KFC manager curses customer over 'sloppy' order complaint

Members, imagine this scenario: You order your food at the drive-thru, and everything is going great – until you get your meal and realise that something's just not right.

Your burger is missing a key ingredient, or your fries are cold and soggy. Maybe there was just too much sauce on your wrap, making it impossible to eat without making an absolute mess everywhere.

In any case, it happens – restaurants are staffed by human beings, after all, and human beings make mistakes sometimes.

The important thing is how the restaurant staff deals with the situation when a customer complains about their order.

In most cases (hopefully), they will take the dish back to be corrected or remade entirely, apologise profusely for the inconvenience caused, and maybe even offer some sort of compensation.

That's really all you can ask for as a customer who paid good money for their meal only to have it ruined by someone else's mistake! But sadly, not every customer service story ends so well... as one KFC customer in New Zealand recently found out.

Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 8.07.38 AM.png
The man ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru but was disappointed with what he got. Credit: News.com.au.

The man had ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru in Greymouth but quickly realised upon receiving his order that something wasn't right: according to him, there was 'enough sauce on [the slider] where I thought they were taking the p***'.

In other words: he claimed there was so much sauce smothered all over his sandwich that you could barely even see the meat inside! Not exactly appetising...

So he did what any reasonable person would do and went back inside the restaurant to ask for a new sandwich. He even recorded the encounter with his phone, just in case things went south (which, unfortunately, they did).

In the footage, the customer can be heard asking the KFC staff member to remake his sandwich because it was 'drowning in sauce'.

The staff member told him that he would go and ask the manager what to do, but when he returned, he didn't have good news: instead of a new sandwich, he got a verbal lashing from the manager, who allegedly told the customer to 'f*** off'!

The customer then asked to speak to the manager again, but instead of coming out to talk to him, the manager allegedly just yelled at him from inside the restaurant, telling him to 'f*** off' for a second time!

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He asked for a new slider but instead got into a heated argument with the manager. Credit: News.com.au.

As you can imagine, the customer was not happy. In an interview with the New Zealand Herald, he said that he was 'stunned' by the whole encounter and that other staff members appeared too 'nervous' to help.

'None of the other staff would help me,' he said. 'They were kind of looking at me like they can't help me because their manager has told them not to. All they had to do was make a new slider and send me on my way.'

'It's not about the [money]. It's the principle of getting half-decent service and a product you'd want to eat,' he continued. 'It wasn't like I was trying to lay a complaint; it was more me asking, "Look at the state of my slider. Can you make me another one? Thanks".'

The man said that he didn't want to cause a scene, so he left the restaurant without his sandwich.

But he's not letting the incident go without some kind of resolution: he's hoping to speak to someone from KFC about what happened and get some sort of compensation for the horrific customer service he received.

'I got to the point where I decided to leave because I thought if I kept kicking up a fuss and causing a scene, he'd ring the police on me, and I'd be the one in trouble, not him,' he said.
Key Takeaways

  • A KFC manager in New Zealand allegedly verbally abused a customer who wanted his sloppy slider snack remade.
  • The customer recorded the incident on his phone, and the manager was seen swearing at the customer and telling him to 'f*** off'.
  • KFC is conducting an investigation and is unable to comment further on the issue.
A KFC spokesperson told the Herald that they were taking the incident 'very seriously' and that they were investigating it through the appropriate channels.

'As this is an active employment matter, we are unable to comment any further,' the spokesperson said.

We don't know about you, but we certainly wouldn't be happy with that response! No customer deserves to be treated with such disrespect, especially not over something so minor. And we hope that this man gets the resolution he's looking for!

What are your thoughts about this story, members? Do you think the manager deserves a stern talking-to… or do you believe there might be another reason for the aggressive behaviour? Let us know in the comments!
Members, imagine this scenario: You order your food at the drive-thru, and everything is going great – until you get your meal and realise that something's just not right.

Your burger is missing a key ingredient, or your fries are cold and soggy. Maybe there was just too much sauce on your wrap, making it impossible to eat without making an absolute mess everywhere.

