Heated clash at supermarket checkout ignites urgent calls for action and safer shopping

In a recent incident that has sent shockwaves through the community, a video from an ALDI store has laid bare the ugly face of racism that frontline workers and customers in Australian supermarkets are forced to confront.

The footage, which captures a distressing altercation at the checkout, has sparked a conversation about the pervasive issue of discrimination in retail environments.

The event unfolded at the Ingle Farm ALDI in Adelaide's northeast, where a mother, Pariya, and her 11-year-old son were met with hostility and racial slurs from an impatient customer behind them.

Pariya, who preferred to keep her surname private, recounted how the man began to aggressively handle her groceries and escalate the situation with derogatory comments.

A man was confronted over alleged racism in an ALDI store. Credit: ALDI

'He said we were what's wrong with this 'effing' country. The checker was obviously not white... my son has a dark complexion with dark hair... it was disgusting,' Pariya shared, highlighting the racial undertones of the attack.

The situation intensified until another ALDI employee intervened, calling out the man's behaviour and standing up for his colleague and the family.

The man was eventually persuaded to leave the store, thanks to the combined efforts of the staff and other customers who rallied to support Pariya and her son.

This incident is not an isolated one. It reflects a broader, more systemic issue that retail workers face daily.

The secretary of the Retail and Fast Food Workers Union (RAFFWU), Josh Cullinan, expressed his dismay at the footage, stating that discrimination is 'rife throughout the sector.'

He criticised the supermarkets for prioritising profit over the psychological and physical well-being of their workers, suggesting that abuse and intimidation have become an expected part of the job.

Cullinan called for retailers to take concrete actions to address the issue.

He proposed the deployment of frontline security guards, implementing systems to flag and ban offenders, and temporarily closing affected areas during incidents to prioritise the safety of workers and customers and allow for police intervention.

These suggestions are not without precedent; some stores employed additional security during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moreover, the technology used in supermarket loyalty schemes demonstrates that the capability to track and manage customer behaviour exists—it's a matter of prioritising safety over sales.

'Supermarket loyalty schemes can track in immense detail the data of every shop of every customer... it just comes down to priority,' he explained.

'Every employer has an obligation to put in place certain strategies and solutions to eliminate the risk for workers.'

The incident at ALDI serves as a stark reminder that the retail environment is a workplace like any other and should be subject to the same standards of conduct and respect.

It's time supermarkets take decisive action to protect their employees and customers from discrimination and abuse.

As we continue to shop and interact in these public spaces, it's crucial to remember the impact our words and actions can have on others.

We must stand together against racism and support those who face it. If you've experienced or witnessed similar incidents, we encourage you to share your story and help bring about change.

For our senior community members, who may have seen many changes in societal attitudes over the years, this incident reminds them that there is still much work to be done.

Let's use our voices and our choices to advocate for a shopping environment where respect and kindness are the norm, not the exception.

You can watch what transpired here.

In other news, Coles is removing kitchen knives from stores nationwide after a Queensland incident where a teenager allegedly stabbed a 63-year-old worker.

The retailer announced the move in response to the attack, pulling the knives from all supermarkets across Australia. You can read more about it here.
Key Takeaways

  • Footage from an ALDI store in Adelaide shows staff and customers confronting a man over alleged blatant racism.
  • The incident involved verbal abuse directed at a shopper and a checkout worker based on their appearance.
  • The secretary of the Retail and Fast Food Workers Union highlighted that discrimination is a widespread problem in the retail sector and often goes unaddressed in the name of profit.
  • The union representative calls for increased security, systems to flag and ban offenders, and immediate shutdown of the affected area during such incidents to protect workers and customers.
Have you encountered discrimination while shopping or working in a retail environment? Share your experiences with us, and let's discuss how we can collectively create a more inclusive and respectful society.
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No, Veggiepatch, I absolutely do not accept that either. NEVER have, but I wish we could all live as countrymen and humans and respect one another. MOST of the citizens of Australia, black, white, brown yellow are not true Aussies because we are ALL of mixed backgrounds - English, Irish, Scottish, Indian, Chinese, Spanish etc. I believe it is the FULL BLOOD aboriginal that is the original inhabitant of Australia - therefore THE Australian. And we don’t treat them as such, although they, sometimes and some of them, do not respect themselves or this country. And there aren’t many (if any) true blood aboriginals left.

