Keep berries fresh for WEEKS with this surprising tip

No one wants to dig into a bowl of lush and juicy strawberries only to find them reduced to mush in the fridge.

Fortunately, a clever storage method has recently emerged that promises to keep your strawberries fresh for weeks – and all you need are two simple ingredients.

The extraordinary trick, unveiled by food enthusiast Nicole Modic on social media, where she goes by the username @kalejunkie, quickly gained viral popularity.

The short video titled 'How to keep berries fresh for WEEKS (and how to clean them!)' has received more than half a million views and stirred up more than 2,500 comments from grateful fans who have attested to its effectiveness.

According to Nicole, there’s an easy way to keep strawberries fresh for weeks. Credit: Pixabay/Pexels

In the lengthy video, the social media content creator said she often gets asked how to preserve the shelf life of fresh berries.

If you want to eat your berries immediately, Nicole recommends that you rinse them off with a salt-water mix and let them dry before you eat them. They can also go into the fridge in a container with a paper towel.

Nicole also gave advice on what to do with berries bought in bulk and if you want to eat them at a later date.

‘A question that comes up every single day is how to keep your berries fresh and how to store them, and how to wash them. So, I'm going to tell you every single thing you need to know,’ Nicole said in the clip.

Nicole suggested pulling out mouldy berries from the container first. Credit: kalejunkie/TikTok

For those looking to keep their berries for a later date, the woman recommends rinsing your berries of any dirt and to ‘pull out any mouldy ones, because moisture is the enemy’. Once you’ve chosen the good berries from the bad, you can either pop a paper towel into the original container – or a glass container – and put it in the fridge.

When you want to eat them, she said to ‘add them to a bowl with a teaspoon of salt’ and leave it for five minutes before rinsing and drying.

'And just let it sit for five minutes. That's literally all you need to do,' she said.

However, if you've stocked up on strawberries for an upcoming occasion or simply want to savour their deliciousness for longer, Nicole has the perfect method for keeping them fresher longer.

‘I'm going to teach you how to keep your berries fresh and perfect in your fridge for two weeks,’ she claimed in the video.

Begin by grabbing a bowl, one cup of vinegar, and three cups of water. The crucial ratio is 1:3, maintaining the balance of one part vinegar to three parts water. Place your strawberries in the bowl and cover them with the vinegar and water mixture.

Allow it to sit for approximately ten minutes, which gives the vinegar enough time to eliminate any lingering bacteria.

Once time has passed, rinse the strawberries and then carefully pat them dry.

Next, line the bottom of a container with a paper towel and layer the berries atop it. Place another paper towel on top of the strawberries for added protection before storing the container in the refrigerator.

Remarkably, this straightforward tip may keep your juicy berries in tip-top shape for up to two weeks.

According to Nicole, this technique works for any type of berries, but keep in mind that it won't be efficient if your berries are already overly ripe or mushy.

The response to Nicole’s method was overwhelmingly positive, with countless users offering their own unique twists and success stories in preserving the delectable fruit.

‘Bicarb soda and vinegar clean berries very well,’ one user wrote.

‘I store mine unwashed in a mason jar, and I swear they last for weeks!’ Another responded.

While another said: ‘I soak mine in bicarb soda, then throw a splash of vinegar on top at the end. They come out squeaky clean and last forever!’

Others thanked Nicole for her useful tip.

‘Love this! Thank you for sharing!’ Someone commented.

‘I never knew about the vinegar soak, thank you,’ Another replied.

‘Thanks! I will use this tip. I never knew,’ one more responded.

You can watch Nicole’s full video below:

This isn’t the first time Nicole’s tips were met with positive reviews online.

Late last year, the content creator shared how she saves money and reduces food waste with every grocery shop. The best part? Her tips are easy to follow! You can read more details here.
Key Takeaways
  • A social media user named Nicole Modic has shared a kitchen tip on how to keep strawberries fresh for weeks using just two ingredients.
  • The tip involves using a vinegar and water solution to clean the strawberries and remove bacteria, which can help preserve their freshness.
  • The video posted by Nicole Modic, also known as @kalejunkie, has gone viral online with more than half a million views and over 2,500 comments.
  • Numerous viewers have shared positive feedback about the storage tip, claiming they have tried it themselves and found it effective in keeping their berries fresh for longer.
Do you know any other clever food storage tips and tricks? Please share in the comments below – we’d love to know!
No need to wash the strawberries in any solution!!
I have been doing this for a few years now..once I get back from buying the strawberries, I check them, discard any that are soft, squashy or bruised. DO NOT WASH, place in a jar, screw on the lid and place in the coldest part of the refrigerator. Tasty strawberries for at least two weeks

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