I have Tried and succeeded losing weight the easy way
Can a glass of apple cider vinegar a day keep the weight at bay? A new study suggests it could
A new experimental study provides some evidence of a link between drinking apple cider vinegar and weight loss. Here's what we know.

Saw the ABC article and decided to give it a go after gaining too much weight on cruising. I was a bit skeptical at first but gave it a go. On waking up first thing, I use a small medicine cup to measure 15 ml of apple cider vinegar (ACV) and add it go approx 250ml of water (you could use orange juice or other if you don't like the taste). I drink it through a straw as the article mentions the need to keep ACV for eroding teeth enamel. So far I have lost 9kg in approx 6 weeks. Loss also contributed to by not eating biscuits/ cake on morning / afternoon tea and cutting down on alcohol. Thought of doing more exercise but have not made a lot of progress so far. Dont know how it works but it did for me. When you consider the cost of weight loss drugs as an alternative to avoiding diabetes It may be worth trying.