In any case, it happens – restaurants are staffed by human beings, after all, and human beings make mistakes sometimes.

The important thing is how the restaurant staff deals with the situation when a customer complains about their order.

In most cases (hopefully), they will take the dish back to be corrected or remade entirely, apologise profusely for the inconvenience caused, and maybe even offer some sort of compensation.

That's really all you can ask for as a customer who paid good money for their meal only to have it ruined by someone else's mistake! But sadly, not every customer service story ends so well... as one KFC customer in New Zealand recently found out.

View attachment 9231
The man ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru but was disappointed with what he got. Credit: News.com.au.

The man had ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru in Greymouth but quickly realised upon receiving his order that something wasn't right: according to him, there was 'enough sauce on [the slider] where I thought they were taking the p***'.

In other words: he claimed there was so much sauce smothered all over his sandwich that you could barely even see the meat inside! Not exactly appetising...

So he did what any reasonable person would do and went back inside the restaurant to ask for a new sandwich. He even recorded the encounter with his phone, just in case things went south (which, unfortunately, they did).

In the footage, the customer can be heard asking the KFC staff member to remake his sandwich because it was 'drowning in sauce'.

The staff member told him that he would go and ask the manager what to do, but when he returned, he didn't have good news: instead of a new sandwich, he got a verbal lashing from the manager, who allegedly told the customer to 'f*** off'!

The customer then asked to speak to the manager again, but instead of coming out to talk to him, the manager allegedly just yelled at him from inside the restaurant, telling him to 'f*** off' for a second time!

View attachment 9232
He asked for a new slider but instead got into a heated argument with the manager. Credit: News.com.au.

As you can imagine, the customer was not happy. In an interview with the New Zealand Herald, he said that he was 'stunned' by the whole encounter and that other staff members appeared too 'nervous' to help.

'None of the other staff would help me,' he said. 'They were kind of looking at me like they can't help me because their manager has told them not to. All they had to do was make a new slider and send me on my way.'

'It's not about the [money]. It's the principle of getting half-decent service and a product you'd want to eat,' he continued. 'It wasn't like I was trying to lay a complaint; it was more me asking, "Look at the state of my slider. Can you make me another one? Thanks".'

The man said that he didn't want to cause a scene, so he left the restaurant without his sandwich.

But he's not letting the incident go without some kind of resolution: he's hoping to speak to someone from KFC about what happened and get some sort of compensation for the horrific customer service he received.

'I got to the point where I decided to leave because I thought if I kept kicking up a fuss and causing a scene, he'd ring the police on me, and I'd be the one in trouble, not him,' he said.
Key Takeaways

  • A KFC manager in New Zealand allegedly verbally abused a customer who wanted his sloppy slider snack remade.
  • The customer recorded the incident on his phone, and the manager was seen swearing at the customer and telling him to 'f*** off'.
  • KFC is conducting an investigation and is unable to comment further on the issue.
A KFC spokesperson told the Herald that they were taking the incident 'very seriously' and that they were investigating it through the appropriate channels.

'As this is an active employment matter, we are unable to comment any further,' the spokesperson said.

We don't know about you, but we certainly wouldn't be happy with that response! No customer deserves to be treated with such disrespect, especially not over something so minor. And we hope that this man gets the resolution he's looking for!

What are your thoughts about this story, members? Do you think the manager deserves a stern talking-to… or do you believe there might be another reason for the aggressive behaviour? Let us know in the comments!
There’s no excuse to abuse the customer. None. I have often experienced fast food swamped with too much sauce or dressing. Ruins the food. The manager needs to apologise and give the customer a new wrap or his money back. It’s not hard.
Members, imagine this scenario: You order your food at the drive-thru, and everything is going great – until you get your meal and realise that something's just not right.

Your burger is missing a key ingredient, or your fries are cold and soggy. Maybe there was just too much sauce on your wrap, making it impossible to eat without making an absolute mess everywhere.

In any case, it happens – restaurants are staffed by human beings, after all, and human beings make mistakes sometimes.

