'Is that okay?': Tourist's discovery sparks debate about Aussie cafe culture

Australia's cafe culture is fascinating: there's a certain awareness that locals and travellers should possess.

It's not about enjoying a flat white; it's about the 'unspoken rule' within the walls of these beloved establishments.

Recently, a traveller's tale left many visitors scratching their heads and sparked a lively debate among caffeine-loving Aussies.

The question was simple yet profound: 'Are you supposed to leave soon after you finish all your food in a cafe?'

This query arose after the traveller shared on social media that a waitress approached him with an innocent question.

'I finished my food and coffee but was still reading my book, then a waitress came to take the dishes and asked me if I'd like another coffee,' he recounted.

'Is that a hint that I should leave if I'm not ordering anything more?'

Cafes are one of the many ‘third places’ people go to for socialisation and relaxation. Image Credit: Pexels/Pavel Danilyuk

Aussies in the comments revealed that the answer isn't black and white but shades of a café au lait.

'Look around, and if it's really busy or there are people lined up waiting for tables, then yes, it's better to leave,' one comment read.

Suppose the cafe is about to close, or you've been occupying a table for an extended period; customers can either order something else or free up the space in that case.

Spending 30 to 45 minutes at a café seems to be the standard, especially for large groups that ordered both food and drinks.

'It's okay to linger for a little bit, but that café is trying to make money, not provide you a place to read,' another comment said.

'If you want somewhere nice to read, go look for a library or a local park with a big tree.'

Others suggested that the traveller might be 'overthinking the situation'.

'They are trained to ask if you need more coffee. It's good customer service and more money in the register if you order another,' a third said.

Well-trained staff will usually tell customers directly if they need tables for other customers.

If the cafe doesn't have a queue building up outside, establishments are more than happy to let patrons stay and do their activities.

'A café with people in it looks better than an empty one,' a commenter concluded.

So savour the experience if you find yourself in the confines of a quaint cafe.

However, be sensitive to the surroundings and see if a queue is forming outside.

Enjoy your meal, relish your coffee, and consider the context if you wish to linger.

If ever in doubt, there's no harm in asking the staff if it's alright to stay a bit longer.
Key Takeaways

  • A traveller was left confused after learning about an unwritten rule in Australian cafes regarding customer's length of stay after eating.
  • In busy cafes, or when others are waiting for a table, it is considered better etiquette for patrons to leave after their meal.
  • Spending 30 to 45 minutes at a café after ordering food and beverages is standard, with some latitude for lingering slightly longer.
  • Waitstaff asking if a customer would like another coffee after their meal is part of good customer service and not necessarily a subtle hint for the customer to leave.
Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Grab a cuppa, sit down, and feel free to share your stories in the comments below.
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people who are on their own and using a laptop with only a coffee are the ones who annoy me. rude. in a cafe i would leave, who wants to sit in a cafe apart from eating.
Certainly not an 'unwritten rule', but common sense and decency should tell you that if the cafe is full, such as during the lunchtime period, that when you have finished your food and/or drink, you vacate the table for somebody else, preferably within 10 or 15 minutes or so to let your food 'settle', as they say. But expecting to stay there reading a book or taking advantage of the free wifi when it's busy and you've finished is just downright rude in my opinion. When the waitress politely asked if he would like another coffee and he replied with 'Is that a hint that I should leave if I'm not ordering anything more?' is a clear indication that he/she was well-aware that they were in the wrong.
Free wifi, their insurance towards patrons etc etc Just buy another coffee or take your stingy butt out of there. In Australia we even allow you to decide to tip or not!
Maybe show a note on the menu....Free Wifi with your order, expiry 20mins.
I have been in a cafe seating situation only recently. We went into a cafe we go to quite often. There were no vacant tables. However, there were 2 tables with 1 person at each, empty cups in front of them and they were both doing the mobile phone thing.
We were about to walk out, and the waitress who recognised us came over then ushered us to a reserved table. I said I couldn't take someone else's booking. She said they keep reserved signs on a couple of tables for situations such as this. Apparently it happens quite often.
I think if I was on my own and it happened again, I would go to the readers or phone users and ask to share the table. It's not a library cafe, it's a cafe. The purpose is to sell food and drink and keep the line of people moving. You cannot serve someone else if the tables are taken up by dawdlers.
Having a mum that is in a wheelchair it is hard finding cafes that can deal with them. At our local Dome you find someone sat at a table for 4 with a laptop. We go in have something to eat and drink, They are still there over one coffee. If cafe not busy, fine, But once it gets people waiting for a table they should leave, Should go to a library where it is usually quiet and plenty of seats.
It's not an unspoken rule it's common sense and manners. It's good service to clear your table and good business to inquire if you would like another coffee as you are just sitting there. If there are other empty tables it is fine to linger but if people are waiting for tables and you are finished you should take your book to a park.

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