Not sure if I am submitting this correctly but here goes.A friend of mine (aged 72) has been going through a tough time in terms of her health and this is affecting her mobility and likewise her mental health (of which she is already on medication for). And so l can become anxious for her.
I have tried to phone her several times now but to no avail. Given these days of mobile phones and emails, I do not have her physical address nor the name and contact details of her daughter. I know where my friend lives but not her actual street address.
This has made me realize that, as we grow older and more health issues develop, we need to become more vigilant about each other’s contact details. So l have been adding a backup number to each person that I know and writing down physical addresses (in a physical address book) in the event that I may need to call the police for a welfare check. Of course, I explain this to my friends and so far, all have agreed to do the same. If the details are just in my phone, then I need a back-up in the event that may phone fails me.
This is an idea that I thought worth sharing with other readers (PS. I have since spoken with my friend and feel better for doing so)
I am extending this idea to recording details in a physical book which show my phone, email, banking etc Passwords and Account Numbers so my family can access these if something were to happen to me.