The important thing is how the restaurant staff deals with the situation when a customer complains about their order.

In most cases (hopefully), they will take the dish back to be corrected or remade entirely, apologise profusely for the inconvenience caused, and maybe even offer some sort of compensation.

That's really all you can ask for as a customer who paid good money for their meal only to have it ruined by someone else's mistake! But sadly, not every customer service story ends so well... as one KFC customer in New Zealand recently found out.

View attachment 9231
The man ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru but was disappointed with what he got. Credit: News.com.au.

The man had ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru in Greymouth but quickly realised upon receiving his order that something wasn't right: according to him, there was 'enough sauce on [the slider] where I thought they were taking the p***'.

In other words: he claimed there was so much sauce smothered all over his sandwich that you could barely even see the meat inside! Not exactly appetising...

So he did what any reasonable person would do and went back inside the restaurant to ask for a new sandwich. He even recorded the encounter with his phone, just in case things went south (which, unfortunately, they did).

In the footage, the customer can be heard asking the KFC staff member to remake his sandwich because it was 'drowning in sauce'.

The staff member told him that he would go and ask the manager what to do, but when he returned, he didn't have good news: instead of a new sandwich, he got a verbal lashing from the manager, who allegedly told the customer to 'f*** off'!

The customer then asked to speak to the manager again, but instead of coming out to talk to him, the manager allegedly just yelled at him from inside the restaurant, telling him to 'f*** off' for a second time!

View attachment 9232
He asked for a new slider but instead got into a heated argument with the manager. Credit: News.com.au.

As you can imagine, the customer was not happy. In an interview with the New Zealand Herald, he said that he was 'stunned' by the whole encounter and that other staff members appeared too 'nervous' to help.

'None of the other staff would help me,' he said. 'They were kind of looking at me like they can't help me because their manager has told them not to. All they had to do was make a new slider and send me on my way.'

'It's not about the [money]. It's the principle of getting half-decent service and a product you'd want to eat,' he continued. 'It wasn't like I was trying to lay a complaint; it was more me asking, "Look at the state of my slider. Can you make me another one? Thanks".'

The man said that he didn't want to cause a scene, so he left the restaurant without his sandwich.

But he's not letting the incident go without some kind of resolution: he's hoping to speak to someone from KFC about what happened and get some sort of compensation for the horrific customer service he received.

'I got to the point where I decided to leave because I thought if I kept kicking up a fuss and causing a scene, he'd ring the police on me, and I'd be the one in trouble, not him,' he said.
Key Takeaways

  • A KFC manager in New Zealand allegedly verbally abused a customer who wanted his sloppy slider snack remade.
  • The customer recorded the incident on his phone, and the manager was seen swearing at the customer and telling him to 'f*** off'.
  • KFC is conducting an investigation and is unable to comment further on the issue.
A KFC spokesperson told the Herald that they were taking the incident 'very seriously' and that they were investigating it through the appropriate channels.

'As this is an active employment matter, we are unable to comment any further,' the spokesperson said.

We don't know about you, but we certainly wouldn't be happy with that response! No customer deserves to be treated with such disrespect, especially not over something so minor. And we hope that this man gets the resolution he's looking for!

What are your thoughts about this story, members? Do you think the manager deserves a stern talking-to… or do you believe there might be another reason for the aggressive behaviour? Let us know in the comments!
All I can say is I’m glad it wasn’t me as I would have gone over the counter and tore this meat head a new a….. h…., then dragged him out the kfc and finished the job on this Wessel…..Rick
On the outset, the customer should be given an apology, a FRESH sandwich AND his money back. Regarding the abusive language, the 'Manager' should be given the sack by KFC immediately! There is no excuse for rudeness of any sort to anyone, particularly in a fast food environment.
Members, imagine this scenario: You order your food at the drive-thru, and everything is going great – until you get your meal and realise that something's just not right.

Your burger is missing a key ingredient, or your fries are cold and soggy. Maybe there was just too much sauce on your wrap, making it impossible to eat without making an absolute mess everywhere.

