that the King must have asked the artist to ‘paint me in a portal to hell’.

‘I would have loved this if it was any other colour than red. He really captured the essence of him in the face but the harshness of the red doesn’t match the softness of his expression,’ another pointed out.

‘Is this a joke or for real?’ a third asked.

‘The bloody monarch,’ someone else said.

Others were more blunt, labelling the artwork as ‘creepy’, ‘a little disturbing’, and likening it to ‘bathing in blood’.

The portrait, destined to adorn the walls of London's Drapers’ Hall, certainly captured the public's attention, igniting conversations about the role of modern art in royal representation and the subjective nature of aesthetic appreciation.

After causing a stir with the release of a controversial portrait, King Charles once again captured the public's attention, this time with a regal makeover to Australian currency.

The disturbing portrayal of the King sparked widespread discussion online, drawing both criticism and fascination.

Now, with the unveiling of a new coin featuring King Charles, Australians are getting a closer look at the monarch's representation in popular culture.

This latest development offers a glimpse into how the King's image is being portrayed across various mediums, from art to currency.
Key Takeaways
  • King Charles revealed his first official portrait since his coronation in 2023, which many are calling ‘disturbing’.
  • Jonathan Yeo's portrait featured red and orange shades and a butterfly on the King's shoulder.
  • The painting was originally commissioned to celebrate the former Prince of Wales' 50 years with The Drapers’ Company.
  • The artwork was met with strong reactions on social media, with comments describing it as ‘creepy’ and like ‘a portal to hell’.
  • The portrait will be displayed in London’s Drapers’ Hall.
What are your thoughts on this latest addition to the royal gallery? Does it strike you as a bold step into modernity, or does it cross the line into the realm of the macabre? Share your thoughts and opinions with us in the comments below!
Ddifferent certainly, would love to know what Charles thinks of it. Apparently it's not going to hang with the other portraits
Bright Red (a.k.a. Royal Purple) is something Draper's would recognise as symbolic for the king.

I imagine that was part of the reason for the choice.

Definitely not to my taste, but a lot better than many portraits I have seen in the Archibald contest.
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When I saw it on TV yesterday, I couldn't believe it!
It looks only partly finished, unclear and his facial expression with slanted eyebrows appears as if he is in pain or disappointed (showing his true feelings about the ugly portrait overwhelmed in red blood).
Truly disgusting!
And... what's with the bloody butterfly???
I think the artist had too much red wine and spilled it on the canvas!
It's a Monarch butterfly.
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A lot of similar opinions in art I can't see the sense of giving an opinion because every body could have a different opinion so as I have said many times each to their own
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As an artist myself, I find the work beautiful and imaginative. But still they trot out the usual 'my 3 year old could do better' crap. Something new and all the reactionaries come crawling out of the woodwork, shaking their little fists!
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As an artist myself, I find the work beautiful and imaginative. But still they trot out the usual 'my 3 year old could do better' crap. Something new and all the reactionaries come crawling out of the woodwork, shaking their little fists!
He did one the same with a war veteran with the same colours and all his works are stunning portraits. These Critics should take a 👀 at them might change their negative comments.😊
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As an artist myself, I find the work beautiful and imaginative. But still they trot out the usual 'my 3 year old could do better' crap. Something new and all the reactionaries come crawling out of the woodwork, shaking their little fists!
Yes; but if they didn't come out of their woodwork shaking thei little fists, how could they be reactionaries
I think it is a fantastic portrayal of Charles. The face is magnificent. The background could have perhaps been a different shade though. But all in all, it's the best picture that I have ever seen of him.
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When I saw it on TV yesterday, I couldn't believe it!
It looks only partly finished, unclear and his facial expression with slanted eyebrows appears as if he is in pain or disappointed (showing his true feelings about the ugly portrait overwhelmed in red blood).
Truly disgusting!
And... what's with the bloody butterfly???
I think the artist had too much red wine and spilled it on the canvas!
The "bloody butterfly" is a Monarch butterfly and symbolises the Prince of Wales' (as he was then) ascension to the throne as the Monarch of the realm. And also of the King's love for the environment.
Absolutely horrible! all it depicts is a very demonic King and lacks any form of humanity….this is one potrait that should be scrapped and done again…
Got that right.
By inverting the painting, and creating a butterfly image, we get a depiction of the Baphomet - a satanic deity.

King Charles is right up the fundamental oriface of the WEF/NWO, and wants to assist in creating one world religion.
In so doing, he is a TRAITOR to his station.

He is the legitimate head of the Church of England, and NOTHING to do with the Ecumenical movement to unite the world with the Pope as the head.

Charles took an oath to defend the Church of England, and stand against the Pope.
(Well he was supposed to. But when he took the oath, he was concealed behind a screen, so we may have to take that as a given.)

This will include Muslim, Hindu. Christian - (Catholic and Protestant) and anyone who wants to hang around and join in.


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The comments are to be expected. To me, at 77 I'm thankful that it isn't another 'uniform' portrait....seen enough of them. I thought it refreshing and I loved the facial detail. If a print is available I will get one. Congratulations to the artist on his interpretation.
All the way with you, Geoff. I love it for its unique difference from all other overly colourful portraits and he has captured the face perfectly - such a kind expression.
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Though I wouldnt put it up (I m not into,portraits) and I find the Red too dominant I think the actual portrait is very good! The artist seems to have captured the character, and the butterfly (Monarch butterfly?) seems to stand for royalty, but also for the Kings passion for nature. Organic agricukture brings about butterflies, bees etc.
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That butterfly; the reminder of frailty . As with the Roman Generals'/Emperors' Triumphal parades through Rome, did not a slave stand behind them holding a sword over their heads, or is this merely some mythology from history?
I saw this artist paint a nearly identical portrait of the actor Giancarlo Esposito. It is absolutely terrible and an insult to our king. Get rid of it.

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