Both honey and maple syrup turn to sugar after awhile, so they don't last forever.

Rice will only last if store properly and not for life 10 to 30 years for white rice , brown rice 6 months only
The best temperature to store grains, including rice, is 1°C or below; however, rice stored at a constant 21° C with oxygen absorbers will store well for up to 10 years. In cooler storage areas rice sealed in oxygen-free containers can be stored for up to 30 years.

Corn starch aka cornflour in Oz

Shelf Life: Generally, corn flour has a shelf life of 9 to 12 months when stored under optimal conditions. After this period, the quality may begin to degrade, even though it may still be safe to consume. Storage: To retain freshness, store corn flour in a cool, dark place, away from moisture and heat

Past expiry date it may have an off taste or flavor (think sour or "funky"), or an off color. Cornstarch doesn't lose potency over time, so if your cornstarch looks and smells okay, it's perfectly fine to use well beyond any best by date the manufacturer has posted on the box.
Both honey and maple syrup turn to sugar after awhile, so they don't last forever.

Rice will only last if store properly and not for life 10 to 30 years for white rice , brown rice 6 months only
The best temperature to store grains, including rice, is 1°C or below; however, rice stored at a constant 21° C with oxygen absorbers will store well for up to 10 years. In cooler storage areas rice sealed in oxygen-free containers can be stored for up to 30 years.

Corn starch aka cornflour in Oz

Shelf Life: Generally, corn flour has a shelf life of 9 to 12 months when stored under optimal conditions. After this period, the quality may begin to degrade, even though it may still be safe to consume. Storage: To retain freshness, store corn flour in a cool, dark place, away from moisture and heat

Past expiry date it may have an off taste or flavor (think sour or "funky"), or an off color. Cornstarch doesn't lose potency over time, so if your cornstarch looks and smells okay, it's perfectly fine to use well beyond any best by date the manufacturer has posted on the box.
Honey and maple syrup can be reclaimed when the turn to sugar, just heat them up.
Sorry people, maple syrup does not turn to sugar. It needs to be refrigerated or it will go rancid. I know because it happened to me.
What they mean by that you can use instead sugar but using honey is better than maple syrup...honey has antibacterial properties antioxidant plus other benifits. Since I started using tspn honey in my coffee or tea not caught a cold in 5 years. Heating either slightly when it solidify will help in bath hot water not on stove
Let it sit in the hot water for a while
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What they mean by that you can use instead sugar but using honey is better than maple syrup...honey has antibacterial properties antioxidant plus other benifits. Since I started using tspn honey in my coffee or tea not caught a cold in 5 years. Heating either slightly when it solidify will help in bath hot water not on stove
Let it sit in the hot water for a while
I just prefer the taste of maple syrup I’ve never been a honey fan.😊
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Honey and maple syrup can be reclaimed when the turn to sugar, just heat them up.
In case you need stock up . Get 2 pkt bay leaves put leaf in each container to keep free from insect
Also, if you are storing Brown Sugar or it probably should work with any sugar. Add a couple of marshmallows to absorb the moisture. Replace once the marshmallows are hard.
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