'I am never serving them again!': Shocking act leads waitress to make a drastic vow

The world of hospitality is often a melting pot of cultures and customs, especially in a vibrant city like Vancouver, Canada.

The results can be pretty surprising when different cultures clash over differing social norms.

This was the case for a waitress, Zarya, who made a bold declaration after an encounter with an Australian family that sparked a heated debate about expectations while travelling.

On a seemingly ordinary Monday night, Zarya served a family from Down Under at her restaurant.

'Today I served this f****** Australian family, their bill was $200, no tip. I'm never serving Australians again,' she said in an angry rant posted online.

'I get it; you're not from this country. Still, get with it.'

Her rant quickly went viral and ignited a discussion about the tipping culture in different countries and whether tourists should adapt to local customs.

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A waitress named Zarya took to social media to express her frustration about tourists and their lack of tips after dining. Image Credit: TikTok/Alexis Zarya

In Australia, tipping is less ingrained in the culture than in North America.

Wages for service staff are generally higher, and customers do not feel the same pressure to leave a gratuity.

However, in Canada, tipping is not just a courtesy; it's an essential part of a server's income.

Canadian hospitality workers often rely on tips to supplement their wages, which can be significantly lower than the standard minimum wage.

Zarya's plight highlighted the financial realities of many in the service industry.

She later thanked a friend who gave her $30, which raised her earnings for the shift.

'Shout out to my friend for giving me money for that table that didn't tip,' she said, showcasing the reliance on tips to make ends meet.

The responses to Zarya's experience were mixed.

Some Australians defended their compatriots, citing the non-tipping culture back home.

'In Australia, we pay for our food, not your wages,' a commenter wrote. 'Talk to your boss.'

Others argued that visitors must respect and adhere to the host country's customs, including tipping.

'As an Australian, I'm sorry. I always tip when in the USA,' another wrote.

The tipping debate is further complicated by the increasing use of technology in hospitality venues.

QR codes and apps that prompt diners to tip with a default percentage of the bill are making it hard for customers to bypass tipping.

This shift towards digital dining experiences reshaped expectations and made tipping more conspicuous by its presence—or absence.

This incident also highlighted the broader issue of tipping in various service industries.

From electricians to delivery drivers, the expectation of a tip for services rendered is becoming more common, leaving many to wonder where the line should be drawn.
Key Takeaways

  • A Canadian waitress expressed her frustration after serving an Australian family who did not leave a tip, sparking a debate on tipping culture for travellers.
  • The waitress's friend compensated her with a $30 tip after the family's bill of $200 did not include gratuity.
  • Australians defended the family, noting that tipping is not customary in Australia and citing the high exchange rate as a factor in the perceived expense of the meal.
  • The incident highlighted the expectation of tipping in hospitality industries in other countries, which can impact service workers' incomes.
Have you encountered similar situations while travelling? Do you believe tourists should conform to another country's tipping customs? Share your stories and opinions in the comments below.
How about establishments in Canada & USA pay their staff a decent wage? I am against tipping. Also when he exchange rate is factored in, we are already behind the 8 ball by around 40%. If the food & service are good then I will consider it
I am off to Canada and the United States in 2 weeks and have organised already some money to give as tips. A pity these countries don’t start paying a decent wage for their hospitality staff.
Be aware that it is not just waiters/waitresses who require tips. It is customary to tip a variety of people - hotel porters, hotel maids, bartenders, car valets, beauticians, manicurists, hairdressers AND the hairdressing apprentice who washes your hair, delivery people, taxi drivers, Uber drivers, massage therapists, etc. They expect 20-25%. 15% is barely acceptable. Hope you've got deep pockets.
Cruising some years ago out of Fremantle, up & down the coast the first thing we came across in the cabin was a statement the amount each person in the cabin would have added to their daily account. No ifs or buts, this was an American ship. A form was also there which could be filled out giving each guest an alternative of paying on fewer days or not at all. I filled out the form stating neither of us would pay at all & handed this to the receptionist. If looks could kill as she took this then immediately showed another person there, l'd be dead. This might be all very well in their country but this ship was operating in West Australian waters & we hadn't even had service to tip on. In the past with Princess Cruises the person giving the service themselves was tipped, not the whole crew, 95% of who l would never encounter.
That wouldn't leave many countries to visit, would it now Harimau01?
Better to stay in Australia. Honestly, who would want to visit shitholes like New Caledonia, USA, France and India.

The only countries worth visiting are in Scandinavia....where tipping is practically non existent because it is absorbed in the service charge.

Other countries should take notice of the Scandinavian model. No wonder they always top the lists of the world's most desirable countries for the quality of living.
Let not get too complicated. Let's stop blaming governments for this or that.
Australians are known world wide as non tippers. This culture needs to change. You don't want to tip here ok, but if tipping is required in the country you visit, do the right thing and tip!
By the way, I always tip - Australia included.
more money than sense
I really dislike the expected 'tipping' culture...and I get the feeling I would not have enjoyed your service Zarya! But, I stay here, so not an issue for me.

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