Is Kmart letting you down? Find out the shocking reasons customers are losing trust in this major retailer
- Replies 22
For years, Kmart has been a go-to destination for shoppers on a budget. With affordable prices and reliable quality, it's no surprise that many have turned to this retail giant when seeking a bargain.
However, Kmart's reputation for reliability is taking a hit as social media posts surface from frustrated customers.
One particular post on the Facebook group Markdown Addicts Australia highlights the issue of advertised Kmart items being unavailable at checkout, leaving customers disappointed and angry.
One frustrated shopper wrote: ‘Kmart used to be a markdown shopper’s dream, but it’s turned into the biggest joke ever.’
‘Clearance items are constantly advertised to entice me to place an online order, then once placed, it’s promptly refunded with all items still being available online. Just a really big waste of time for everyone involved!!’

The post sparked a flurry of comments, with many sharing the same sentiments as the original poster.
One user wrote: ‘The new thing is I place an order, it says all in stock. But when the order is completed, it says sorry, these few items are not and refund me.’
‘Happened to me several times. So annoying!’ agreed another.
A third chimed in: ‘Their website is very difficult to use. You add to cart then when you go to checkout. Sorry, only 1 out of 7 products is available.’
Some claimed that they prefer shopping at Target because of the higher-quality products, while others point out Kmart’s dwindling quality and less-than-attractive prices on items.
One person claimed: ‘I reckon their clothing is quite bad now. They lose their shape and shrink after one wash.’
‘And their clothes aren't even that cheap anymore either. We went a couple of weeks ago and the jackets were $40’ another claimed.
Another seconded: ‘I agree, the price of the women’s clothing is ridiculous.’
One shopper had a clear opinion about Kmart's quality and pricing. They stated that they only purchased disposable clothes for school camps, bath bombs, plant pots, and stationery items from Kmart and that the quality of these products was non-existent.
The commenter added: ‘To me, a MARKDOWN is getting a good quality product at a great price. A substandard product at an OK price does not qualify.’
Meanwhile, others pointed out that shopping in-stores for markdowns is better than relying on the retailer’s Click & Collect scheme.
One user pointed out: ‘It's so much quicker to go in store, and look around for what you want.’
‘I experienced the same — you get to the checkout page and everything isn't available! I only look in-store now. I don't bother with online too hard,’ another shared.
One person also explained the process behind Kmart’s online service, writing: ‘Just remember it’s coming from a store and by the time it is picked, it’s already gone. The items are not from a warehouse.’
This is not the first time Kmart made a buzz over allegations of ‘duping’ customers. We previously covered a story about how a vigilant shopper spotted a pricing error in the retailer’s popular product.
Given these revelations, it's no surprise that Kmart's customer trust is declining. So what does this mean for us as customers? Well, it's all the more important to shop around and do your research before placing your orders. Here are a few things to keep in mind before shopping at Kmart.
1. Check the reviews first to understand the product quality and customer service.
2. Compare prices to ensure you're getting a good deal.
3. Consider shopping in-store instead of relying on the retailer’s Click & Collect service.
Members, have you had any bad experiences with Kmart recently? We’d love to hear about it! What tips do you have for our members when shopping at Kmart? Share your stories and advice in the comments below.
However, Kmart's reputation for reliability is taking a hit as social media posts surface from frustrated customers.
One particular post on the Facebook group Markdown Addicts Australia highlights the issue of advertised Kmart items being unavailable at checkout, leaving customers disappointed and angry.
One frustrated shopper wrote: ‘Kmart used to be a markdown shopper’s dream, but it’s turned into the biggest joke ever.’
‘Clearance items are constantly advertised to entice me to place an online order, then once placed, it’s promptly refunded with all items still being available online. Just a really big waste of time for everyone involved!!’

Many customers voiced their concerns over the unreliability of Kmart’s Click & Collect service on their discounted items. Credit: Shutterstock.
The post sparked a flurry of comments, with many sharing the same sentiments as the original poster.
One user wrote: ‘The new thing is I place an order, it says all in stock. But when the order is completed, it says sorry, these few items are not and refund me.’
‘Happened to me several times. So annoying!’ agreed another.
A third chimed in: ‘Their website is very difficult to use. You add to cart then when you go to checkout. Sorry, only 1 out of 7 products is available.’
Some claimed that they prefer shopping at Target because of the higher-quality products, while others point out Kmart’s dwindling quality and less-than-attractive prices on items.
One person claimed: ‘I reckon their clothing is quite bad now. They lose their shape and shrink after one wash.’
‘And their clothes aren't even that cheap anymore either. We went a couple of weeks ago and the jackets were $40’ another claimed.
Another seconded: ‘I agree, the price of the women’s clothing is ridiculous.’
One shopper had a clear opinion about Kmart's quality and pricing. They stated that they only purchased disposable clothes for school camps, bath bombs, plant pots, and stationery items from Kmart and that the quality of these products was non-existent.
The commenter added: ‘To me, a MARKDOWN is getting a good quality product at a great price. A substandard product at an OK price does not qualify.’
Meanwhile, others pointed out that shopping in-stores for markdowns is better than relying on the retailer’s Click & Collect scheme.
One user pointed out: ‘It's so much quicker to go in store, and look around for what you want.’
‘I experienced the same — you get to the checkout page and everything isn't available! I only look in-store now. I don't bother with online too hard,’ another shared.
One person also explained the process behind Kmart’s online service, writing: ‘Just remember it’s coming from a store and by the time it is picked, it’s already gone. The items are not from a warehouse.’
This is not the first time Kmart made a buzz over allegations of ‘duping’ customers. We previously covered a story about how a vigilant shopper spotted a pricing error in the retailer’s popular product.
Key Takeaways
- Kmart's reputation for reliability is taking a hit as frustrated customers post on social media about their negative experiences.
- Shoppers are complaining about issues with Kmart's website and advertised items being unavailable at checkout.
- Some customers claim that Kmart's product quality has dwindled, and prices are not as attractive as before.
- Despite these issues, some users still prefer shopping in-store for markdowns and find it more reliable than using the retailer's Click & Collect scheme.
Given these revelations, it's no surprise that Kmart's customer trust is declining. So what does this mean for us as customers? Well, it's all the more important to shop around and do your research before placing your orders. Here are a few things to keep in mind before shopping at Kmart.
1. Check the reviews first to understand the product quality and customer service.
2. Compare prices to ensure you're getting a good deal.
3. Consider shopping in-store instead of relying on the retailer’s Click & Collect service.
Members, have you had any bad experiences with Kmart recently? We’d love to hear about it! What tips do you have for our members when shopping at Kmart? Share your stories and advice in the comments below.