Go back into your ancestors, all that argue your origins, (I have) and you will find there are hundreds of thousands of inter-national marriages in Australia which makes us citizens. I have Scottish & Irish blood from way back but my ancestors came to India during the first & second world wars. Those men married into the Indian community so I came here as an ANGLO-INDIAN. I was naturalised in 1972 making me a CITIZEN of Australia and I have treated this country and all/any of its citizens with respect due. I wish this world would have more tolerance of the good people that most are instead of the abuse with words and deeds we see today being committed by younger and younger people. It is very sad.
Hi Catherine's,I totally agree with you and I personally have not heard anyone of another country that has moved here refer to an Aussie as an Aussie C...t or wog c...t.
It is the Australians that have been referring to anyone not called Smith a wog going back to the 50 s-60s in Australia,and unfortunately will continue to be called that till they die and their burial plots say "HERE LIES THE NEW AUSTRALIAN"
Unfortunately Catherines it's pie in the sky,you can live here all your life in Australia,be a naturalized citizen since a few years old and 60 - 70 years down the track are still called a wog and insulted at Aldi's even though you are serving them at the checkout.
If you are not new to this site ,you have probably been aware of the dozens of emails blaming immigrants for everything from the price of eggs to the lack of houses.I grew up in the sixties and felt so bad for the teenagers in highschool,they were spat on called wogs,have their families insulted, nobody would talk to them and heaven forbid if you were descended from a convict, and DID talk to these great kids,you were set upon.These kids and their families were hated and dispised,never did anything to bother anyone,and funnily have all ended up being doctors lawyers engineers chemists accountants teachers it professionals and head off companies!!!!!Most of the Aussies became permanent dole bludgers,wife bashers and drunks as was revealed in an unsuccessful 70s SCHOOL REUNION.So yes Catherine's ,you were off half Indian Anglo bloodline.....in Australia you will die a Pariah,wog,immigrant etc etc and the real Australians will be THE ABO S..get used to it.I am embarrassed to be an Australian sometimes and this site just justifies what I have said and why I feel the way I feel.Rascism is rife in this country.Shameful
No backlash from me….. I was in Shanghai just a few years ago…I came out of the hotel and the doorman called a taxi over for me. Taxi pulled up, driver looked at me just as the doorman was opening the car door, and the driver in no uncertain terms made it known he refused to have me in his cab and drove off. I have to say that the doorman was absolutely mortified, just didn’t know what to say…. I was actually astonished, because it was the first time ever that someone had been so rude to my face….. I actually took no offence over it though, I just accepted it for the first time it’d happened to me and I found it amusing. I feel very fortunate that I have no problem with anyone of any colour, creed, religion, or anything. I believe a person is either nice or not, a live and let live type……. I would stand up for someone who was being bullied or unfairly treated, as long as it wasn’t 2 sided…
Would have liked to witness that
What sort of school did you go to @havingadoggyday? So you’re saying all the new Australians became professional people and most of the Aussies were dole bludgers, wife bashers and drunks. If that is truly the case, you must’ve gone to a very different school!
What sort of school did you go to @havingadoggyday? So you’re saying all the new Australians became professional people and most of the Aussies were dole bludgers, wife bashers and drunks. If that is truly the case, you must’ve gone to a very different school!
No, DLHM, I cannot agree with her/his opinion that only ALL new Australians are/were the professionals from overseas or that dole bludgers and non-professionals are the Australians here - that is not true of Australians. There are many brilliant minds here although we must all admit those people, while born here and consider themselves Australians, are all of mixed backgrounds going back many years to their ancestries, including ALL citizens here.

No one living here is not of mixed heritage/ancestry. We have many Aussies but we also have many migrants and they ALL have brilliant minds. So we should not be looking down on people from different backgrounds or ‘nationalities’. We are all human beings bringing and giving our worth to this country as little or as big as that might be. I do not agree that only migrants have contributed here - there are many educated and very brilliant people who were born here.

My family of 3 children (56, 54 & 50) and my husband (84) and I (80) have never incited or used violence on anyone or abused anyone from the time of our arrival in 1965 to this day. I am ashamed of the perpetrator/s of violence and abuse and sad for the victims no matter their colour or race/ethnicity.
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What sort of school did you go to @havingadoggyday? So you’re saying all the new Australians became professional people and most of the Aussies were dole bludgers, wife bashers and drunks. If that is truly the case, you must’ve gone to a very different school!
The local government school in NSW and nowhere near a jail either.
No, Veggiepatch, I absolutely do not accept that either. NEVER have, but I wish we could all live as countrymen and humans and respect one another. MOST of the citizens of Australia, black, white, brown yellow are not true Aussies because we are ALL of mixed backgrounds - English, Irish, Scottish, Indian, Chinese, Spanish etc. I believe it is the FULL BLOOD aboriginal that is the original inhabitant of Australia - therefore THE Australian. And we don’t treat them as such, although they, sometimes and some of them, do not respect themselves or this country. And there aren’t many (if any) true blood aboriginals left.

Go back into your ancestors, all that argue your origins, (I have) and you will find there are hundreds of thousands of inter-national marriages in Australia which makes us citizens. I have Scottish & Irish blood from way back but my ancestors came to India during the first & second world wars. Those men married into the Indian community so I came here as an ANGLO-INDIAN. I was naturalised in 1972 making me a CITIZEN of Australia and I have treated this country and all/any of its citizens with respect due. I wish this world would have more tolerance of the good people that most are instead of the abuse with words and deeds we see today being committed by younger and younger people. It is very sad.
I can trace my direct predecessors back to 1824 when the first records of the Veggie family in Australia existed.