In any case, it happens – restaurants are staffed by human beings, after all, and human beings make mistakes sometimes.

The important thing is how the restaurant staff deals with the situation when a customer complains about their order.

In most cases (hopefully), they will take the dish back to be corrected or remade entirely, apologise profusely for the inconvenience caused, and maybe even offer some sort of compensation.

That's really all you can ask for as a customer who paid good money for their meal only to have it ruined by someone else's mistake! But sadly, not every customer service story ends so well... as one KFC customer in New Zealand recently found out.

View attachment 9231
The man ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru but was disappointed with what he got. Credit: News.com.au.

The man had ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru in Greymouth but quickly realised upon receiving his order that something wasn't right: according to him, there was 'enough sauce on [the slider] where I thought they were taking the p***'.

In other words: he claimed there was so much sauce smothered all over his sandwich that you could barely even see the meat inside! Not exactly appetising...

So he did what any reasonable person would do and went back inside the restaurant to ask for a new sandwich. He even recorded the encounter with his phone, just in case things went south (which, unfortunately, they did).

In the footage, the customer can be heard asking the KFC staff member to remake his sandwich because it was 'drowning in sauce'.

The staff member told him that he would go and ask the manager what to do, but when he returned, he didn't have good news: instead of a new sandwich, he got a verbal lashing from the manager, who allegedly told the customer to 'f*** off'!

The customer then asked to speak to the manager again, but instead of coming out to talk to him, the manager allegedly just yelled at him from inside the restaurant, telling him to 'f*** off' for a second time!

View attachment 9232
He asked for a new slider but instead got into a heated argument with the manager. Credit: News.com.au.

As you can imagine, the customer was not happy. In an interview with the New Zealand Herald, he said that he was 'stunned' by the whole encounter and that other staff members appeared too 'nervous' to help.

'None of the other staff would help me,' he said. 'They were kind of looking at me like they can't help me because their manager has told them not to. All they had to do was make a new slider and send me on my way.'

'It's not about the [money]. It's the principle of getting half-decent service and a product you'd want to eat,' he continued. 'It wasn't like I was trying to lay a complaint; it was more me asking, "Look at the state of my slider. Can you make me another one? Thanks".'

The man said that he didn't want to cause a scene, so he left the restaurant without his sandwich.

But he's not letting the incident go without some kind of resolution: he's hoping to speak to someone from KFC about what happened and get some sort of compensation for the horrific customer service he received.

'I got to the point where I decided to leave because I thought if I kept kicking up a fuss and causing a scene, he'd ring the police on me, and I'd be the one in trouble, not him,' he said.
Key Takeaways

  • A KFC manager in New Zealand allegedly verbally abused a customer who wanted his sloppy slider snack remade.
  • The customer recorded the incident on his phone, and the manager was seen swearing at the customer and telling him to 'f*** off'.
  • KFC is conducting an investigation and is unable to comment further on the issue.
A KFC spokesperson told the Herald that they were taking the incident 'very seriously' and that they were investigating it through the appropriate channels.

'As this is an active employment matter, we are unable to comment any further,' the spokesperson said.

We don't know about you, but we certainly wouldn't be happy with that response! No customer deserves to be treated with such disrespect, especially not over something so minor. And we hope that this man gets the resolution he's looking for!

What are your thoughts about this story, members? Do you think the manager deserves a stern talking-to… or do you believe there might be another reason for the aggressive behaviour? Let us know in the comments!
there are TWO sides to every story, so what happened before the angst??
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I had a similar incident with a MacDonald's and haven't eaten at any MacDonald's since.
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It doesn't really matter what was going on in the managers life to make him so disagreeable. Whilst you are at work you are the face of the Company and should do your very best to represent them in the best possible light. He would surely be aware of the mantra that if you do well the customer will tell their family, if you do poorly the customer will tell the world.:(
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Reactions: terri
Members, imagine this scenario: You order your food at the drive-thru, and everything is going great – until you get your meal and realise that something's just not right.

