Just Received the Voice - Ya or Nay
Article by Lin Powell
"In all the words that I have seen written about the Voice, I have yet to hear or see anyone discuss the issue in PRINCIPLE. In Australia we have three tiers of Government. Local to deal with issues that pertain to just local things, State for State wide issues and Federal for matters to affect the whole Nation. Each of these entities is equal in importance and all are made up of elected representatives, elected by secret ballot by the whole of the eligible population.
From what I have read and heard, the Voice will add another tier of government and administration. The people who take up roles within this entity will be chosen, by whom, we have yet to be told officially. However to be appointed, the appointee must be either of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent.
So, here is the matter of principle that stops me agreeing to this proposed Constitutional Change. The existing three tiers of government already represent all people no matter their ethnic origin or racial or religious origin. Adding a fourth tier of unelected people to speak or represent only one racial origin is a recipe for disaster. Disaster for all Australians, as emphasis will be placed on but one race. No one currently alive in this country has, because of their background, been adversely impacted by government decisions or actions. If we want a homogeneous society going forward into the future, we don’t want or need a fourth tier of Government. All people who are disadvantaged because of individual circumstances or decisions ought to be treated equally by authorities.
Simply, the principle is for elected government, not appointed ones. If we’re to maintain our democracy we must resist this move by elites to put a further wedge between the haves and the have nots.
Government for the people, of the people by the people is a principle for which many have fought, don’t let sentiment ruin a system that whilst not perfect, at least affects us all equally.
The vote on the suggested amendment must be NO!"