My ancestors were most probably French and I share my surname with that of a small town in France. A prince in Normandy in the 13th century may be an ancestor.

I am very disgusted to have ANY French blood in me, no matter how diluted it is. Can I get a full blood transfusion to cleanse my body of the cheese munching surrender monkey factor?
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No, DLHM, I cannot agree with the opinion that ALL new Australians are the professionals here. that is not true of Australians. There are many of brilliant minds here although we must all admit those people, while born here and consider themselves Australians, are all of mixed backgrounds go8ng back
Yes but they weren't the majority going to public schools and not so privileged backgrounds.See? say anything negative re Australians and the spears come out,where were you and are you when the other 60% are being insulated.As I said embarrassing RACISM IN THIS COUNTRY.LUCKY COUNTRY? NO RASCIST COUNTRY.
I can race my direct predecessors back to 1824 when the first records of the Veggie family in Australia existed.

My ancestors were most probably French and I share my surname with that of a small town in France. A prince in Normandy in the 13th century may be an ancestor.

I am very disgusted to have ANY French blood in me, no matter how diluted it is. Can I get a full blood transfusion to cleanse my body of the cheese munching surrender monkey factor?
Why does everyone's ancestry go back to princes and Kings and Cleopatra??Nobody says my ancestors were poor out of work commoners and scrubbed floors for the french princes 🤣🤣
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.These kids and their families were hated and dispised,never did anything to bother anyone,and funnily have all ended up being doctors lawyers engineers chemists accountants teachers it professionals and head off companies!!!!!Most of the Aussies became permanent dole bludgers,wife bashers and drunks as was revealed in an unsuccessful 70s SCHOOL REUNION.
What a blatant heap of lies!

The huge majority of underground crime, drug dealing and motor cycle gang have been infiltrated by Muslim and Eastern European factions. Add the African gangs with their machete wielding home invasions and carjackings. All professionals at THEIR chosen vocation - CRIME!

And the "head off companies" are the domain of Islam fundamentalists!

To shoot your argument to pieces regarding Australians being overly involved in criminal activities, read the following excerpt, taking note of the bolded.

The overall arrest rate of alleged offenders from no migrant group display a consistently rising trend over the five year period. However, alleged offenders born in the Russian Federation, Romania, Vietnam, Former Yugoslavia, New Zealand, Turkey, and Lebanon were processed at a higher rate than the Australian-born in each of the five years. The 1997-98 statistics produce high alleged offender rates for those born in Somalia, Uruguay, and Thailand.
This information is 25 years old, however recent trends suggest a worsening situation with regards to criminals born outside of Australia. And as far as unemployment being a "factor" impacting on the criminality of Australian, you are sadly mistaken.

Source: https://www.aic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-05/ethnicity-and-crime.pdf
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Yes but they weren't the majority going to public schools and not so privileged backgrounds.See? say anything negative re Australians and the spears come out,where were you and are you when the other 60% are being insulated.As I said embarrassing RACISM IN THIS COUNTRY.LUCKY COUNTRY? NO RASCIST COUNTRY.

Why does everyone's ancestry go back to princes and Kings and Cleopatra??Nobody says my ancestors were poor out of work commoners and scrubbed floors for the french princes 🤣🤣
There's a bit of racism towards the Indigenous right there in bolded! :ROFLMAO:

See the hypocrisy?
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What a blatant heap of lies!

The huge majority of underground crime, drug dealing and motor cycle gang have been infiltrated by Muslim and Eastern European factions. Add the African gangs with their machete wielding home invasions and carjackings. All professionals at THEIR chosen vocation - CRIME!

And the "head off companies" are the domain of Islam fundamentalists!

To shoot your argument to pieces regarding Australians being overly involved in criminal activities, read the following excerpt, taking note of the bolded.

The overall arrest rate of alleged offenders from no migrant group display a consistently rising trend over the five year period. However, alleged offenders born in the Russian Federation, Romania, Vietnam, Former Yugoslavia, New Zealand, Turkey, and Lebanon were processed at a higher rate than the Australian-born in each of the five years. The 1997-98 statistics produce high alleged offender rates for those born in Somalia, Uruguay, and Thailand.
This information is 25 years old, however recent trends suggest a worsening situation with regards to criminals born outside of Australia. And as far as unemployment being a "factor" impacting on the criminality of Australian, you are sadly mistaken.

Source: https://www.aic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-05/ethnicity-and-crime.pdf
I agree with the previous post,let's leave this topic,it's getting personal and hurtful and there is no need
I think we all get were seniors club members stand on this and countless other articles ending the same way

Maybe the people posting these articles should look at themselves before posting things that they know will not end well.
Let's all just get along and forget the post of the lady insulted at Aldi.shall we?..what happened with Charlie's favourite toilet paper????
Satyanshu Mukherjee is the author of that article.

It's funny that he is a Bengali Hindu Indian so he must be a racist in your eyes.

Because you are drowning in denial, you didn't even bother to read one sentence of the article.

The last laugh is on you!!

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