Your burger is missing a key ingredient, or your fries are cold and soggy. Maybe there was just too much sauce on your wrap, making it impossible to eat without making an absolute mess everywhere.

In any case, it happens – restaurants are staffed by human beings, after all, and human beings make mistakes sometimes.

The important thing is how the restaurant staff deals with the situation when a customer complains about their order.

In most cases (hopefully), they will take the dish back to be corrected or remade entirely, apologise profusely for the inconvenience caused, and maybe even offer some sort of compensation.

That's really all you can ask for as a customer who paid good money for their meal only to have it ruined by someone else's mistake! But sadly, not every customer service story ends so well... as one KFC customer in New Zealand recently found out.

View attachment 9231
The man ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru but was disappointed with what he got. Credit: News.com.au.

The man had ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru in Greymouth but quickly realised upon receiving his order that something wasn't right: according to him, there was 'enough sauce on [the slider] where I thought they were taking the p***'.

In other words: he claimed there was so much sauce smothered all over his sandwich that you could barely even see the meat inside! Not exactly appetising...

So he did what any reasonable person would do and went back inside the restaurant to ask for a new sandwich. He even recorded the encounter with his phone, just in case things went south (which, unfortunately, they did).

In the footage, the customer can be heard asking the KFC staff member to remake his sandwich because it was 'drowning in sauce'.

The staff member told him that he would go and ask the manager what to do, but when he returned, he didn't have good news: instead of a new sandwich, he got a verbal lashing from the manager, who allegedly told the customer to 'f*** off'!

The customer then asked to speak to the manager again, but instead of coming out to talk to him, the manager allegedly just yelled at him from inside the restaurant, telling him to 'f*** off' for a second time!

View attachment 9232
He asked for a new slider but instead got into a heated argument with the manager. Credit: News.com.au.

As you can imagine, the customer was not happy. In an interview with the New Zealand Herald, he said that he was 'stunned' by the whole encounter and that other staff members appeared too 'nervous' to help.

'None of the other staff would help me,' he said. 'They were kind of looking at me like they can't help me because their manager has told them not to. All they had to do was make a new slider and send me on my way.'

'It's not about the [money]. It's the principle of getting half-decent service and a product you'd want to eat,' he continued. 'It wasn't like I was trying to lay a complaint; it was more me asking, "Look at the state of my slider. Can you make me another one? Thanks".'

The man said that he didn't want to cause a scene, so he left the restaurant without his sandwich.

But he's not letting the incident go without some kind of resolution: he's hoping to speak to someone from KFC about what happened and get some sort of compensation for the horrific customer service he received.

'I got to the point where I decided to leave because I thought if I kept kicking up a fuss and causing a scene, he'd ring the police on me, and I'd be the one in trouble, not him,' he said.
Key Takeaways

  • A KFC manager in New Zealand allegedly verbally abused a customer who wanted his sloppy slider snack remade.
  • The customer recorded the incident on his phone, and the manager was seen swearing at the customer and telling him to 'f*** off'.
  • KFC is conducting an investigation and is unable to comment further on the issue.
A KFC spokesperson told the Herald that they were taking the incident 'very seriously' and that they were investigating it through the appropriate channels.

'As this is an active employment matter, we are unable to comment any further,' the spokesperson said.

We don't know about you, but we certainly wouldn't be happy with that response! No customer deserves to be treated with such disrespect, especially not over something so minor. And we hope that this man gets the resolution he's looking for!

What are your thoughts about this story, members? Do you think the manager deserves a stern talking-to… or do you believe there might be another reason for the aggressive behaviour? Let us know in the comments!
It is now ‘punishable by law’ for a customer to berate or abuse a staff member in a shop or restaurant. It should also be illegal for a staff member to treat a customer in a similar manner - eg being dismissive by swearing at them. Disgraceful behaviour by this so-called ‘manager’. 😡
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Members, imagine this scenario: You order your food at the drive-thru, and everything is going great – until you get your meal and realise that something's just not right.

