Keep your shopping habits in tune: This supermarket tactic makes you spend more!

Have you ever found yourself tapping your foot to a catchy tune while reaching for the premium pasta sauce instead of the store brand?

You may have caught yourself humming along to a classic hit from the '80s as you add an extra block of chocolate to your cart.

This is not a coincidence; it's a result of a psychological strategy employed by supermarkets to keep you shopping longer and spending more.

The power of music in supermarkets

Music can evoke emotions, memories and even influence behaviour.

Supermarkets have been capitalising on this by creating radio stations, such as Coles Radio, in collaboration with NOVA Entertainment.

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Upbeat music is often associated with good memories, which may let shoppers spend more when heard at supermarkets. Image Credit: Shutterstock/Bbernard

This station plays a mix of contemporary hits and nostalgic favourites, broadcasting in 800 stores nationwide—but why go to the effort of creating a bespoke radio station?

Research revealed that background music can affect the pace at which we shop and the amount we purchase.

A study published in the Journal of Marketing by Ronald E. Milliman in 1982 found that slower-tempo music leads to slower shopping and increased sales.

Conversely, upbeat music moved customers through the store more quickly, resulting in less time to make impulse buys.

The 'feel-good' factor

The music selected for supermarket playlists keeps shoppers in a good mood.

Dr Robyn Hanley-Dafoe, an expert in psychology and behaviour, explained that marketers use psychological concepts to influence buyers.

'When people feel positive, they are more likely to engage in impulsive behaviours such as spending,' she shared.

'Customers often waver between "Save for the future" and "You only live once" on any given day. When music makes people feel positive, they feel more freedom from worry and doubt, so they spend more money, and the side of "You only live once' wins!'

The Coles Radio phenomenon

Coles Radio isn't just a random selection of songs; it's a carefully curated playlist that aligns with the supermarket's brand and marketing goals.

The station creates a communal experience as shoppers bond over shared musical tastes and sing along to familiar tunes.

This sense of connection can make the shopping experience more enjoyable, increasing the likelihood of customers returning.

What if you want to take the Coles Radio experience home with you?

Shoppers can stream Coles Radio online, allowing you to enjoy the same feel-good vibes outside the supermarket.

While we now understand the strategy behind the music, it doesn't make the songs any less catchy or enjoyable.

So, next time you find yourself in a supermarket, take a moment to listen to the music playing overhead.

Be aware of how it makes you feel and whether it's influencing your shopping habits.

By being mindful of these psychological tricks, you can take control of your spending and make more conscious decisions about what you put in your cart.
Key Takeaways

  • Supermarkets like Coles use their digital radio stations to enhance the shopping experience for customers.
  • The radio's music selection of upbeat and catchy songs may influence customers to stay longer and spend more.
  • Psychological theories suggest that the positive mood evoked by music can lead to impulsive buying behaviours due to the release of endorphins and dopamine.
  • Despite the initial intent, Coles Radio is available for online listening, allowing shoppers to enjoy the playlist outside the supermarket.
Have you ever noticed the music in supermarkets affecting your shopping trip? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
My ears are tuned out in a supermarket. I do not go there to socialise with people or listen to music, unless I happen to encounter a friend with whom I may stop to speak for a few minutes. Look for what I have come for, perhaps have a short time looking at some other things, then I high-tail it out of there. Music in my home is my choice not the stuff someone else plays.
Can I compile the Coles music set lists?

With a mixture of hardcore punk, industrial and techno music, Coles profits would plummet to single figures. Devoid of customers expect for likeminded people such as myself. Over 100 dB would be preferable! :ROFLMAO:
Oh! come on Vegie,where is your romantic side? Bocelli sings and I can't understand a word, just how I like it.
I remember when I was trying to get a playlist happening for my 60th birthday, I suggested to my friends that we hold the party in Coles as the music was so good lol. I must admit though I don’t really notice as a rule, I think I just had music on my mind at the time
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