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'I ate the wrong cookie... now my wife is mad at me'
AIBU, which stands for 'Am I Being Unreasonable', is the perfect platform for sharing your thoughts and opinions! So, for today's AIBU discussion, we have this story from Reddit/Shaddus2379:
Am I being unreasonable for not listening to my wife and eating the wrong cookie?
'I worked a ten hour shift yesterday, and had little to eat but bubblegum and some cheap hot chocolate. I came home to a voice message whereas my wife had picked up a cookie for me from the local bakery, and another specific cookie for our young daughter, which she could have when she came home from school.'
'Overjoyed, partially because I was hungry and partially because my wife and I had been at odds for a bit and I thought perhaps this was an olive branch of sorts, I looked into the cookie box. One of the two cookies inside was definitely the one for my daughter, due to its description, so I ate the other one. It wasn't quite what she had said it would be, but I didn't want to be picky.'
'A few hours later, my wife pours herself a glass of milk after dinner and goes into the cookie box. She mutters something under her breath, pours her milk back into the jug, and flops down on the couch. I asked what was the matter, and she informs me that I never listen, and I ate her cookie. I told her that I had only eaten the other cookie in the box that wasn't our daughter's, and my wife lets me know that my cookie was separate (in a bag under the cookie box) and that I should have listened better, and that she wasn't surprised.'
'I asked her what kind of cookie I had eaten, and told her I'd go buy her another one. She refused to tell me, and merely repeated that I should have known that wasn't my cookie based on her description.'
'The cookie I ate was white, and had some kind of brown icing on it. Apparently she had bought me some sort of toffee chocolate chip cookie. Am I being unreasonable for not paying attention and eating the wrong cookie? Or is she blowing this out of proportion.'