Your burger is missing a key ingredient, or your fries are cold and soggy. Maybe there was just too much sauce on your wrap, making it impossible to eat without making an absolute mess everywhere.

In any case, it happens – restaurants are staffed by human beings, after all, and human beings make mistakes sometimes.

The important thing is how the restaurant staff deals with the situation when a customer complains about their order.

In most cases (hopefully), they will take the dish back to be corrected or remade entirely, apologise profusely for the inconvenience caused, and maybe even offer some sort of compensation.

That's really all you can ask for as a customer who paid good money for their meal only to have it ruined by someone else's mistake! But sadly, not every customer service story ends so well... as one KFC customer in New Zealand recently found out.

View attachment 9231
The man ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru but was disappointed with what he got. Credit: News.com.au.

The man had ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru in Greymouth but quickly realised upon receiving his order that something wasn't right: according to him, there was 'enough sauce on [the slider] where I thought they were taking the p***'.

In other words: he claimed there was so much sauce smothered all over his sandwich that you could barely even see the meat inside! Not exactly appetising...

So he did what any reasonable person would do and went back inside the restaurant to ask for a new sandwich. He even recorded the encounter with his phone, just in case things went south (which, unfortunately, they did).

In the footage, the customer can be heard asking the KFC staff member to remake his sandwich because it was 'drowning in sauce'.

The staff member told him that he would go and ask the manager what to do, but when he returned, he didn't have good news: instead of a new sandwich, he got a verbal lashing from the manager, who allegedly told the customer to 'f*** off'!

The customer then asked to speak to the manager again, but instead of coming out to talk to him, the manager allegedly just yelled at him from inside the restaurant, telling him to 'f*** off' for a second time!

View attachment 9232
He asked for a new slider but instead got into a heated argument with the manager. Credit: News.com.au.

As you can imagine, the customer was not happy. In an interview with the New Zealand Herald, he said that he was 'stunned' by the whole encounter and that other staff members appeared too 'nervous' to help.

'None of the other staff would help me,' he said. 'They were kind of looking at me like they can't help me because their manager has told them not to. All they had to do was make a new slider and send me on my way.'

'It's not about the [money]. It's the principle of getting half-decent service and a product you'd want to eat,' he continued. 'It wasn't like I was trying to lay a complaint; it was more me asking, "Look at the state of my slider. Can you make me another one? Thanks".'

The man said that he didn't want to cause a scene, so he left the restaurant without his sandwich.

But he's not letting the incident go without some kind of resolution: he's hoping to speak to someone from KFC about what happened and get some sort of compensation for the horrific customer service he received.

'I got to the point where I decided to leave because I thought if I kept kicking up a fuss and causing a scene, he'd ring the police on me, and I'd be the one in trouble, not him,' he said.
Key Takeaways

  • A KFC manager in New Zealand allegedly verbally abused a customer who wanted his sloppy slider snack remade.
  • The customer recorded the incident on his phone, and the manager was seen swearing at the customer and telling him to 'f*** off'.
  • KFC is conducting an investigation and is unable to comment further on the issue.
A KFC spokesperson told the Herald that they were taking the incident 'very seriously' and that they were investigating it through the appropriate channels.

'As this is an active employment matter, we are unable to comment any further,' the spokesperson said.

We don't know about you, but we certainly wouldn't be happy with that response! No customer deserves to be treated with such disrespect, especially not over something so minor. And we hope that this man gets the resolution he's looking for!

What are your thoughts about this story, members? Do you think the manager deserves a stern talking-to… or do you believe there might be another reason for the aggressive behaviour? Let us know in the comments!
The most concerning thing here, to me, is the other staff being too afraid to do anything. The manager must be a really nasty piece of work. Obviously not suited to customer service or management. Those poor staff members. Remember they are mostly just 15 to 17 years old.
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Reactions: SandyM and Ricci
Members, imagine this scenario: You order your food at the drive-thru, and everything is going great – until you get your meal and realise that something's just not right.

Your burger is missing a key ingredient, or your fries are cold and soggy. Maybe there was just too much sauce on your wrap, making it impossible to eat without making an absolute mess everywhere.

In any case, it happens – restaurants are staffed by human beings, after all, and human beings make mistakes sometimes.

The important thing is how the restaurant staff deals with the situation when a customer complains about their order.

In most cases (hopefully), they will take the dish back to be corrected or remade entirely, apologise profusely for the inconvenience caused, and maybe even offer some sort of compensation.

That's really all you can ask for as a customer who paid good money for their meal only to have it ruined by someone else's mistake! But sadly, not every customer service story ends so well... as one KFC customer in New Zealand recently found out.

View attachment 9231
The man ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru but was disappointed with what he got. Credit: News.com.au.

The man had ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru in Greymouth but quickly realised upon receiving his order that something wasn't right: according to him, there was 'enough sauce on [the slider] where I thought they were taking the p***'.

In other words: he claimed there was so much sauce smothered all over his sandwich that you could barely even see the meat inside! Not exactly appetising...

So he did what any reasonable person would do and went back inside the restaurant to ask for a new sandwich. He even recorded the encounter with his phone, just in case things went south (which, unfortunately, they did).

In the footage, the customer can be heard asking the KFC staff member to remake his sandwich because it was 'drowning in sauce'.

The staff member told him that he would go and ask the manager what to do, but when he returned, he didn't have good news: instead of a new sandwich, he got a verbal lashing from the manager, who allegedly told the customer to 'f*** off'!

The customer then asked to speak to the manager again, but instead of coming out to talk to him, the manager allegedly just yelled at him from inside the restaurant, telling him to 'f*** off' for a second time!

View attachment 9232
He asked for a new slider but instead got into a heated argument with the manager. Credit: News.com.au.

As you can imagine, the customer was not happy. In an interview with the New Zealand Herald, he said that he was 'stunned' by the whole encounter and that other staff members appeared too 'nervous' to help.

'None of the other staff would help me,' he said. 'They were kind of looking at me like they can't help me because their manager has told them not to. All they had to do was make a new slider and send me on my way.'

'It's not about the [money]. It's the principle of getting half-decent service and a product you'd want to eat,' he continued. 'It wasn't like I was trying to lay a complaint; it was more me asking, "Look at the state of my slider. Can you make me another one? Thanks".'

The man said that he didn't want to cause a scene, so he left the restaurant without his sandwich.

But he's not letting the incident go without some kind of resolution: he's hoping to speak to someone from KFC about what happened and get some sort of compensation for the horrific customer service he received.

'I got to the point where I decided to leave because I thought if I kept kicking up a fuss and causing a scene, he'd ring the police on me, and I'd be the one in trouble, not him,' he said.
Key Takeaways

  • A KFC manager in New Zealand allegedly verbally abused a customer who wanted his sloppy slider snack remade.
  • The customer recorded the incident on his phone, and the manager was seen swearing at the customer and telling him to 'f*** off'.
  • KFC is conducting an investigation and is unable to comment further on the issue.
A KFC spokesperson told the Herald that they were taking the incident 'very seriously' and that they were investigating it through the appropriate channels.

'As this is an active employment matter, we are unable to comment any further,' the spokesperson said.

We don't know about you, but we certainly wouldn't be happy with that response! No customer deserves to be treated with such disrespect, especially not over something so minor. And we hope that this man gets the resolution he's looking for!

What are your thoughts about this story, members? Do you think the manager deserves a stern talking-to… or do you believe there might be another reason for the aggressive behaviour? Let us know in the comments!
The manager to come out and apologise....get him a new Slider.....and voucher for drink.or...chips... easy...no arguments!!!!
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Members, imagine this scenario: You order your food at the drive-thru, and everything is going great – until you get your meal and realise that something's just not right.

Your burger is missing a key ingredient, or your fries are cold and soggy. Maybe there was just too much sauce on your wrap, making it impossible to eat without making an absolute mess everywhere.

In any case, it happens – restaurants are staffed by human beings, after all, and human beings make mistakes sometimes.

The important thing is how the restaurant staff deals with the situation when a customer complains about their order.

In most cases (hopefully), they will take the dish back to be corrected or remade entirely, apologise profusely for the inconvenience caused, and maybe even offer some sort of compensation.

That's really all you can ask for as a customer who paid good money for their meal only to have it ruined by someone else's mistake! But sadly, not every customer service story ends so well... as one KFC customer in New Zealand recently found out.

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The man ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru but was disappointed with what he got. Credit: News.com.au.

The man had ordered a slider from his local KFC drive-thru in Greymouth but quickly realised upon receiving his order that something wasn't right: according to him, there was 'enough sauce on [the slider] where I thought they were taking the p***'.

In other words: he claimed there was so much sauce smothered all over his sandwich that you could barely even see the meat inside! Not exactly appetising...

So he did what any reasonable person would do and went back inside the restaurant to ask for a new sandwich. He even recorded the encounter with his phone, just in case things went south (which, unfortunately, they did).

In the footage, the customer can be heard asking the KFC staff member to remake his sandwich because it was 'drowning in sauce'.

The staff member told him that he would go and ask the manager what to do, but when he returned, he didn't have good news: instead of a new sandwich, he got a verbal lashing from the manager, who allegedly told the customer to 'f*** off'!

The customer then asked to speak to the manager again, but instead of coming out to talk to him, the manager allegedly just yelled at him from inside the restaurant, telling him to 'f*** off' for a second time!

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He asked for a new slider but instead got into a heated argument with the manager. Credit: News.com.au.

As you can imagine, the customer was not happy. In an interview with the New Zealand Herald, he said that he was 'stunned' by the whole encounter and that other staff members appeared too 'nervous' to help.

'None of the other staff would help me,' he said. 'They were kind of looking at me like they can't help me because their manager has told them not to. All they had to do was make a new slider and send me on my way.'

'It's not about the [money]. It's the principle of getting half-decent service and a product you'd want to eat,' he continued. 'It wasn't like I was trying to lay a complaint; it was more me asking, "Look at the state of my slider. Can you make me another one? Thanks".'

The man said that he didn't want to cause a scene, so he left the restaurant without his sandwich.

But he's not letting the incident go without some kind of resolution: he's hoping to speak to someone from KFC about what happened and get some sort of compensation for the horrific customer service he received.

'I got to the point where I decided to leave because I thought if I kept kicking up a fuss and causing a scene, he'd ring the police on me, and I'd be the one in trouble, not him,' he said.
Key Takeaways

  • A KFC manager in New Zealand allegedly verbally abused a customer who wanted his sloppy slider snack remade.
  • The customer recorded the incident on his phone, and the manager was seen swearing at the customer and telling him to 'f*** off'.
  • KFC is conducting an investigation and is unable to comment further on the issue.
A KFC spokesperson told the Herald that they were taking the incident 'very seriously' and that they were investigating it through the appropriate channels.

'As this is an active employment matter, we are unable to comment any further,' the spokesperson said.

We don't know about you, but we certainly wouldn't be happy with that response! No customer deserves to be treated with such disrespect, especially not over something so minor. And we hope that this man gets the resolution he's looking for!

What are your thoughts about this story, members? Do you think the manager deserves a stern talking-to… or do you believe there might be another reason for the aggressive behaviour? Let us know in the comments!
I had this happen too me just 10 days ago. I ordered for delivery, 6 pieces of original KFC, 1 🍟 and a small gravy. When I received my delivery, I got Zinger Burger’s , and 2 large Chips. So I emailed them straight away saying, I had got the wrong order and I would like what I ordered delivered. I got an email back saying, I must have got someone else’s order but they couldn’t deliver me the right order but would give a refund with in 3-10 working days. So I was stuck with the order that was delivered, I could eat the chips and I tried to eat the burger but it was too spicy and I only took one bite and it nearly burned my mouth out. So I sent them another email as a formal complaint but never got a reply. So yes I don’t think they care one little bit about their customers.
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